





Female | Female








Serene Grace





Jasmine is in a rather unique situation. Hailing from a region known as Keane - a region not seen in any other human world - Jasmine is a glitch (or error, in this world) Deerling who, well, glitched into this reality. And yet, she still has a presence in her original world: when she's awake in this one, she's asleep in that world, and vice versa. The problem? The two worlds run on the same timeframe - however long she spends in one world, she spends asleep in the other. And until she goes to sleep in her current world (or gets knocked out, that counts too), she cannot be woken up in the other. Her body there slumbers, for all intents and purposes locked in a coma until she returns. Nobody really knows what's going on there but Jasmine has basically shrugged it off. It is what it is, and quite honestly, Jasmine's been enjoying herself here. Training with her trainer in one world and running mystery dungeons in the other - what's not to love? She has the best of both worlds, and woe betide anyone who crosses her. While Jasmine is a rather reserved and cautious Pokémon by nature, preferring to watch and listen before joining a conversation, there is a reason why error Pokémon are so feared in battle. When you can glitch and no-clip through the floors, walls, and essentially any other obstacle, it makes fighting them a whole nother level of painful.

Jasmine has children in both her original world and here. In her original world, only one of which remained with her team and trainer, Opal. Jasmine loves her daughter dearly and wants nothing but the best for her. And yet, her options here are open, as the existence of her adopted but equally beloved son, Lotus, can attest to. Pokémon in her world select mates based on strength first, and personality second. Neither are they strictly monogamous unless by choice; the vast majority of Pokémon - including Jasmine herself - will go from partner to partner as soon as the clutch is laid. That doesn't mean they don't love them or their children, they simply do what they consider best for their offspring. A sentiment not shared in this world, but to Jasmine it only makes sense. After all, every Pokémon has it ingrained into their very genetic code to grow strong. Why would she select a weaker partner when there are Pokémon out there who can give her offspring a better chance at not only surviving, but making that dream a reality?

Jasmine enjoys a bitter treat every now and then, but dislikes anything dry. It's just not tasty to her, and if she can avoid it, she will. She'll eat it if necessary of course, but when it's not, why eat it if there are better things out there?


Trop Kick


Trop Kick deals damage and lowers the target's Attack by one stage.



Headbutt deals damage and has a 30% chance of causing the target to flinch (if the target has not yet moved).



Cures all status problems in your party.

Zen Headbutt


Zen Headbutt deals damage and has a 20% chance of causing the target to flinch (if the target has not yet moved).

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