

The exiled member of the Murasama clan (who lost most of the influence after the rise of Sirse's as empress of the 3 lands-states of Daikah). Soma is a well knowed nomad, wind half-dragon samurai, who owns the legendary swords of "Handan-Ryoku"(the bladeless sword) and "Arashi no Musume" (the cursed sword).


Nicknames: Nomad of the wind, Warrior of red sun, Runner of the storm, Dragon of the southern wind and the Traitor of murasama.
Age: 43 (20 Years as half-Dragon).
Draconic Ability: Wind bending.
IQ: 150
Size: 6 feet (1m82cm).
Pronoums: He/him.
Sexual orientation: Heterosexual.
Relationship: Single (widowed).
Associations/Groups: Black Lotus (Hired), Assassins of Murasama (Being hunted), Lotspring tavern (main bounty hunter), Sakura's Saké Shop (Indebted) and Kazuko's Dojo (ex student) and Scarlet Draconic Hunters (Being hunted).
Fighting Style AKA Aproach: Offensive-observative stance, going on fast and precise all-ins in the right timming.
Weapons (proficiencies): Katanas, spears and sais.
Addictions: Getting drunk, overthinking, tea (lavander), cutting things, bets and metaphors.
Hobbys and entertainments: Meditating, sleeping, relaxing, wet sauna, eating, praticing the way of sword, reviving memories of his past (especially of his wife, Sadako Kimoji), being in contact with nature, sea, being in taverns (to talk with people or drink), trips, nightwalk, going on distant places, telling jokes and metaphors to others, listening to others problems (and reflecting about it), observating people living (especially families) and listening to the rain.
Dislikes:  Caves, volcanos, sharing about his past, company on his journeys, sand, cocky people, cowards, traitors, betrayals, fear of death, having to kill animals and inocent peoples, overcocked meat, run out of drink and luxurious things.
Favorite animal: hopper grass and praying mantis.
Favorite color: White.
Favorite food: Pork Tenderloin with wine Sauce.