


1 year, 2 months ago

Basic Info


Caomei Mao




Early 20s




Magical Girl

Transformation Name

Fragaria The Devoted


"Isn't there anything I can do to help?"

Sweet, Kind, Caring, Hardworking, Over-Attentive, Observant, Nosey, Ignorant, Charming, Innocent

Caomei was raised on her family's farm in a small town in the countryside. She worked hard to help her family on the farm for as long as she could walk.  Seen as an "old fashioned girl" because of her values, way of dress, speaking, and over-all innocence and lack of knowledge about anything other than hand-work. She is very talented with her hands, crafts, and she has a secret passion for playing the flute, but she doesn't think she is very good at it. It's hard to get good at something when she can't practice alone. Someone was always around to listen back home. Caomei loves the idea of love and wants to meet someone special. There unfortunately wasn't much prospect for that back home. Everyone in her town was either her family or old...or just not her type. Her family did try to set her up a few times, and she'd always come up with lame excuses for why she didn't like them. She knew that she'd know instantly when she met the person she was supposed to be with. 

Caomei is over attentive, which stems from her hard-working habits and her interest in people. She can be quite overbearing because she wants to be so close to any sort of action as well as be ready to lend a hand. She doesn't see a need to be involved or assert her opinions in people's everyday life. She is quite content to watch and be an observer and be ready for when she is wanted. In that way, she can be quite patient. 

Caomei was reluctant to move to the big city at first, knowing that she'd miss her family and neighbors, and all she has ever known. Growing up in a small town, surrounded by the same people everyday who knew her was comforting. Most of the people she knew had never even left the town, or if they had, they hadn't gone far.  But Caomei carries this positive shining light about her, and she had to follow where it lead her, and she knew this was the right next step for her, but she wasn't sure why. She was positive that this was where she would find love.

Magical Form Info:
When she moved into her new apartment, there was mail already waiting for her! Her parents must've sent her a care package. When she opened it, a beautifully crafted flute was inside. When she brought it to her lips to play her first note, she transformed into "Fragaria the Devoted" -- A magical girl with a magical weapon. At the sound of her music, her enemy is temporarily entraced until her flute transforms into a baton. When struck, her enemy seems to be bound by an invisible rope. And if left unattended, the invisible rope starts to tug them in an unknown direction.

She knew life in the big city would be nothing like she had experienced before. The flute has a red string tied around it, and it has this endless quality to it. Will this red string of fate lead her to her love? She is willing to go on this journey and protect her new home to find out.



- has very calloused hands

- has multiple different dresses in her magical form