
6 years, 2 months ago


★ Personality

He's very quick to adjust to situations around him, rarely ever being phased.
He tends to act or speak out as soon as he thinks of something, sometimes causing a very jolting reaction if not expected
He's very Supportive and loyal, never giving up on his friends or even strangers.
He never seems to really run out of energy, this feeds into his spontaneous nature. He only seems to calm down when he sleeps, but even then he never seems to stop moving.
He's very confident in his abilities, and tends to ignore if he can't do something.
Because of his high energy, and being spontaneous, Lars doesn't think through his actions and ends up being very reckless, usually hurting himself along with others in the process.
He doesn't retain information well unless it's about someone, but even then it doesn't stay too long usually. Due to this he doesn't know much about anything.
He finds it hard to decide on things, usually because he can't focus enough to decide. This doesn't always come into play, but it's very common to not get a full answer from him when trying to make a decision.


★ Profile

Basic Info

Name: Lars
Gender: Male
Age: 26
Height: 7'
Weight: 135 lbs
Species: Latios mermaid
Birthday: March 2nd
Sexual Orientation: Pansexual
Voice Claim: N/A



Lars was born in Rustboro City in the Hoenn region, with only his mother and father around. His family wasn't the most well off, but they weren't poor, more in the middle class than in poverty. His parents both worked at a hotel company as a chef and janitor respectivly. Before Lars had to go to school, he'd be left with a family friend to care for him while his parents were at work from 6am-4pm. He never seemed to mind when they were gone, as he still had company, and when his parents would get home they'd spend all their time with him. This continued when he had started school as well at the age of 6. His parents would take him to school to get in a few minutes with him before school, and would pick him up as soon as they could after it'd let out. Throughout school Lars was always surrounded by others, and enjoyed the feeling of being with them, especially with any of his best friends. At the age of 15, when he'd hit his freshman year of high school, his parents had gotten news that they'd be transfered from the hotel in Rustboro to one in the Alola region. All of them were very excited for this change, his parents excited of the possibilites for more revenue, and him excited for the chance to meet more people and see new places. However the idea of leaving his friends did sadden him. Though him and his friends agreed to try to keep in contact, which didn't hold up well as Lars got older. It didn't take long for Lars to adjust to his new home, though it did take awhile for others to adjust to him. Not many people seemed to want to try to befriend him right away, many seeming to avoid him for reasons unknown. He enjoyed the Alola region greatly, but he felt like he didn't belong in the area. Lars graduated from Highschool at the age of 19, and joined his parents in working at the hotel. Though Lars found it fun, he wished for more and went to explore the world, trying out as many attractions and thrills as he could. He left his parents behind at the age of 21 and went to start his journey. He continously ended up getting injuries during his travels, even ripping part of his earlobe. Though these injuries caused him pain a lot of the time even after healing, he still continued on, even if they brought him down and made him second guess if he should continue. However while exploring the Kalos region at the age of 24 he'd gotten a call from his parents, his mother had been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer and that it was progressing very fast. Lars headed back to Alola as fast as he could to see his mother and help his father care for her. She was losing weight rapidly, and within a few months had passed. Both him and his father were devistated by this, the sight of Lars' mother like that, and her death had taken a toll on them, both being really out of it for months after. Lars went back to working in the hotel when first getting back to help with bills and expensies since his mother couldn't. Even after her passing he continued to work at the hotel to keep his father company, He ended up breaking more bones and getting more injuries while working there, making pains from previous fractures more noticable, sometimes leading to him crying from the pain at night. When he was 27 his father went missing, he had no idea where he had gone or if he was even alive still. He had contacted the police for a missing persons, and as months became a year, they had slowly quit looking for his father. Anytime he'd beg them not to give up on the case, they wouldn't listen. After being left alone, no family or friends around and the pains getting worse Lars went to the beach to contimplate his choices, walking into the water, enough that the water level was at his chin and it'd periodically go into his mouth. As he stood and thought, not making any real movement he heard Arina's song, soon leading to his final decision.

He gets cuts and tears all over himself all the time
He has gills on his torso
He mummbles in his sleep a lot
He relies heavily on being around others, otherwise his mood starts to go down.
He likes being around others, Talking, Doing tricks and hanging out with Anders.
He dislikes the quiet, being left alone, the cold and sitting still
He enjoys mystery shows, usually because he never figures out or remembers the culprits