Boris The Spider



1 year, 4 months ago





NAME Boris
AGE 24
SPECIES Spider/Mignyan
HEIGHT 4' 11"
GENDER Trans man
OCCUPATION Gas station cashier

Boris is a friendly, energetic and optimistic guy; some people think he's a bit off in his own world, but when your own world is all dj sets and lazer shows who wouldn't wanna spend time there?? While he currently works at a gas station to pay rent on his apartment Boris's big dream is do dj fulltime... Right now he just does the occasional gig at a party or an ice rink, but a spider can dream!

Boris's apartment building is right in the centre of the city, and just happens to be the same one that Lambert and Deathwish live at too! Boris can often be found jamming out or showing off his music skills with Deathwish; be it at his own apartment, or Lamberts much to the squirrels dismay...



Boris loves to be bright, bouncy and bubbly! He's a great pal to go on adventures with or just chill at home with! You wanna work on a mixtape together? Boris is SO down!! You wanna host an impromptu rave in your living room? Break out the glowsticks man lets GO!

Boris is INCREDIBLY tech savvy and has great smarts when it comes to problem solving, math and coding; he likes to joke that he's good with coding because he's got an affinity for the web! know....Spider... His street smarts aren't always so good; Boris is a friendly outgoing guy, it's just sometimes he's not as good at determining if he's a bit too loud or friendly for some! There's this one big scary lady who comes to visit the apartment down from him sometimes, Boris's attempts at friendly banter have gone...WELL, not so good in the past!


  • Sour or sweet foods!
  • A packed, loud rave/concert!
  • Spinning disks!
  • Bright colours and neon lights!
  • EDM, hyperpop and techno music!
  • Stars and the night sky!


  • Noise complaints.
  • Water (CAN'T SWIM!)
  • Stick-in-the-mud squares.
  • Lonely, boring days.
  • Stuck up formal events (what do you MEAN no glowsticks?!)



Boris was a young spider with grand ambitions, born out in the middle of nowhere he knew country life wasn't set for him from a very young age; he wanted to be a BUSINESSMAN and to be amongst the bright lights and bustling life of the city! He helped out at his family farm during his youth, spending his days earning and saving his pocket money up for his dream of one day moving out- and his nights staring up at the clear sky of stars, hoping for one to make a wish on.. He was a quiet, reserved lad- perhaps a dull one if you were to ask the kids from neighboring farms- but he was a good egg nontheless, who wanted nothing more than to work his way up the corporate ladder even from such a young age... he was taken with the aesthetic and prestige of the smartly dressed men he saw on tv talking stocks and shares, and he wanted to be just like them! On his eighteenth birthday Boris's parents helped make his wish come true with the gift of a car so he could set his sights on those bright lights he dreamed of, and help towards college tuition so he could follow his dream! And off Boris went...

Boris got himself into Business and Management college as fast as he could and studied hard; barely being seen outside of his room or class, and if he was ever spotted it was most often in the library, educating himself even further! He didn't make friends, barely got noticed at all, but he was well on his way to his goal... He studied hard for his years at college, his grades were good and soon he'd graduated with flying colours! Now all that was left was to climb that job ladder, to go up and up and up the rungs until he too could become one of those pristine perfect businessmen who owned ten matching grey suits and a briefcase made of the finest leather! Boris got himself an apartment and started to job search, finding out from one of his neighbours that the law firm where he worked was looking to hire an accountant; JUST the sort of job Boris needed to make a start on his CV and get his foot in the door, he though! He knew he'd get SOMETHING out of this, he was sure of it!! He just could never have known just what he'd get.....

Boris's interview with the law firms boss turned out to be not what it seemed; it was a ruse! A trap being utilised to lure people in for a far more nefarious need; the spread of the mignyan population! As Boris sat and ran through his qualifications the boss picked up a small cat carrier and set it on the desk, Boris's voice tailing off into confusion as he watched the carriers door slooooowly creak open.... and before he could ask what sort of interview he'd walked into, OUT leapt a crab, latching itself to his face and knocking him to the ground!!


Boris woke up a few hours later, not the spider he once was; in more ways than one... He had been infected, his once business-minded brain eaten away by a brightly coloured crab with far different ambitions... The corporate ladder? BLEH! Ten pairs of the same grey suit? EW! No, this crab wanted one thing and one thing only- and much to the unknown mistake of the mignyan who had released it upon him, that one thing was NOT world domination!

THAT CRAB WANTED TO BE A DJ!!!! GONE was the Boris of old, here was the brand new spider waking up in the middle of a park; a bright, bubbly, confident and energetic man who's personality had been entirely replaced by that of this little crab now residing inside his skull! He had new passions, new loves, and a new jest for life! He ran back to his apartment, donating his old wardrobe of drab grey outfits away and buying fresh new bold and bright clothes; the once reclusive Boris now started going out to bars and clubs and raves, making friends and socialising like he never would have pre-infection! Now unable to bear the idea of spending his days stuck in an office he took a job at a local gas station instead to support him as he worked on his DJ skills by night, teaching himself to spin disks and work a crowd; doing what made him happy! To others it seemed as if Boris had quite suddenly had a change of heart, perhaps had a revelation and realised there was far more to be had from living in the city than just the corporate rat race; nobody would ever know he'd been parasitized by a crab for its own gain- BUT ITS OKAY, ITS FINE!! Boris was happy, more happy than he'd ever been; sure he was a different man, but being infected was the best thing to ever happen to him! He was free! Or....was he the best thing to happen to the crab? Well, the line where Boris ends and the crab begins is negligable, after all the man Boris once more no longer exists- his brains been devoured! But what matters is he has friends, a life that makes him happy, and a passion.. What more could he ask for!



  • Boris can't swim! He fell in a lake on his family's farmland as a baby and got so scared he's not been able to be near deep water since!
  • Boris can spin webs, but he mainly uses the ability to make silk to string up lights around his house or any venues he plays!
  • He doesn't fully remember his life pre-crab; it's quite hazy for him!
  • He LOOOVES loves brightly coloured clothes, you'll never see him looking drab!!



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The Who