


1 year, 4 months ago


Gang Leader
Get used to it, hon'.
Ruby "Rubicante" Terremoto

Male, He/Him
August 6th

5'8/172 cm
183 Ibs
Gang Leader/Motorcyclist

Rubicante is someone to be feared - or so a few of the residents and shop-owners residing in the Neon Citadel area have claimed. Rumors occasionally fly around about how he runs a gang of motorcyclists, each one just as immoral as the last. They're not necessarily wrong, however - by night, he does lead a gang of misfits with nothing but confidence. By day, he focuses on construction work as a means of helping the city out. It helps keep up his charismatic and calm facade that he tends to use for his own gain.

He's lived within Castelia City his entire life whilst growing up. As such, he knows exactly how to traverse the streets of it without getting harmed - especially at nighttime. Not only that, but he's quite the smooth-talker; and an excellent fighter. These aspects combined have gotten him out of more situations than he can count. He knows this, and takes great pride in it... much like he takes great pride in every single aspect of himself.

He seems to prioritize family above all else - at least, the one he's managed to find and build up after losing his biological one due to circumstances out of his control.
  • Stealing things
  • Electronic music
  • Taking care of family
  • Cold weather
  • Exhaust fumes
  • Strong scents (candles, cologne, etc)
Openness [ 60% ]
Conscientiousness [ 85% ]
Extraversion [ 70% ]
Agreeableness [ 45% ]
Neuroticism [ 10% ]

  • His name is pronounced "Rubicantè"! I simply omit the accented "e" in text as I don't have accents on my keyboard and cannot access them at all times.
  • He's a chain-smoker.
  • Owns a truck with a bumper-sticker that reads; "PROUD TO BE CASTELIAN".
  • He's cycled through quite a lot of jobs and occupations throughout his life. At one point, he was a car mechanic - thus, he's rather skilled with heavy machinery and knows how to work with it well.
design by endervention
Design Notes

  • He was designed as a Krookodile gijinka.
  • Rarely takes off his sunglasses; but his eyes are dark brown.
  • Speaking of his sunglasses - if you were to take them off, they were to break somehow, etc; he would simply pull out an identical pair from his pockets and put those on instead. Dude's got a seemingly infinite amount of them.
  • His jacket is made out of real leather instead of polyurethane.

Zepto Neutral

Rubicante's feelings towards Zepto could only best be described as "complicated". He knows very well that they hold an intense disdain for him due to his usual attitude - yet he makes no effort to change this, as he finds it rather amusing to mess with them in subtle ways. Not because he wants to see them in any form of pain, but more-so because he finds Zepto to be a unique case of a person. In the end, though - part of him hopes that one day, Zepto could at least trust him just a little more rather than writing all of his compliments off as fake charisma. He does (surprisingly) mean them, after all.