


10 months, 15 days ago


she / they
GENDER | Genderflux
SPECIES | Lapid x Vettari
AGE | Adult
JOB | Workshop Intern
BUILD | Brittle
HEIGHT | 5'9
SCENT | Flower shampoo
DEMEANOR | Nonchalant
GEM | Imperial Jasper + Opalized Ammolite
AESTHETIC | Angelcore, Dreamy, Pastel
DESIGN NOTES | Please give careful attention
  • Two tails, optional in human form
  • Four wings on back, optional in human form
  • Head wings NOT optional
  • Wings & back made of Opalized ammolite whilst her belly, neck and chin are Imperial jasper.
  • Hair may be drawn as long or short
  • Ihshe. One of the most common weapons back on Nihal, a cleaning item capable of transforming into a weapon. Hers is a broom / dust cleaner turning into a glaive.
  • Item name. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
  • Item name. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet

The alien intern of Amandine's workshop, Imperial Jasper brings fortunes and havoc alike.

Put together by a gem vessel and a biological host, Jas is the embodiment of a former Vencorp worker seeking to escape her past. Retrieved from an abandoned facility by the thascian spacefarer Riot!!, she was rebuilt and repurposed to live off mana by the alchemist and creator of lapids Venus Dante. She's still stuck trying to strike balance between her new self and the outdated, alien carnivorous driving force seeking to bring harm to those she loves.

Imperial Jasper spends much of her time wiping floors, gathering scattered blueprints and working as a receptionist, chatting with her employer whenever she finds the chance. She hopes to one day understand the intricacies behind her friend's robotics job and figure out a way to sustain herself off of life essence, finally becoming capable of walking among the stars yet again.

Whenever she's not on the job the lapid often practices magic with Iris agate, playing video games and trying her hardest to figure out a way to balance between her usage of mana and life essence, looking for a reliable way to utilize it effectively. Jas once got severely injured when helping out Nat during an investigation into a foreign area, sustaining damage that was too severe to be fixed by the physicist. Fortunaly she learnt lots from the experience, getting closer to finally becoming strong enough to roam the cosmos in search of information regarding her previous life.

POSITIVE | Curious, kind, intelligent
NEUTRAL | Quiet, Laconic, Saturnine
NEGATIVE | Egotistic, Confrontational

Jasper is curious and overall kind, though she often keeps to herself, rarely having much to say in conversations. She loves learning about pop culture and happenings into space, pestering Riot into researching her former employers.

  • Blooming flowers and trees, pretty flora of any kind
  • Household chores
  • Nights out with the gang!
  • Reading Rutile's scattered manga when she's not looking
  • Overcrowded markets
  • Her former employers
  • Frenza [she bullies her for asking Riot!! too many questions :(]

more often than not jas is referred to as the barbie of the group, even if her appearance isn't her main focus most of the time. they're known for their attraction towards luxury, often puchasing vibrant outfits with sequin decorations and styling their hair for the fun of it. they tend to spend a bunch of money on decorations for the receptionist's desk as well as her own room in the workshop, which she's planning to move out of whenever she saves up enough for a small apartment of her own.

Perfect nonsense goes on in the world. Sometimes there is no plausibility at all

while jas is rarely bothered to start arguments, she often gets defensive whenever confronted - continuing to argue whenever she's accused of anything, often causing a scene with her tenacity. she once got in a fight with IO, a fellow lapid, leaving her with a broken jaw.

  • Classified as common vessel, Divine kin.
  • Favorite video games are Kerbal Space Program and Cities: Skylines
  • She wields a ihshe, a stereotypical weapon used by janitors on Nihal capable of transforming between a broom and a glaive.

Jas focuses her efforts on studying the school of divine magic, struggling between utlizing mana and life essence in doing so. she hopes to learn fortune telling as well as spotting magical objects, traps and residue with her mind alone.

She saved up in order to buy a computer, collecting a broad library featuring any and all kinds of video games (especially simulators), often attracting Rutile's attention - the hybrid tends to always have something running in the background, regardless of whether she's working or not.

While her main type of interest is divine magic, Jas wishes to learn some offensive spells sooner or later - although most spells wouldn't synergize well with her ihshe according to Anemo and Iris, she's still interested in figuring out how to summon tentacles to fling around. Until then, using her two tails as whips in combat would do just fine

they struggle a bit when it comes to adapting to earth's society, studying humans and kemonomimi but not without plenty of confusion. she once got arrested for a short period of time, but ended up freaking out everyone around her as she well understood how much tamer the atmosphere was in comparison to prisons back on Nihal.