
Name Enji Shi

Gender Female

Age +200

Race Human

Value +90$ & Forever Homed

Theme Okami Waka

Owner Yeomeru

Creator Polinasan

HTML Pinky


As a child she was full of life, open-hearted and compassionate. She would never harm any living being, nor would an evil thought enter her mind.

But her life was not to remain so peaceful and in harmony. Driven by hatred and a lust for power, she encountered a kitsune yokai who was lured and aroused by her innocence. Disguised as a young woman seeking help, Enji Shi took her home. She wanted to help her, give her shelter, but she had no idea what beast she was inviting.


Friendly Reserved
Polite Blunt
Clever Foolish
Brave Timid
Careful Reckless
Sincere Deceptive
Optimistic Pessimistic
Diligent Lazy
Calm Irritable
Humorous Serious






Any kind of animal.





Physical touch.




Strength 12%
Energy 45%
Health 95%
Beauty 95%
Style 60%
Hygiene 90%
Patience 77%
Confidence 12%


☆ Empathy Enji is a very sensitive woman who reacts very attentively to her environment.

☆ Gentle She has gentleness for everyone and would always be polite to strangers.

☆ Elegance She strides elegantly through the forests of her world with gentle movements.

☆ Lovingly If only she could, she would have so much love to give.


• Secrecy Withdrawn and secretive, she doesn't let anyone get close to her.

• Reserved Even if she would like to, she would never reveal anything about herself.

• Intimidate Due to her curse, she lives so isolated and is always afraid to touch anyone.

• Hypothermic Her behavior makes her seem cold and disinterested.

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As a child she was full of life, open-hearted and compassionate. She would never harm any living being, nor would an evil thought enter her mind. But her life was not to remain so peaceful and in harmony. Driven by hatred and a lust for power, she encountered a kitsune yokai who was lured and aroused by her innocence. Disguised as a young woman seeking help, Enji Shi took her home. She wanted to help her, give her shelter, but she had no idea what beast she was inviting.

For some time the young woman lived with Enji Shi, with her goal of taking her innocence in mind, the yokai seduced her unwitting victim. Weeks passed and Enji Shi fell in love with a being who was treacherous, descending into a future that was to be her downfall. One night, when the two, supposedly lovers, got physically closer for the very first time and enjoyed their false togetherness, her lives were about to change completely.

In the midst of her most intimate moment, the Yokai's shape changed, her oh-so-beautiful appearance deformed into a fox-human-like shape, long fox ears and ten fox tails now adorned the woman's body. Red glowing eyes with sharp pupils looked into the pale face of the frozen Enji Shi. "What are you?" were the only words that stuttered from her lips as pain filled her whole body. Burning pain that ate every part of her. A curse was to weigh on her from that moment on, a pact she unknowingly accepted by opening her heart and letting the yokai enter her innocent soul. The power to take life in exchange for her soul. A deceptive deal made by a deceitful yokai.

Any living thing she touched from that day forward should die on the spot. There should be nothing to prevent this. Lonely and forever alone she should be from now on. Her body is adorned with a tattoo of the fox yokai and spider lilies which are said to spread further onto her body with each victim whose light is extinguished. If the Spider Lilies ever spread all over her skin, she would be devoured and consumed by the yokai. A cruel fate that would bring Enji Shi to a lonely and withdrawn world, all alone to deal with.



Mother & Father


Killed by Enji Shi.




Ex-Lover and origin of the curse.