Nekadap [Lore Species] (Lore)



1 year, 4 months ago


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Haha you found the password!! congratulations!! You got access to the Lore!!

I have been working in it since a pretty long time, I will not add everything and some parts will still be up to changes


Investigation related to Nekadap as been kind of a deal, after the war was hard to find proof of what Nekadaps were telling. That they come from other place, other place in the space, and that they just came here.

Nekadaps adapted to this planet and so changed their aspect to survive. We weren't unable to find a Beta Nekadap and the oldest one now looks no different to the ones now. The Nekadaps of before brought information about their culture and stuffs they used to do in their homeplace but all that got lost...well not all but some information about a Kingdom they used to live in and some tales that passed for generations.

Nekadaps tell this tale and where told that they didn't live in a planet. They used to live in a meteorite, it had a really strange structure.

They say that their Kingdom was ruled by a kind King one that ruled in a good way, no dead, no wars. The King was kind and so his town, but all this kingdom had a magic bond, if the King felt sick all the town felt sick, if the town was celebrating and so the king. The bond was indestructible because they find it convenient. When the King felt that it was time to leave the throne, he left his son a kind and brave Prince and the bond was given to him now. 

Things went how normally where to happen. The Prince made his part as the new King but how the King was still around it was decided to still call him Prince. 

One day their homeland had to evacuate, it was an emergency and that there was no time to explain, as the Prince was the most magic powerful and so the leader. He came to a hard decision. He told everyone to take what they felt close and most important. And made them leave the homeland.

Some few people decided to stay for their Prince and they knew what was going to happen, the Prince decided to open a portal with all his magic, a portal to take all his people to a safe place. By sending his people away and leaving is town empty he was breaking the magic bond, the Prince started to felt really bad and sick, he felt part of his emotions falling away. The people that stayed was the only thing keeping him stable.

Nekadaps really hope the Prince to come back and see this new home he send them. 


Tales from the Nekadaps says that the Prince is a good person and that it was also a Nekadap.

Investigation our planet says the contrary, the Prince that came after a long time after the peace of the war doesn't seems to have any Nekadap characteristics and seems to look more like a Mammalian-Dragon like the ones the Nekadaps came with. This such called Prince as been causing really mysterious incidents only on Nekadaps. More Information about this being as been hidden to the public but one of the things is as been heard say is "I have came for what was taken from me"


When Nekadaps came, peace between Human and Kemono was already made. The finding of a new species was quite a surprise specially one that could use Magic and Powers. Both the Humans and Kemonos wanted such power Nekadaps really wanted to keep everything in peace. 

Nekadaps weren't unable to give powers but teach simple magic to them. The nature of the Nekadaps was that they felt secure in this new home and felt confident that nothing could go wrong. But after the Humans and Kemonos discovered magic they found the way to have powers. And after that the second war started, Nekadaps weren't treated well anymore and too much caos started to happen. New species like Kemonomimi started to appear and so Humans with powers, new variations of Nekadaps started to appear too. 

Time happened and things were starting to take control and peace started to come once again. The three species where starting to respect each other and put new rules. New rules and systems.

Nekadap had it hard but really wanted to get peace and get over it while other group did not. A group of Nekadaps really wanted revenge and take over for all that had happened.

Nekadaps came with all kinds of powers and magic, some simple and some really complicated to explain. The ruler of the group had experienced way to many tortures and still remembered the Kingdom all after 150 years here. This was an Inmortal Nekadap had already convinced enough people to take over, learned powerful kinds of spells too. This Nekadap was really determinate to end the other two species and all Nekadap that could be in their way. 

The leaders and most powerful of their respective species didn't have a way to defeat them but to stop them. They managed to stop them by turning them in a fine dust and put it it into a special recipient to stop their regeneration. 

Ha ha Old art form 2019 still canon tho their name is Nagato

The Nekadaps that still believe in them are still finding ways to continue their desire up to this present.

And after a really long time the special recipient got stolen somehow.

The existence of Demons are still a mystery really hard to comprehend but for sure their presence are not good news.