Basil (Unleashed Basil)



8 months, 9 days ago


he/it, ??? yr old,  

Entity level: ….

Status: ….


This is the unstable version of Basil. Once his talismans are removed, he turns into a dangerous entity with incredible powers that he can't control.

Basil was once an unchecked entity, like Torment and the others. He was feared and notorious for his destruction and chaos throughout Shadowwood, and nobody could contain him. 

However, Sage and the government eventually caught up with him and offered him a place in the paranormal department and a home in exchange for his cooperation in helping to contain the dangerous paranormal entities of Shadowwood. 

Despite his hesitations, Basil accepted the offer, hoping that he could help make a difference in the world and protect it from the supernatural threats.


Headcanons and abilities:

  • He is unpredictable and reckless and will stop at nothing to achieve his goals. He is also extremely intelligent and cunning and can be a formidable force to be reckoned with.
  • Despite his great intelligence and abilities, Basil -Unleashed is reckless and impulsive. He doesn't consider the consequences of his actions or the impact they may have on others, and he has a tendency to cause chaos and destruction whenever he is. 
  • He is also extremely arrogant and narcissistic and views himself as superior to everyone else. But most importantly, he is a threat not only to the Paranormal Department but also the city of Shadowwood, so it's imperative to try and keep him contained and not let this form out.
  • Basil (Unleashed) relishes in his power and abilities and uses them to their utmost potential. He is not held back by the constraints of societal norms or his talisman, and thus, can be seen doing things that normal Basil would never do.  
  • He can be highly manipulative and cunning in order to achieve his goals, often using charm or intimidation to get what he wants.  
  • Despite his danger and harsh tone, Basil -(Unleashed) maintains a charismatic personality and has a certain charm to him that others find appealing and intriguing even if he can switch over pretty fast.
  • Basil (Unleashed) is able to warp reality and manipulate the world around him to his liking, creating illusions or altering the environment to suit his needs.  Other entities and members of the Paranormal Department find him to be a bit unnerving to work with and be around, due to his reckless and chaotic nature. He can be unpredictable and dangerous, even to his own allies. This often leads to tension and conflicts between Basil (Unleashed) and others, as he doesn't always take their advice or follow their instructions.  
  • Additionally, Basil (Unleashed) often seems to enjoy causing trouble and chaos, as it is the only time when he can truly let loose and be himself.
  • Basil (Unleashed)‘s flirtation and playfulness can sometimes become a little aggressive.  This can make him seem overly forward or even borderline inappropriate at times. This is because when he is in this state, Basil is more driven by his lust for Torment and is more likely to throw caution to the wind in the pursuits of his own desires.
  • Basil can occasionally be charming and humorous in both his forms; however, Basil (Unleashed) often likes to push the limits and push buttons to get a reaction.
  • He loves to flirt with Torment to get a reaction out of him. It excites him to be able to do it openly without worry or fear.
  • Basil (Unleashed) is extremely arrogant and often refers to himself as the "god" of Shadowwood and its people.