Captain Tamior



1 year, 4 months ago


Name: Tamior of the House of the Sacred Blade

Species: High elf

Age: 180 years old

Allignment: Lawful Good - changing to Neutral

Occupation: Captain of the Royal Guard

Deeply religious elvish captain from the Third Reign. He's a serious, lawful person, who might resort to righteous wrath if he feels cornered or heavily wronged.

Born in the noble House of The Sacred Blade, he was taught since he was little more than an infant all the notions of Highelvish Christian and swordfighting, preparing him to one day become a valiant warrior and protect the castle where the Presidentissimo and her council reside.

Despite all the bigotry he was force fed and the deep religious trauma and internalized shame it caused, each of his actions used to be performed trying to achieve the best for everyone involved, and he had sort of a naive optimism that anyone could change and become better, and was thus deserving of his help. 

Then he met Harketipo Harzo. 

A love that changes it all

Harketipo was a young tiefling that entered the reign with the purpose of stealing powerful artifacts from the Chambers of the Holy Flame, together with three accomplices, and was left for dead by his team mates after the mission was over. Tamior found himself shockingly attracted to him, but, refusing to admit it even to himself at first, he took him in and helped him heal, saving him from the grim destiny any other guard of the Third Reign would have bestowed upon him.

With knowledge of each other, a pure, genuine love bloomed on Tamior's side, despite all the prejudice he had always heard against tieflings and heathens. He found him lively and strange, funny and straightforward... And gorgeous. When he admitted his feelings to the now healed Harketipo, the tiefling said he felt the same, making him overjoyed.

His happiness, though, was short lived. Tamior arranged an escape for his beloved, which was living as a """prisoner""" in Tamior's home (he had managed to be entrusted with guarding over him instead of leaving him in a cell), to his own risk of being accused of treason as guard captain. He never heard from his love again.

Except it wasn't the end of it. After dealing with the pain of confronting rumors that wanted Harketipo killed by bandits while he was away, his heart got broken again when he received the news that Harketipo had been safe and sound in his birth region, Hythan Dun, for weeks and he had just decided to not let him know, leaving him to deal with useless grief. Not even a letter. Even worse, he was being accused of attacking a human girl and was on trial, acting as a criminal again

For all the time they spent together, he realized, Harketipo was just using him, toying with his feelings. He had been pushy and whiny about Tamior's reluctance to make love before getting to know each other better, had almost made him be severely punished several times jokingly outing their secret relationship, treated him as a source of favors and comfort without reciprocating, and Tamior had endured it all for the good parts of it. But it was all a lie.

To love an heathen, an half-demon, another man, had gone against everything he believed in and made him a sinner... He found comfort again in the strict rules of religion, convincing himself all he had heard about tieflings and pagans was true, and the best thing he could do now that he had found again the right path in life was to serve Yessua and his Reign with all he had.

Hardened heart

After his experience with Harketipo, he apparently returned to his normal self, with no more secrets to hide. But that easy, naive optimism had just... Left him. And of course, after the heartbreak, he got a new haircut.


Il Presidentissimo and the Third Reign

Incredibly loyal, Tamior would never betray them, not for fear, nor for money nor for love.

His sister Dalynn of The House of the Divine Call

They share a very strong bond, and live in the same house. She's finishing her studies and will soon take her vows, and go leave with the other nuns; Tamior already misses her.

His mother Ilimaris of The House of the Sacred Blade

Loves and looks up to her. She was in the House of The Sacred Blade as well, and he decided to follow in her footsteps: growing up she was his idol. They live at different floors of the same house, and see each other and train together almost everyday.

His father Beifin of the House of the Divine Call

As it is custom for his House, he took his vows the moment he finished his studies, which was just a little after Tamior and Dalynn were born. For this reason, Tamior barely remembers him, but still, he doesn't resent him for his absence, but he's rather proud of Beifin fulfilling his duties as a man of faith.

Harketipo Harzo

Was truly in love with him, but that feeling has now soured in resentment. Thinks now that Harzo's demon nature was plagiarazing his mind and he should be happy to be free of him, but his heart still suffers from the abandonment.

David X.

Cautiously friendly. Despite his being lively and understanding, David has a unique talent for rubbing him up the wrong way and irritate him to the point of anger. Tamior has thrown hands at him and will probably do it again; it doesn't help that David is an "heathen".

• His grandparents

Doesn't see them often, but they're in good terms. Has lost in battle his maternal grandmother, as she was too a knight of the House of the Sacred Blade.