Isa (⇛ Wii Fit / Smash)



Isa Buster

Nintendo AU

Isa enjoys working on her physique at the Wii Fitness gym. Her trainer was charmed by her, asking her out and, being flattered, she accepted. There certainly is a spark. The trainer is absolutely sweet and considerate towards her, although he likes to watch her suffer a tiny bit during excersizes as well. (work in progress)

Smash Bros series

In Smash, both Isa and Wii Fit Trainer are... impressed, to say the least, by Captain Falcon's features. How lucky, that the ol' bounty hunter shows amusement when he notices them oogling him. There's a mutual back and forthing of competitiveness and playfulness going on between the three of them, something that can be found during training, battles and on their time off.
