


1 year, 3 months ago



Name Kenta Utsuru
Called kenta , Utsuru, kenchan, photographer guy
Height 195cm/ 6'2"
Gender agender
Pronouns he/they
Occupation media production department head of ES/ Utsuru productions ceo
Alignment chaotic lawful
Theme Song link

“Salutations ~! Greetings miss, kenta utsuru at your service.mhm i look forward to aiding you in your conquest of keeping the arts of idolship alive and well~! Ah- yes i am the current owner of the utsuru film and production company fufu i greatly appreciate the patronage miss”


  • ‘pretty things/people’
  • photography
  • shu
  • family


  • cloudly days
  • salty snacks
  • eichi butting into things


a very impulsive person and he isnt one to be bothered by other’s opinions of himself. Hes a person who only wants to continue to fulfil his goal to capture the ‘world’s beauty’. He’s a very grand gesture sort of person, one to use poetic and dramatic language to convey his feelings. He doesnt seem to care much about physical affection but usually hes one to initiate it.

He’s devoted stubborn and a bit of determined person towards their goal or mission, if theyre set on it.deep down he's a lonely person but he's not one to openly admit his lonelyness, as he seems it not pretty. A person who doesn't seem to give a care in the world about what others think but isnt one to push someones boundaries. When deep in thought kenta can end up seeming to be a little intimidating and scary but one word to him and they will break out into a smile.

hes from a high class old money family thats very strongly associated with movie and film production but little is known about their history other than name. They only keep a few well trusted servants rather than alot of them. He claims his parents are on a vacation abroad but the truth is that they died , though kenta isnt aware of it. He’s been in and out of care of his uncle due to needing a legal guardian, his uncle doesnt take too kindly to it and often times through his childhood he faced threats of being kicked out and being written out of his inheritance, though the uncle didnt have any say in the matter as the legal heir of the utsuru production company was still kenta. Despite this kentas passion continues to grow and still is as is his love for capturing the ‘beauty’ of the world. Kenta doesn't talk much about his family beside the occasional comment of mayoi or jun being his relatives.


  • Hes well versed in his family lineage ,known even distant family relatives even referring to mayoi and jun as their younger siblings.( Mayoi and jun are actually related to him distantly, mayoi from grandparent utsuru and jun by being kenta’s mother’s cousin’s child.)
  • When asked as to what their ‘beauty’ means kenta ends up shaking his head n saying ‘the emotion! The beauty the real feeling of whatever my muses are feeling- its the jewels i get to gaze at everyday’ (He seem to be particularly passionate about shu’s elegance and often praises the designers works and her idol work.)
  • Has an unconscious habit of collecting shiny or sparkly things, or simpl a hoarding habit.
  • He’s the current heir and ceo of the utsuru film and theatre production company and often times promotes idols through it.he also supports the dramatica circle occasionally with the production company
  • He has a habit of comparing people to mythologys,mostly greek (i.e: calling shu the psyche to his eros)
  • He has a list of nicknames for people he admires .He uses his nicknames for people at first rather than their name

more stuff




shu itsuki [ pining for/ muse - producer for ]

absolutely smitten for her. its insane he loves her so bad hes out here moaning crying throwing up w/o her. in first year they butted heads alot when kenta became their producer, though theyve gotten over that.


mayoi ayase [ cousin - dotes on her/treats her like a little sibling ]

out of mayoi and jun , mayoi is definetly pampered by kenta alot more, ever since first year when he met her. theyre quite close and mayoi sometimes jokes around with him shes grateful for what kenta does for her.


jun sazanami [ cousin - dotes ]

cares a great deal for him and worries for her future choices with his current situaton. tries his best to supply jun with ample side jobs in case theyre neede


nito nazuna [ close friend - was producer for ]

kenta feels guilty for not being able to do much for nazuna during his time as a valk producer but hes still friends with him. often times tells nazuna theyre glad nazuna found a unit like ra*bits.


mika kagehira - "kit" [ ???(teases) - one sided aggression ]

mika doesnt like kenta. kenta thinks mikas like a cat.


eichi tenshouin [ childhood friends - remain civil with eachother mostly ]

joined yumenosaki intially out of interest as eichi did. kind of civil with eachother but theyre like have terf boss terms as yumeno first years that if eichi didnt butt into kentas bussiness (valkyrie) then kenta wouldnt do anything in turn but yk haha.

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