


1 year, 4 months ago


















Frenza Águila

You're stuck with the belief I've wasted my life, as if it was me who voluntarily went down this path in the first place. Even if you're right I've found my purpose, and as much harm as it brings, I won't budge.

The living embodiment of 'no thoughts, head empty', Frenza behaves solely on her own whims. Though she recognizes her many flaws, she'd much rather focus on having fun and bringing cheerfulness to her surroundings.

frightless . bold . hedonistic

Always invested in some sort of activity, Frenza isn't afraid of picking up obscure hobbies in order to show off! Being a self-proclaimed adrenaline junkie, she's always on the lookout for the new big thrill. Those may range from skydiving in the middle of a hailstorm, to deep underwater diving with her boyfriend and totally serious wrangler business with Mango.

extraversion introversion
sensing intuition
thinking feeling
judging perceiving


  • one
  • two
  • three


  • one
  • two
  • three



Not even Frenza herself remembers much of her past, perhaps for the better. She speculates she may have been part of semi-aquatic cave-dwelling dragons before Piper found her washed up on the copper shores. Although his scouting unit was far from the best support system for a child, she didn't mind tagging along - sometimes whoever he had been working with would find her amusing, even tossing her some coins or snacks every now and then.

Despite Piper's hatred towards fights, it was him who taught her trigger discipline and basic self-defense. He went through the effort of teaching her proper moral values, and was quite distraught once she begun questioning them later in her life. Although her clinginess as a child made her accustomed to the thascian's overprotectiveness, her urge to be independent in her late teenage years certainly put a strain on their relationship.

Neither Pip nor Frenza ever settle in a single place, so they tend to explore different corners of distant lands. The girl's clear preference of a busy city's bustling atmosphere often ends up separating the two from each other, though that rarely lasts for longer than a few weeks.



Frenza has dozens of acquaintances, though her main support system consists of her thascian boyfriend Riot, and her unhinged egyptian feathered night fury companion Mango. She adores her cataclysmic comrades despite their flaws, and looks up to Mango a fair bit despite their frequent arguments. It's not uncommon for her to be chasing Riot down into the deepest of depths or the darkest chasms, though she doesn't mind any of it as long as it remains entertaining.

Frenza spends most of her time looking to kill boredom, and has managed to rekindle Mango's passion for professionally handling horses and cattle as a wrangler. Having found great joy in handling animals she tends to show off her progress as well as her acquired wealth, which is something Piper considers positive and has therefore encouraged. Of course their sibling still has their doubts and often asks to accompany her, which is something the semiaquatic girl reluctantly agrees to. In order to truly immerse herself into the cowgirl lifestyle she often pesters Mango into teaching her more about guns, though her comrade tends to avoid the subject.

Even when she's not stumbling around the Mediterranean coasts, Frenza still finds plenty of adventure in the company of her boyfriend Riot. The couple usually engage in simple pleasures such as going to the gym or a club together, though they sometimes try out extreme things in case Frenza feels like it. Riot's tendency to cause a huge ruckus wherever he goes has gotten him in loads of trouble, and despite his best efforts to avoid fights Piper still considers him a terrible influence. In order to prevent further conflict she usually convinces her boyfriend to tag along whenever she's engaging in more harmless activities such as gardening or baking. So far that hasn't paid off much, but Frenza has accepted they most likely won't ever get along completely.



Her lack of purpose has left Frenza vulnerable to dangers time and time again - the remnants of her past crashing into the present, fellow finsnatchers encouraging her return. Having to choose between her family and origins, facing the extraterrestrial threats her boyfriend summoned or retreating into a world she always hoped to see, abandoning those closest to her heart.

Frenza's rivalry with Imperial Japer, the newest addition to the lapid team, has only resulted in distress - being talked back to only discouraged the girl from looking to bring upon positive change or interacting with the gang, bringing down her attempts to improve. She was fortunate for Mango's interference in the situation, standing up for her and arranging opportunities to travel in an attempt to discover what feels best.

Design Notes.

  • Has a human & dragon form.
  • Purposefully trims her fur and dyes her mane, its true colors only visible in her human form
    • Used to let it thrive back when she lived in the freezing cold regions of her former home, now hates it as the huge amounts of fur and hair makes her overheat
  • The shape of her tail allows her to swim comfortably for as long as she can hold her breath; allows for sharp turns in the air, but makes it harder to take off.


  • Often listens to D&B, rap and rave
  • Actually used to rap in the past, though she didn't archive anything from back then
  • Spends the vast majority of her time in her human form getting wasted, unless she's hanging out with her brother's lapid friends.
  • Unsurprisingly had a real messed childhood, though Pip stuck with her through thick and thin.
  • Posseses an impressive amount of medical knowledge, though she doesn't use it anywhere. She's considered enrolling in some educational facility of sorts to earn a degree and work as a medical professional, though she's admitted she wouldn't handle the boredom.
  • Used to sell everything she got her hands on as a kid, from food scraps to bolts or even chems.

brother figure


bar buddy

Moe shop - Love taste