
1 year, 7 months ago



01 — Profile

Name phillip 'philly' amphone
Age twenty-three
Pronouns he/him
Gender transgender (ftm)
Height 5'8
Birthdate february 26th
Species octoling
Weapon flingza roller
Orientation biromantic
Occupation competitive player

  • inordinary amount of tentacles. four down, two up. tentacles have a veined pattern and are curled at ends.

  • suction cups are white in contrast.

  • eyelashes are preferred, but not necessary.

  • body hair on chest, legs, and arms. has a stubble.

  • always wears a button-up, and shorts. shirt unbuttoned for comfort.

  • visor is optional.

02 — Personality

prefers to speak as little as possible, prioritizing body language. doesn’t emote much, either, as characterized by his dead staring. to outsiders, he is intimidating and unapproachable. it doesn’t help that he’s harsh on himself in combat, striving to perform his absolute best always; a perfectionist.

in actuality, he’s always checking in on his teammates. he's concerned for the wellbeing of others, even if it's subtle. he’s known for being skilled, but is humble in response to praise. he's much more down-to-earth, rational, and observant—constantly pensive. occasionally, he likes to tease others, and goofs off.

when experiencing intense amounts of emotion, he still maintains a neutral face. the most he will manage is a frown or a smirk. when frustrated, he becomes eerily silent. even if his distress is apparent, he does not verbalize it.

  • cooking

  • rock music

  • rollercoasters

  • scheduling

  • energy drinks

  • shooter weapons

  • free time

03 — Background

splatoon one

at a young age, philly was assigned to the military program, and ascended the ranks as a soldier. he was favored for his rapidly improving physical strength and obedience, enduring massive hardships and missions to obtain the status of elite soldier prematurely. philly had became close with his overseer and commander, hudson, who taught his troops life lessons and good morals rather than simple rigorous training. after some time, philly had been assigned to a special program of elite soldiers, personally requested by hudson. it was considered a last ditch effort troop in case of an outside breach, however, this operation never saw the light of day.

upon hearing the calamari inkantation from afar, philly's outlook on octarian society shifted. despite his attempts to return to normalcy, philly failed to be satisfied—deep down, unable to abide by the goals and lifestyle of the octarians—but refused to acknowledge this, and never spoke out. philly feared independence, for he hated living without a reason. he remained obedient to the underground, and refused to flee like his former classmates. aware of this, hudson tasked him to escort an octoling to the surface, fully aware it was an impossible task to return. alone in an unfamiliar land, philly wandered inkadia until he stumbled to inkopolis square. philly barely scraped by—struggling to decipher the inkling language, owning little money, and absolutely zero housing. it became habitual for him to sneak into the employee longue at the shoal after its closing. an employee, finley, took notice of philly's regular appearances and began communicating with him. philly struggled to understand, but with exposure and finley's help, began to learn and formed a bond.

splatoon two

one day, finley discovered philly's hiding spot in the shoal after hours. to philly's shock, finley immediately offered philly a temporary home at their apartment until philly was stable. finley's casual and unexpecting demeanor towards philly—treating him like a normal person, as opposed to his life underground—gradually helped him to overcome his overly obedient attitude, and he became much more lax.

although philly trusted them tremendously, philly was still too fearful to share his past as a soldier and his octoling identity to finley. he feared finley would become afraid of or uncomfortable with him and his capabilities, or react negatively. he let them live under the assumption he was from somewhere 'far away,' hence his unfamiliarity with inkopolis. it relieved him that finley took his word for it.

it took his former mentor arriving to the surface to confess, uncharacteristically intent on returning him to the underground. philly was fueled with anxiety and doubt. keeping his past secret impacted his own safety, and he couldn't afford to keep silent for much longer. finley took his confession with confusion and surprise, but assured him it doesn't impact their relationship, and sympathized. he agreed to keep it secret from everyone.

splatoon three

philly resumes living with finley in peace, spending his days playing competitively and making an income at grizzco. that is, until finley's job requests him to relocate to splatsville. not wanting to part with one another, they mutually agreed to move together. in splatsville, philly enjoys a fresh new start from inkadia customs. lately, philly's been catching onto finley's obvious mutual feelings towards him, but is waiting for finley's first move. it seems he underestimates how cowardly finley can be about it ...

04 — Trivia

  • his first name is taken from a specific form of sushi, that being the philadelphia roll. his last name is taken from the genus amphioctopus.

  • he is a coconut octopus. his swim form is smaller than average, which allows him to squeeze into tight spaces. in addition, he has the unique ability to 'walk' while in swim form, but crawling or swimming is preferably faster.

  • being biromantic, he is asexual.

  • typically abides by a strict schedule, and hates any interruption towards it. he's always early to meetings, and sleeps at the same time every night—no exceptions; he's an early bird. once he's fallen asleep, he's dead to the world.

  • he loves partaking in grizzco shifts, and his favorite anarchy game modes are splat zones and tower control. he's well-liked and quite popular within the competitive space.

  • has a rare genetic disease. inkling and octarian limbs have regenerative abilities and regrow if cut, yet philly is an exception—limbs will not grow back. his condition is inherited from his father.

  • loves cooking. his hobby started out of feeling obligated to reciprocate finley's kindness, but as his aspirations shifted, he kept it up out of a genuine love of the practice. he's innovative, and likes to come up with unique meals.

05 — Relationships


finley is philly's romantic partner. finley was the first inkling philly met upon arriving to the surface, and, initially, he was cautious of them. propaganda left him distrustful of inklings. when their friendship formed, philly was rather lost. he had become accustomed to receiving orders and being bossed around by higher-ups, but suddenly was left to his own devices. it was jarring. philly tried to initiate a similar dynamic with finley to fill in the gap, yet finley refused. this normalcy helped philly shed his bad habits, and he became much more independent and down-to-earth. his respect and commitment to finley is immense. no matter their differences, philly sticks with them.

close friend

hudson was philly's former commander in the octarian military. a younger philly took his orders extraordinarily well, and learnt fast underneath his supervision. philly took a liking towards hudson, since the latter's teachings were not restricted to simply combat. good ethics were a high priority. however, there were some complications. hudson to philly was only a mentor, and the only reason philly felt obligated to accept his advice was his authority status. in the aftermath of the calamari inkantation, hudson tasked philly in escorting another party to the surface. to which, philly never regained access to the underground. it was a critical blow to philly. he was uncertain of where to go from there.

hudson's influence over him is apparent. eventually, they reunited in splatsville. philly has matured enough to see him as an ally, instead of authority. philly speaks with him for advice, or to do some favors.


seine is philly's mother. philly was assigned to the military program at such a young age, he doesn't necessarily have any memories of his parents. he can't even remember them. that being said, he bears a striking resemblance to his mother, inheriting her curly tentacles and natural purple ink. philly's dead stare is a staple of his mother.


murray is philly's father. philly was assigned to the military program at such a young age, he doesn't necessarily have any memories of his parents. he can't even remember them. that being said, he somewhat resembles his father. he has inherited his father's eye color, and his unnatural amount of tentacles.


one of philly's co-workers from the grizzco team. also really good friends. the two of them work exceptionally well together on the field in terms of communication and coordination. philly checks in to make sure he's doing physically well. when they first met, philly was a lot more difficult to read, and only offered small talk at best. the two have since gotten along nicely, goofing off during shifts together. they both share a passion for cooking.


one of philly's co-workers from the grizzco team. philly works well with cayn on his side. philly is the most concerned about cayn than anyone else on the team, seeing them arive exhausted and overworked daily. philly assumed cayn was seriously ill, attempting to convince them to seek professional help ... to no avail. soon, he found out that cayn ... never sleeps. in the slightest. despite their lack of self-care, cayn is polite to others, so philly has no qualms with referring to cayn as a friend.


one of philly's co-workers from the grizzco team. philly has a rather complicated relationship with them. on one hand, they have strong leadership and management skills, making them the de-facto leader of the grizzco team—to philly's respect. on the other, they are harsh with criticism, and have an attitude that philly doesn't appreciate. philly simply tolerates them, and views them nothing more as an acquaintance ... as long as they don't spark anything with him. the feeling is mutual.


turf war allies. the two of them met back in inkopolis, where philly complimented her competitive skills following a match. mimic responded warmly, and they formed a low-stakes rivalry. it escalated into get-togethers outside of the battlefield. there is an understanding between the two, due to their pasts in the octarian military. they speak to each other regarding issues inklings would not understand. when they communicate, it is usually in octarian.


there wasn't an issue between them at first. philly recognized that sockeye was interested his ability, and while he felt uncomfortable only being recognized for his merit than his character, it wasn't a dealbreaker. that is, until he learned of their hatred towards less-skilled players. since then, he refuses to associate with them. he doesn't speak at all to them, and avoids them at any means necessary—giving them the cold shoulder.