


1 year, 4 months ago



Called Willow

Gender Female

Pronouns She/Her

Age 94 Moons (52HY)

Species Cat

Role Leader

Theme The New Storm Playlist

HTML Pinky


Willow'Kit - Willow'Paw - Willow'Breeze - Willow'Star

"Star'Clan may have left us, but I will NEVER abandon the clan!"

Willow'Star is the leader of Wind'Clan, and some would say she is the best. Of course, the cats who say this are in Wind'Clan but that doesn't mean she isn't a great leader. Her whole heart goes out to her clan and she doesn't want anything more then to protect her clan and her friends. She would do anything to protect her clan, even if it meant defying Star'Clan


Height average

Build Fluffy

Eyes Pink

Pattern Dark Grey Marbled Rossetes

Fur Color Grey

Secondary Light Grey

Demeanor Sincere


  • Willow'Star always looks happy, even if she is stressing about a new problem, she always trys to keep her clan calm
  • On all four paws she has white socks that go up midway
  • Her fur is very soft and she takes great pride in keeping it that way
  • Can be drawn with either a full or bob tail, she has a bob tail in the fic but I always forget haha


Friendly Reserved
Polite Blunt
Clever Foolish
Sensitive Tough
Brave Timid
Careful Reckless
Sincere Deceptive
Diligent Lazy
Calm Irritable
Humorous Serious

Willow'Star tries her hardest to treat everyone in her clan as friends, and always works to hear her clanmates out and listen to their problems. Of course some members of her clan annoy her more then others, but that's no reason to treat them any different. She is usually succesful in seeming like she is always happy, even if all she wants is to break down and cry. She believes it is really important that the clan feels safe to talk to her at any moment, and while she does want respect, she also wants the clan to view her as a friend.



Willow'Star loves her clan, and takes great pride in leading it


Green'Leaf always brings in more prey for her clan, and she loves the look of the green fields near the two'legs barn


She adores looking up to the sky and thinking of all the stories of the leaders before her


Her favourite food, and she does feel a bit of pride that non of the other clans are able to catch them



Willow'Star hates the cold, and hates the look of everything dead. She thinks the snow that coats the land looks depressing and cruel

The Gorge

One of the only things she hates in Wind'Clan, she is always dilligent to tell new apprentices about the dangers of the gorge


The feeling on not knowing whats around you is one of the worst in her opinion


Hates the stories she has heard about them, and truly wishes that the forest cats lived further away from them




Willow was the start of many fights and bickering among the kits. She refused to be proven wrong, and instead of talking her feelings out she would immediately go on the defensive and tell everyone who would hear about why her side of the arguement is correct. She was, despite this, quite a kind kit however, and many of the warriors, elders, and queens would obsess over the young she and her determination


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Willow'Star chose Moose'Ear as deputy for her great ambition and cunning ways. She holds Moose'Ear in a high light, despite her annoying Willow'Star to death. Moose'Ear was the obvious choice as deputy for Willow'Star, and despite Moose'Ear's annoying attributes, Willow still can't think of another cat for the job. She knows Moose just wants what is best for the clan, and so the two work toward their common goal together.




The two have been friends since kithood, and have always run amuck together. Together they made sure to keep the queens on their toes and keep a watchful eye on the two of them. Willow'Star wouldn't be where she is now without Briar'Leap urging her own and encouraging her to take chances and go further. Willow'Star puts alot of trust in Briar, especially with important decisions realated to the clan. She can always be seen asking Briar for advice about a new problem that has arisen




Willow and Chamomile'Heart have been friends since they were apprentices. Willow could always count on Chamomile to get her out of trouble, and she couldn't imagine a world without her dearest friend. She will frequently request Chamomile'Heart to go on hunting trips with her, although the two are getting old. As they wander around they enjoy discussing what they will do when they join the elders, though Willow'Star knows that isn't a choice for herself