(2-A) Okami Taylors (SakuKami)




"Put a quote here."

Okami Taylors

  • AGE 17 (First meeting)
    19 (Relationship beginning)
  • BIRTHDAY April 30th
  • GENDER Female
  • HEIGHT 172cm (5'8) - Meeting
    186cm (Relationship beginning)
  • HERO NAME Lupe
  • QUIRK Wolf
  • CLASS 2-A (First meeting)
    Graduated (Relationship beginning)
  • OCCUPATION 2nd Year High School Student (first meeting)
    Hero Sidekick (Relationship beginning)
  • COURSE Hero (Formerly)
  • SEXUALITY Bisexual

Sakura Kiyama

  • AGE 16 (First meeting)
    18 (Relationship beginning)
  • BIRTHDAY April 30th
  • GENDER Female
  • HEIGHT 180cm (5'11)
  • HERO NAME Thorid
  • QUIRK Growth
  • CLASS 1-B (First Meeting)
    Graduated (Relationship beginning)
  • OCCUPATION 1st Year High School Student (First Meeting)
    Hero Sidekick (Relationship beginning)
  • COURSE Hero
  • SEXUALITY Lesbian


Okami initially saw Sakura as a pup but still part of her pack, than seeing her spirit and personality she starts to see her a 'higher-up' and how she cares for her brother than as an equal. Then after getting know her and piecing together her character and how she is vs. how she acts, than Okami would start to fall in love, valuing the person within and seeing the value in her that she didn't see.


Give a brief overview of the characters' relationship here. Vestibulum at sapien id neque luctus mattis. Fusce nisi eros, vulputate sed est ut, interdum cursus quam. Curabitur tincidunt massa non leo finibus pellentesque. Aenean a lectus porttitor, feugiat diam sed, suscipit ipsum. Etiam iaculis lectus a ante fringilla tempor. Praesent sodales ante mollis dui tincidunt posuere. Nullam bibendum, magna et vehicula consequat, metus arcu pharetra diam, ac imperdiet velit neque et ligula.


Sakura would initially develop what she thought was a “stupid gay crush” as she called it on Okami, just seeing her be nice and take charge, being hesitant to become friends at first, but eventually became more open to it. Though with Okami going the extra mile to support her and see the good in her she wouldn't allow others to see, Sakura would begin develop feelings for her as they get closer..



How did Character A's feelings towards Character B change throughout the course of the time they knew each other? Were they initially spiteful? Distrustful? Did they warm up to them, or did they always have positive feelings towards the other?


Mauris non augue ante. Vivamus sit amet dolor ultrices, pulvinar mauris fringilla, pretium metus. Aliquam nec mollis eros. Sed eget luctus odio. Nulla nec turpis vehicula, pretium urna vel, accumsan magna. Pellentesque pellentesque eros nec nunc scelerisque, vel venenatis orci viverra. Maecenas congue mollis tempor. Duis ac dui nec leo eleifend tristique non vitae diam. Duis sit amet feugiat purus.



How did Character B's feelings towards Character A change throughout the course of the time they knew each other? Were they initially spiteful? Distrustful? Did they warm up to them, or did they always have positive feelings towards the other?


Mauris non augue ante. Vivamus sit amet dolor ultrices, pulvinar mauris fringilla, pretium metus. Aliquam nec mollis eros. Sed eget luctus odio. Nulla nec turpis vehicula, pretium urna vel, accumsan magna. Pellentesque pellentesque eros nec nunc scelerisque, vel venenatis orci viverra. Maecenas congue mollis tempor. Duis ac dui nec leo eleifend tristique non vitae diam. Duis sit amet feugiat purus.

Song Title



Describe the relationship here. This box scrolls.

nitially, she'd see Sakura as another pup but with her tough personality would be what she does to prove herself to Okami but at the same time something she finds attractive. While she may be an alpha, she finds other alphas to be more attractive but at the same see her tough exterior is like a defense mechanism given how she throws her self on the floor to keep others away from her, since canines can sense that sort of thing.

Seeing how much she cares about her brother and protects him is what helps give her that feeling that Sakura isn't as bad as she tries to make herself out to be since if she was that bad why try to keep others away from her? Care so much about her younger brother? A member of her small pack but, at the same time, something she finds attractive to see she has that same nurturing disposition for her brother as she does for Mineko. A connection she wouldn't feel with her first crush or ex-girlfriend, on top of generally appreciating she's Mineko's friend

Seeing how Sakura tries to portray herself and how she acts, she'd firmly deny the notion that Sakura is worthless since if you have something worth protecting, that person will see you as the most valuable thing in the world

On top of that, seeing Sakura grow roses and sakura petals when she's flustered, that'd be something she'd find to be really cute but also something else she finds attractive since she likes sweet smells and Sakura's hair. Sakura hates her hair but Okami loves it. Sakura petals in Japan represent love and rebirth/new beginnings, it's symbolic of the thing Sakura hates is the thing Okami loves and she becomes Sakura loves with Okami seeing the person she is on the inside and not fearing her or thinking she's something worth staying away from but something to adore and protect. A new beginning of Sakura's life of feeling worthless and hating herself, starting a new one where she's cared for in a way beyond friendship with someone who will eventually love her as their co-leader of the pack and wolves are fiercely protective of their pack members and especially their mates.


  • This ship is co-owned with the magnificent Professional-idiot-g.
  • Sakura and Okami have a playlist of songs dedicated to the other and occassionally sing together.
  • Okami and Sakura will often find themselves holding the other in their arms with Sakura resting her head on Okami's shoulder as she pets/smells her hair.
  • Both plays games with each other where they name things they love about the other where whoever loses buys dinner for the other.
  • Initially a bit hesitant with physical affection but as time goes on, one can find Sakura and Okami hugging or kissing pretty often.

Design Notes

  • Okami will often curl up on Sakura's lap and sleep there or look into her eyes and tell them how beautiful she thinks they are, flustering her which she thinks is cute.
  • Okami loves the smell of Sakura's hair when they bloom flowers.
  • If there's a thunderstorm on campus, despite being in different grades and buildings, Okami will often scurry to Sakura's dorm/room to stay with, sleep with her during such an event.
  • Okami shows Sakura affection in much ways that a wolf does by nibbling her ears and kissing her cheek.
  • Even though Okami is the smaller one, she and Sakura view her as the alpha in the relationship but despite that, Okami likes feeling Sakura's arms around her waist when they're hugging or kissing.
  • Sakura knew she was a lesbian since middle school but kept it to herself, Okami made her more comfortable to be open about her sexuality and show PDA with Okami.
  • Sakura often gets flustered from Okami's words of encouragement but likes them, knowing she has someone who cares about her as much as she does and loves that about her.
  • Sakura would often ask Okami for permission to hug her/show her affection showing her shyness but would get more comfortable with it in time.
  • Sakura is more likely to sing songs about her feelings for Okami.
  • Despite her tall stature and tough appearance, Sakura is actually pretty shy with affectionin their relationship and views herself as the bottom one between the two of them, though she can take charge from time to time.