

1 year, 4 months ago


~100 years
Chaotic Neutral
Exotic Dancer


A smug, cunning and flirtatious angel. Seraphis may be an angel but that doesn't stop them from behaving in unspeakable ways. They don't particularly care about God or "holy deeds". Preferably, they would rather do the opposite and defy Heaven as a whole. They wouldn't dare to do anything heinous though, as it isn't in their nature and can cost them their position. Seraphis spends most of their time messing with others or causing mischief for fun. They also enjoy performing sexual acts.

  • yellow
  • rich red wines
  • makeup
  • jewelry
  • the breeze
  • rain
  • dirt
  • obnoxious people
  • fish
  • black


  • They never wear any clothing. They don't like the feeling of it on their skin.
  • Has five pairs of wings, displaying their status. They are considered as one of the highest ranked angels.
  • Currently has sixteen piercings. Lip, bridge, belly button, six collarbone (three on each side), two nipple, two back, and three ear piercings (on right ear).
  • Halo is slightly crumbling due to their morals and beliefs. Fortunately because of their high status, it won't completely crumble.

Best Friend

Seraphis' most trusted person in the afterlife. Funnily enough, during one of Seraphis' drunken days, they crashed through Luci's office roof causing the most unusual first encounter. Luci, in an astounded state, whacked them with a broom. After the fiasco, Seraphis visited the next day from finding the whole thing the day before hilarious which blossomed a really close relationship between them. The relationship between both friends is complicated but lighthearted, Seraphis enjoys messing with Luci and hanging around his office during working hours. Luci in turn, tries to not acknowledge any of their antics but secretly appreciates the quality time and attention. Essentially, they are attached to eachother's hip. Where one would go, the other will most likely follow, although there are some instances where they are not together; Seraphis leaving to do their job or Luci resting back at home, etc. Seraphis has opened up to Luci many times than they count, whether it be unintentional or not. But regardless, they don't really regret it considering they can see Luci actually cares. They take care of one of another a lot of times, sometimes in times of need, but it's always heartwarming moments between the two. They're a strange pair due to their very different origins of Heaven and Hell. Think of them as the gayest bestest friends ever!!!


Close Friend

Aspen is a silly case that Seraphis once encountered a while ago. A sudden translucent form floating through the air on a breezy night, Seraphis looks on in amusement, wondering why a young little ghost is ascending while he snoozed. They couldn't bring it in them to wake him, it was too hilarious to do so, so they let the ghost be. The next day, Seraphis wandered through the populated areas of Hell to pass the time. They noticed the same sleepy ghost from the night before, accompanied by two other ghosts. Taking their chance, they tunnel visioned onto the ghost they recognized and spoke with an excited: "You're that silly sleeping ghost from last night! I would've woken you up but it was too funny to watch." Both intimidated and embarrassed, Aspen stood frozen. Seraphis has a knack of making others uncomfortable during first impressions when they get too excited but it's all genuine and Aspen was no exception. Admittedly, Aspen was wary of Seraphis at first, considering they are person of Heaven who specifically sought out for him out of the blue. Despite that, Seraphis and Aspen gets along really well. Aspen normally gets dragged by Seraphis on outtings nowadays, but mostly to places Aspen is more comfortable with. Seraphis definitely considers him as a "little baby" due to their differences in "age". They have also at one point told Aspen that they just "adopted" them.



Honestly, Seraphis isn't sure where this unidentified creature even came from. Just one moment they're enjoying a glass of wine and next thing they know there's this random "thing" infront of them. This rabbit/deer creature thing(?) identified himself as "Hermes" but really, Seraphis really can't understand him at all. Of course, Seraphis is a naturally friendly and sociable person, only having good reasons to dislike real people. So it's only natural for them to be hospitable but sometimes they find it extremely difficult with Hermes. Normally it's Seraphis messing with others but with Hermes, it's the other way around which makes it really unenjoyable for them. What bothers them the most is how unrealistic Hermes is, he's really cartoonish and it's really unsettling for someone who considers themself to be very realistic in certain situations. They can't bring themself to be rude for absolutely no reason, there is no hate between the two but Seraphis can't help be frustrated and annoyed by him sometimes.



Seraphis has a bad habit of going around while drunk so it's not surprising to figure out that how these two met too. Hyde witnessed them flying straight into a wall nearby and being the equipped guy he is, administers first aid. Seraphis still drunk and knocked out, was carried like a sack of potatoes into the safety of Hyde's home. Seraphis found the gesture really admirable and offer to repay him which he generously declined. Even after parting ways, this well-versed angel is amazing at finding people somehow so eventually they ended up crossing paths again. Most times it's the angel soughting out the zombie, they find his company really refreshing and relaxing on some days. Hyde seems like a very chill and normal guy who just does what he wants. It's always a nice change of pace with Hyde, usually on slower days.


Heaven in Your Head - Nuclear Daisies

SCREAM!! - Emily Jeffri

Thought has Wings - Ssaliva

fragile - Pathetic

the fight - lor2mg