
3 years, 8 months ago


Basic Info
Name Sakura Kiyama

Alias The Budding Hero: Robura

Birthday April 30

Age 16

Gender Female

Height 180cm

Hair Color Reddish Pink

Eye Color Teal

Blood Type AB

Quirk Growth

Occupation Student

Affiliation U.A High School

Status Alive

Fighting Style Long Range Combat

  • Gardening
  • Volleyball
  • Keyboard(instrument)
  • Flowers
  • Punching things
  • Baggy clothes
  • Pork
  • Fish
  • Skinny jeans
  • Novels
  • Doing her hair
  • The cold
Quirk: Growth

Sakura's quirk allows her to create and manipulate plant life if her hands are in contact with the ground. Her go=to plant is large vines and rosy thorns. When she's upset or embarrassed, sakura flowers and roses will bud from her hair.

  • Plant Manipulation - Sakura can bend and stretch plant based organisms by placing her hands on the ground.
Super Moves
  • Bend and Snap - Sakura will dodge an attack by crouching, and place both hands on the ground. She'll create and controlvines and throns to break through the ground and wrap around her opponent, bending them backwards and snapping them back into place.

As a child, Sakura was very lonely and distant from her family. She was put up for adoption at the age of four with her brother, Sakui, who was just an infant. They spent six months in foster care before they were finally adopted by a very sweet barren couple, who practically smothered Sakura and Sakui with love and affection. Around this time Sakura developed her quirk, and not ever being thoroughly taught about what a quirk is was terrified beyond belief. She would get afraid and throw herself to the floor, and by this action would pin someone up against the wall with thorny vines out of fear. She was afraid of herself and how uncontrollable her quirk was.

In junior high, Sakura still kept her distant and cold nature. She was a loner, but not by choice. She was mean and abrasive, and would threaten anyone she got close to out of fear she'd hurt them. Sakura was feared by most everyone. That is, until one night at a party she was playing truth or dare and had to kiss one of her female classmates. She found herself solidifying the speculation she had about her sexuality, and kept it a secret from everyone except for her parents and brother, who were very accepting. She came out to one of her friends who she didn't know was recording her, and posted the recording on her blog to humiliate Sakura. Soon, Sakura was seen as only a stupid gay who had no right to be intimidating to thm. She was teased and bullied relentlesly after this, up until high school.

Sakura was on track to go to Shiketsu, but transfered out of the district so she wouldn't be around her old classmates. She took the U.A entrance exams and tried her hardest, hoping desperately to get into 1A. She was very dissapointed and angry at herself when she got into 1B instead, and saw herself not fit to be a top hero. She was angry at everyone in the 1A class for being better than her, and soon made it her goal to surpass everyone in there. Shortly after school started, she met Mineko Akise. A girl in her class with a fox quirk, who was very sweet and kind towards everyone. Sakura fell hard for her, and made an attempt for the first time ever to be her friend. She soon becomes very flustered around Mineko, and debates everyday about confessing her feeelings to her. The only thing keeping her from doing so is her inner thoughts that she'd be mocked again, and utterly rejected.

  • Sakura wears a lot of makeup, mostly eyeliner, mascara, and heavy eyeshadow, and keeps her eyes half lidded.
  • Sakura is pretty flat, so when she wears a bathing suit or her hero costume she wears lots of padding along with push-ups bras.
  • Sakura ties her hair back with two strands, and has a clump that covers her left eye.
  • She wears a lot of piercings, one on her right eyebrow, one on her lip, a belly button piercing, a tongue piercing, four on her right ear and two on her left.
  • She has a small tattoo of a sakura flower on her right ankle.
  • She watches a lot of Netflix with her brother.
  • She hates Bakugou, even though they're more similar than she'd like to admit.
  • She hates herself, and feels like she's not worth anything.
  • Her hair is actually really fluffy, but she hates it so she straightens it.
  • She's very protective over her little brother.
Mineko Akise Crush

Sakura has a huge crush on Mineko, she doesn't know why, but she does. She gets very embarassed and flustered around her, and it seems like Mineko is completely unaware of this.

Rushiru Norisu Close Friend/Confidant

Rushi at first didn't like Sakura, but soon made it her mission to talk to and get to know her. Sakura reluctantly gave in to Rushi's attempts to be her friend, and they often talk and hang out after school.

Mesu Raion Friend

Mesu is one of the few people that Sakura tolerates, and she acts like she doesn't care but she really does care about Mesu. She's thankful to her for being one of her only friends, but never shows it.