


1 year, 2 months ago


...please leave me alone i am trying to WORK.


30 probably
true neutral

a saiyan engineer.












Nara is an independent individual who prefers to work alone, often distancing herself from others and embracing a reclusive lifestyle that only exists within her office. Despite her tendency to keep to herself, she’s emotionally sensitive to an almost dramatic degree, contrasting heavily with her cool and secretive demeanor. She can be tactless at times, speaking her mind without much regard for diplomacy, though this only ever occurs when she’s working non-stop for days.

At her core, Nara is shy. She gets shy quite easily. Her aloofness is merely a defense mechanism, and she’s actually warm-hearted and caring. Despite her shyness, Nara can also be pretty assertive when it comes to her work, and she won't hesitate to stand her ground when she feels she's right.

  • robots
  • building stuff
  • being alone
  • being around other people
  • idk
  • Fermentum odio eu pretium. Ligula ullamcorper malesuada proin libero nunc.


  • Write up a summary here.
  • You can also use this area for content warnings.
  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.

i. the beginning

Nara was raised on Sero, a small and insignificant planet that was previously nameless until the arrival of the Saiyan Frieza Force defectors. Being born years after the destruction of Planet Vegeta, Nara only knew that such a place did not even exist. She lived alongside the defectors on this tiny planet. As she matured, the scientists in the group recognized her potential as an upcoming engineer and assigned her to their team. Day and night, she tirelessly worked and studied to quickly catch up and contribute to their base. Although it wasn't something she particularly enjoyed, she felt compelled to do so out of necessity.

Nara grew to be very knowledgeable in terms of science. She built simple machines that helped with keeping the base maintained, though she also managed to build entire (albeit simple) androids in her spare time. She wasn't privy to spending a lot of time with the other people of the base, either, so she was holed up in her lab most of the time.

ii. the middle

One day, however, Sero was invaded. Despite the valiant efforts of the Saiyans, their resistance proved futile. The battle resulted in a massacre, with only Nara managing to flee using an old Saiyan attack pod that she'd only tinkered with occasionally. By the time she crash-landed on Earth, her condition was critical. She found herself stranded on a beach of an island.

Arin was the first to find her, having been clued in to her arrival due to the trail of smoke that followed in the sky. After some persuasion, Arin managed to get an explanation from her about where and why she'd come here. In return, she provided Nara with information about the remaining Saiyans living on Earth. Eventually, Android 17 surprises the both of them with his presence, revealing that the island was under watch by a team of rangers that protected the island's creatures. With nowhere else to go and needing time to recover from this traumatic experience, Nara accepted 17's offer to work as a ranger on the island until she regained stability. Nara instructed Arin not to disclose her existence to anyone who might show interest but allowed occasional check-ins.

Nara's anonymity didn't last, as Goku accidentally discovered her during his search for participants in the Tournament of Power. He invited her to meet Bulma, who eventually convinced her to move to West City to become part of the Capsule Corp team.

iii. the present

Nara keeps to herself most days. She’s almost never seen around the residence as she’s quite literally always in her lab working on projects. Bulma has to drag her out by her tail if she wants her to participate in something.

She trains… maybe about ten minutes a week. She used to train a little more on the island, but that was because of 17 encouraging her a bit to do so. Otherwise, she’s a complete hermit.

Design notes

  • Nara's fashion sense is inspired by the sleek and edgy styles of bikers and racers. She favors formfitting clothing, often opting for cropped pieces that subtly reveal skin. Her color palette is dominated by stark contrasts of black and white, along with striking blue accents.
  • ...Armor design is subject to change LOL. One thing consistent is the glasses she built based on the scouter. New and improved.
  • Nara still has her tail attached.


Nara was very guarded around him at first. Despite his willingness to let her live on his island for the low cost of helping protect it while she finds her footing, he was the only other person (besides Arin) that she’d met that weren't Saiyans. Little by little, though, she warmed up to him. She even made tech that helped the island’s rangers improve their defenses as a thank you for letting her stay on the island.

The very first person that found Nara at the crash site. Nara, in her initial mental and physical distress, was rather cold towards Arin. However, when Arin respected her choice to reside on 17's island and keep her presence concealed from the other Saiyans on Earth, Nara gradually opened up. The development of their trust was further cemented when Nara relocated to West City to work for the Briefs.

Bulma reached out to Nara after the Tournament of Power, when her existence was exposed via Goku’s initial visit to the island. Nara wasn’t quite ready to leave just yet, however the promise of an office and a laboratory all to herself caught her attention that eventually led her to agreeing to work under her. Their personalities are different in that they aren’t exactly best friends, but they work well with each other. Nara does not like her husband.