Darkness Falls Slowly



1 year, 4 months ago



Darkness Falls Slowly

Pronouns They / them
Status Alive
Local Group (wip) DFS' group - senior
  • Likes
    • - Rain (non-torrential)
    • - Singing in private
    • - Quiet spaces
    • - Helping others
    • - Time alone
    • - The Rot
    • - The Great Problem
    • - Confrontation
    • - Prying questions
    • - Time alone.

    Soft-spoken and thoughtful, DFS tries their best to understand conflicts from every angle before making decisions or judgements of their own. They tend to appear outwardly calm and collected on most occasions, though their facial expressions could be interpreted as melancholic by some. As the senior of their group, they strive to keep things running smoothly, and have taken it upon themself to make sure the members of their group are in good condition (both physically and mentally). This need to care for others has expanded beyond their own kin, as they are just as concerned for the well-being of companions outside of their local group. They are a trusted confidant for some, offering support, advice, or just someone to talk to. They tend to be sincere and are often apologetic, as they can be a bit of a pushover at times. Despite their readiness to assist others, however, they often find it difficult to talk about their own personal struggles; they hate to worry others and cause unnecessary distress when they can try to sort things out on their own... sometimes leading to unfortunate situations, as they would eventually find out the hard way. They are trying to get better, really they are, but it can be hard to break old habits.

  • The Great Problem

    Built to solve a problem that no longer applies to them, much like most iterators. DFS watched as, one by one, the rest of their local group was constructed and put to work. Toiling away at the Big Task was their purpose in this world. They worked tirelessly while the Ancients still dwelled in their city. Their citizens were not of any particular note; some were kind, some were foul — something that is true for most communities (though, there is a select few they remember by name for various reasons). Once the Ancients disappeared, the task became an irrelevant burden. They worked towards this intangible goal of ascension for a good while longer before they and their group ceased. The futility of it all had been realized, and they moved on to adopt more enjoyable ways to spend their time. While these hobbies held less significance than their purpose as iterators, they were more fulfilling for each individual.

    The Rot

    Some of the worst cycles of their life. They had tried to ignore their gradually worsening symptoms for as long as they could; they grew increasingly forgetful, and they suffered from brain fog, tremors, etc. Eventually, they did locate the cause of these experiences: the rot. It had begun to chew away at the outer reaches of their memory arrays and General Systems Bus, and had been slowly spreading from there. They tried time and time again to flush the organism out, but to no avail. They could not tell their group; what would they think? For them to learn the circumstances… they would not have been able to explain. They resorted to isolation, only really communicating with their group if something specific was needed from them, continuing to try and fail to remove the rot from their structure. Nothing they were trying was working. They waged this war in silence for countless cycles, the functionality of their systems steadily declining as the decay spread. Eventually the inevitable occurred, and their communication systems went offline entirely, sounding the alarm for their local group. EW sent QR to retrieve them from their chamber, bringing them back to his own so they could be monitored while their can was dealt with (thanks to the technology of an iterator beyond their group). Even with their rot gone, however, the damage has already been done. They experience mild versions of their earlier symptoms from time to time due to the systems that the rot had already begun to break down. DFS shies away when it comes to the discussion and/or presence of rot and is unwilling to discuss how they ended up with it inside their can to begin with.

    The Present

    After the situation with the rot, DFS has struggled to communicate with the majority of their local group; their silence left the others (particularly Eight Chimes and Endless Winds) feeling betrayed, as they had told several lies in order to not blow their cover earlier than they inevitably did. They are still trying to figure out how to go about approaching this issue, but they just wanted to unwind and process for a little while. They eventually worked up the courage to try communicating via their global connections once again, resulting in them making a friend they now hold very dear. They had begun to wander their superstructure’s city more frequently, sick of being confined to their chamber after getting a taste of the outside world. This relative peace was unfortunately fleeting, however, as they now have… other problems to face. Following the return of Disruption of Clarity to the global communication network, they grew increasingly reserved, seldom responding to attempts to reach them in public chats and only really replying to private messages. They have since departed from the global network and are resorting to isolation once more… at least, for the most part.

    • I want to crush them like a soda can (affectionate)
    • They're so much like me it's sickening but I REFUSE to tag them as a sona
    • They are difficult to anger, rarely raising their voice
    • They have four fingers on each hand and are intentionally simplistic :]
    • The starlike freckles that cover their puppet glow in the dark!
    • Feel free to mess around with their design a bit! I may incorporate aspects that I like if I ever redesign them (all I ask is that they remain recognizable)
  • UWSS_icon_for_TH_rework_20230915062622.p
    Close Friend

    DFS views Unfiltered Waters, Shattered Streams as their closest companion. They wish him all the best, and he is the first iterator they've met in a while who's company can truly put a smile on their face. DFS tries their hardest to be there for him and let him know that he can talk to them, but they often feel unsuccessful. However they want nothing more than to see him smile. To see him finally at ease. Thus, they continue to support him in any way they can. When it comes to addressing their own problems in his presence, though, they would much rather shut it down and move on. They know it is a bit hypocritical of them, but they fear that if they contribute to his worries, they may drive him away. Though, on occasion... they wonder if their leave would be to his benefit in the long run. Perhaps he would be better off without them.

    Strained Relations

    Things between DFS and Endless Winds have been… complicated since the rot situation. They still see him as a friend despite the conflict; they just wish that he had a bit more patience with them… They have not spoken in a handful of cycles now. EW agreed to give them more time to process all that has happened. DFS feels incredibly guilty for making him wait, but they simply are not ready.

    Strained Relations

    DFS has not spoken to Eight Chimes in a while. Similarly to their relationship with EW, they still consider her a friend of theirs, but things have been rather tense between them after the… mishap. DFS doesn’t have the heart to try and talk to her. She requested space, and they want to respect that request. They just wish things had gone differently… They know they are to blame for this. But it hurts nonetheless.


    One of the most patient iterators they know, Familiarity with Dissonance has always been kind to them; and while she has a tendency to be a bit blunt, DFS finds it to be a breath of fresh air every now and then. They appreciate his ability to give it to them straight instead of sugarcoating the truth. FwD was quick to accept DFS’ apology about their rot fiasco (something they are very grateful for) and is one of very few iterators they trust with hearing some of their problems. DFS has not heard from them in a while, though, and they hope that she is well… something about a situation regarding the neighboring local group, they were told.


    DFS has always been rather fond of Quiet Revolution. They have not seen them face to face since they guided them back to their chamber, later hearing about what had happened to them via EW… they blame themself for QR’s affliction with the rot. If they had not screwed up to begin with, none of this would have happened. And while they do still enjoy speaking to them, things have felt a bit strained on their end. They want to apologize, but are unsure if QR would want to visit them again anytime soon after what they endured.


    It is difficult to determine exactly how DFS feels about Disruption of Clarity. It’s obvious that they have some sort of history, but DFS seems to get quiet when they are mentioned. Any recent messages between the two of them only create more confusion, given the cheerful nature of DoC’s comments and the dry, hesitant replies of DFS. If they are questioned about any of this, they may try to change the subject, and if pressed further, they may shut down and go silent.

Voice in Headphones
Mount Eerie

I'll no longer hide it
Yes, you move me to tears
Over and over

Talk to Me

It feels like nothing is easy, it'll never be
That's alright, let it out
Talk to me

Alex G

I look at you and feel the same
Could you forgive me for that pain?
Could you forgive me for that pain?

Motion Sickness
Phoebe Bridgers

I hate you for what you did
And I miss you like a little kid

Alex G

I loved you then, it's not the same
I don't like how things change
I don't like how things change


And you don't seem to understand
A shame, you seemed an honest man

Liana Flores

You'll be okay
Your eyes are misty now
But there's light there to be found
Some sunlit day

Things to Do
Alex G

You are just a boy, you are no man and
Nobody you know will understand

A Sad Song About a Girl I No Longer Know
Bedside Kites

Participating in your games
Is something that will never make me
Proud to be the one that you turned to

rises the moon
Liana Flores

Oh-oh, close your weary eyes
I promise you that soon the autumn comes
To darken fading summer skies
Breathe, breathe, breathe

Spaces Inbetween.


Gilded Lily

Haven't I given enough?
Given enough?
Always the fool with the slowest heart

Scared of the Dark

And you don't have to hold back tears
'Cause after everything I'm here for you
There's nothing you should fear

Fine, Great
Modern Baseball

I hate having to think about my future
When all I wanna do is worry about everyone but me

This Feeling Will Pass
Take Care

And you can't see the marks it leaves on me
It's not your fault
But I wish it was

The Crane Wives

Don't look too hard, 'cause
You won't like the scars he left in me

sign crushes motorist

And I hope
That you’re better now
And I hope
That you get it now