


1 year, 4 months ago


Elusive Mercenary
Zepto Silvallia

Non-binary, They/It
March 29th

5'11/180 cm
152 Ibs

Zepto is a mercenary who works primarily within the Neon Citadel of Castelia City - for no reason other than that they're driven solely by being able to keep themself financially afloat. Even despite the fact that they live in a rather dingy apartment, what matters to them is that it's far better than living on the streets; even if it means having to sacrifice part of their morality for it. How they arrived to the city in the first place seems to be a sore subject for them - and whenever they're asked about it, they waste no time in shutting the conversation down. They're a bit of a mystery due to this; combined with several other aspects of their demeanor, of course.

They prefer to keep to themself, as they harbor deeply-rooted trust issues. Not to mention, they aren't well-versed in social cues nor modern customs due to being sheltered at a young age by their old-fashioned, strictly religious family. It's difficult to drag them out of their secluded (and aggressive) shell - as a result, most tend to stay away from them out of fear. Deeper beneath the surface, though - they're quite prideful of their warrior-like prowess, and can hold up a passive conversation very well so long as they respect the person they're speaking to.

  • Candles
  • Mythology
  • Sparring/competition of any kind
  • Religion
  • Social media
  • Electronic music
Openness [ 10% ]
Conscientiousness [ 75% ]
Agreeableness [ 15% ]
Extraversion [ 40% ]
Neuroticism [ 30% ]

  • They like to spar with other people, whenever possible. Sometimes, this is a form of their love language - other times, it's a form of aggression.
  • They speak in a very knightly cadence.
  • "Zepto Silvallia" is not their real name. They changed both their first and last names as a means of detaching themself from their biological family.
  • They know a lot about mythology, and are quite passionate over the subject. If you were to ask them about it, they wouldn't stop talking.
  • They're ambidextrous - and if prompted, they can dual-wield swords.
design by endervention
Design Notes

  • They were designed as a Silvally gijinka.
  • Their sword has unique properties; if a typing memory is inserted into the pommel, it will change form. Zepto is connected to it enough to where their own appearance will be slightly altered if this happens... their abilities will be altered, as well.
  • Currently, a Ground-Type memory is inserted into the sword.
  • Their hairpiece resembles a knightly helmet - its only actual function is acting as a ponytail-holder for Zepto's hair, though..

Rubicante Dislike

Putting it lightly, they cannot stand Rubicante. In fact? They utterly hate his guts, and view him as a highly untrustworthy person. They could go on, and on, and on about how much they despise him - and how they so badly wish that they could shut him up with a single slash of their sword. Granted, they've never been the best at sorting out their emotions - so more likely than not, perhaps it's just that something about Rubicante confuses them to the point of anger... they do wish he would leave them be, though. In their eyes, they're better off without any connections at all.