Porscha's Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!

Character Permissions

Can be regifted
Can be retraded
Can be resold

Design Terms of Use

Dracononite Global Rules

Terms of Service
Please read my full terms of service above ^

  • Personal and commercial rights are purchased by default alongside character designs. The owner of a character design may use that design as a personal character, a business mascot, for digital or physical merchandise, and even as a character in comics, zines, etc.
  • You may resell, trade or gift any of my designs at your own discretion. It is prohibited to resell a design of mine for more than you purchased it for unless you have personally created or commissioned more content for that design.
  • Feel free to edit a design of mine that you own in any way. Editing over my original artwork of the design to do so is allowed. If you buy an adoptable directly from me, I can make requested edits to the design within reason.
  • Credit for a character design is required, as is credit for the original version of all derivatives of a design.