Z [PERSONA] (Experiment AU)



6 years, 17 days ago


Overseer: Michael McDoesn’tExist (05/03 20XX - 22/04 20XX)
Literally every other overseer available (22/04 20XX - 18/06 20XX)
Andonis Kyriakou (overseer since 18/06 20XX)

Experiment Name and Identification Number: Masami Sasagawa #022
Experiment Gender: Male
Experiment Age: 26
Experiment’s Original Species: Human
Experiment’s Current Species: Kitsune

Number of Years in Captivity: 4
Ongoing Experiments: None. He is too dangerous for further experimentation.
Past Experiments (Success): Fox Graft, Identity Transfer, Spirit Link, Arcane Link, Fire Link
Past Experiments (Fail): None

Additional Notes (Behaviours, Relationships, Etc.):

(A line written in red pen follows the title of the page.
“#022 is highly dangerous and must be treated with care.”)

05/03 20XX: The kitsune graft is complete. #022 is showcasing notable hair growth and he’s already at four tails. The development is somewhat alarming in its speed, but we couldn’t be happier at the healthy progress.

11/03 20XX: #022 is by far the laziest experiment I have. He never caused any particular problems when we first brought him in. Nowadays he just lounges around in his cell, I almost consider using him as a decoration. After the Identity Transfer, I got him to believe that he is Tamamo-no-Mae, the fox spirit posing as a courtesan from Japanese tales. Due to this, #022 usually claims his name - particularly surname is something else than “Sasagawa”. Don’t listen to the gibberish. He has too many aliases.

20/03 20XX: Sometimes I think the Arcane Link experiment was a mistake. It gave #022 access to various kinds of magic. He seems to be fond of illusions and various trickery in particular. Staff with a weak psyche are not allowed near #022’s cell as he will most definitely enchant and eat them. We cannot afford more stupid losses like that.

01/04 20XX: Another problem with him is, due to the Identity Transfer, he’s gained a taste for incredibly fancy things. It’s because of this that I considered displaying him, as his cell is pretty much an accurate historical representation of a Japanese palace. It cost me… a lot of money. But it was the only way to get #022 to comply with the later experiments. He seems to like bothering #023, as he is a lesser kitsune. #023 gets pushed around a lot by #022 and usually isn’t too happy about it, but his attempts to damage #022 are unsuccessful despite that they’ve been around for an equal amount of time. It’s really #022’s only interaction and/or exercise around the facility. He has also shown an affinity for riddles as well as trick & trivia questions.

15/04 20XX: I confess that #022 is highly worrying. Perhaps combining the kitsune Spirit Link with an Identity Transfer of Tamamo-no-Mae was a bad idea. Half of the time I swear he is plotting something. I have a 24-hour watch set up around his cell door to make sure he doesn’t create anything shady that could endanger us. The guards report no suspicious activity, but I don’t quite believe them. #022 is quite adept with the Arcane Link.

20/04 20XX: #022 seems unusually giddy today. I don’t know what causes this. I’ve asked the guards if they’ve noted any activity. There is nothing.

21/04 20XX: I’m growing restless. Something isn’t sitting right with me and #022’s current attitude. His excitement hasn’t worn off and he’s refused to interact with #023, simply shoving him away.

22/04 20XX: I’ve come by #022’s cell to observe this behaviour further. He should be in the cell, but I can’t find him. Hold on, where are the guards? Where’d they go? They don’t have any breaks. Shift change was 10 minutes ago. What the- I hear something. It’s… it’s not coming from the cell. Where - where did #022 go?! There was maximum security - he couldn’t have just escaped! Was that a shadow? Wh-

(There is blood splattered at the end of the page as the writing abruptly ends. The further notes are all in different handwriting.)

17/05 20XX: After many tedious efforts, we’ve magic-proofed #022’s cell. He had killed his first overseer by teleporting out and hiding, but now it shouldn’t be a problem. The treatment cancels out his Arcane and Fire links.

20/05 20XX: No changes in behaviour. Bothers #023 as usual. There’s still nobody that wants to take up the job as #022’s overseer, but I don’t blame them.

21/05 20XX: #023 snapped at him today, but #022 seems unbothered. In fact, he is quite amused by the new development. He hasn’t caused any more mischief and is getting used to the frequent personnel changes.

10/06 20XX: #022 has been sent to isolation with #028. He came back unscathed. Interaction between #022 and #028 noted.

12/06 20XX: #028 noted having an interaction with #022. It has been sound-taped, and I do not intend to describe it here. #022 displaying more arrogance than usual. It seems he looks down on other experiments, a little less to #023.

18/06 20XX: Joy. It seems we’ve finally found an overseer for #022. He will arrive in 24 hours.
Update: He is here. Kyriakou will now vigilantly observe #022.
(new notes are written in clean, slanted handwriting with sparse spacing.)