日落月Riluo Yue



  • Riluo Yue
  • Disciple of Guanyin
  • Riluo Yue
  • Disciple of Guanyin
  • The Second Stone Monkey
ALIASES Yue Guang, Yue
AGE Anonymous
SPECIES Stone Monkey
        One thing on my mind while watching Lego Monkey Kid is, where are all the gods? Why was the Celestial Realm so empty? The writers must know of their existence, the show compliments Journey to the West very well, and the likes of powerful figures such as Guanyin are mentioned! So where are they all? And where is Guanyin? Riluo Yue is a character I made to satisfy that answer to myself. The show will likely do it itself following S4, but it's fun to let your imagination loose and think ahead! So without further ado, here is Riluo Yue's, or just Yue for short, backstory!
        ⚠️ SEASON 4 SPOILER WARNING! Sun Wukong was the first born of the stone, becoming the Great Sage, Equal to Heaven we all know. Season 4 tells us that the stone is capable of birthing again, bringing forth the young MK. In Yue's case, he was born of the stone some time between Sun Wukong and MK, but shortly after he was born, Guanyin took him somewhere far away, nowhere close to the mortal realm for sure, so she could train him under her watch. She has seen the frightful worthiness of those born from the stone, and knows the little monkey must have great potential, and that potential can be used for Heaven's protection. Others did know of his birth. After all, the book describes Wukong's as been bright and brilliant, it's always a spectacle that shakes the soul. But nobody else could get there in time, barely catching an eye before the monkey was to seemingly never be seen again.
        Yue trains alone with Guanyin as his mentor. His staff was created by her, remembering how in the original book, she can make weapons. Though this one, named "The Godess' Staff", is different- made to last eternal in Yue's grip. Due to Yue's serious nature, and higher assertiveness and loyalty to his training, he is far more articulate in combat than even Sun Wukong. Though, that does not mean he is stronger... In fact, Yue's sheltered nature, and over-focus on his training, would be the likely cause to his downfall. If this were to happen, and Yue were to pacify, his name would instead go by Yue Guang (月光).
        In short, Guanyin is away with Riluo Yue, training for when circumstances absolutely call for it. Yue is told he is of great value, with Guanyin, and other gods knowing of her efforts, viewing him as a sort of trump card, hoping he too can "equal heaven" like his royal ancestor. And such, Yue's power would be of great use.