
1 year, 3 months ago


foe paw
The J. Arthur Keenes Band

01 — Profile

Name finley florence
Age twenty-two
Pronouns he/they
Gender transmasculine
Height 5'5
Birthdate may 17th
Species inkling
Weapon tri-stringer
Orientation gay
Occupation shoal employee

  • front tentacles are the longest. suction cups have hooks.

  • facial scars on nose. no eyemask. facing, left ear is chipped, left eyebrow is slit.

  • big nose. shaped like a beak.

  • freckles all over body.

  • eyebags. more promenient when glasses are taken off.

  • fang on either side; has sharp teeth.

02 — Personality

grumpy, with very little tolerance levels. at the same time, he’s a pathological liar. he brags about himself and his capabilities that do not exist; pretentious. it makes him appear overconfident and insufferable. it is difficult for him to be vulnerable and honest. he's resillient when called on his bluff; defensive.

their personality is an act, caused by a desperate need for validation. they crack under pressure, and worry easily. they possess people pleaser tendecies, albeit lesser than in the past. they care immensely for the ones they love, and devote themself to others.

  • video games

  • chiptune music

  • comic books

  • locker decorations

  • turf war

  • rude customers

  • greasy foods

03 — Background

splatoon one

born as an only child, finley grew up socially isolated from his peers, due to his preference for technology over typical 'fresh' activities. originally content with this, they were thrusted into the spotlight after an accident left permanent scars on their face. his unwillingness to tell the truth of the incident led to him coming up with fictional scenarios to appear more tough, which, to his surprise, led to him finally raking in 'friends.' finley proceeded to continue lying for years, boasting about made-up achievements that drew other inklings in, until they inevitably left. as finley grew older, their personality led to the same inklings finding them insufferable.

splatoon two

distraught and, once again, isolated, finley moved into an apartment in inkopolis square after an argument with his parents, where he landed a job at the shoal and attempted his methods with brand new coworkers and frequent customers. their efforts proved ultimately unsuccessful, and only led to conflict. that is, until they met philly—who, unbeknownst to finley, was a former octoling soldier, blissfully unaware of inkling culture and only understanding tidbits of finley's rambles. assuming philly was a newcomer, finley taught him the basics, and allowed him to stay in their apartment once they learned philly was homeless.

despite their increasingly close bond, finley never quit his lying habit, fearful that his true personality would bore philly off like the others. inevitably, philly caught onto finley's contradictions. his confrontation forced finley to confess about their deception and past, with the full expectation of philly ditching them. contrary to finley's beliefs, philly expressed interest in finley's real hobbies and personality. although unfamiliar to him, finley finally allows himself to unmask and connect with philly, eventually learning of his true origins. they seek out professional help for their personal struggles, and gradually, their personality mellows out.

splatoon three

work soon grows dull. there's not many customers anymore, and the shoal's pretty dusty ... at least in inkopolis. finley's work soon requests that he restation to the busier splatsville. finley's distraught over the concept of leaving behind philly, and philly doesn't want to leave them behind either. the two of them agree to move to splatsville together. it's there that finley slowly realizes that he's been catching feelings for philly. well, at least they're subtle about it ... right?

04 — Trivia

  • his first name is a pun on fish fins. his last name is meant to sound phonetically similar to fluorescent. however, finley is not bioluminescent.

  • does not use masculine or feminine terms; prefers no gendered terms.

  • has anxiety. it contributes a lot to his poor sleeping schedule and insomnia, as well as his inability to handle confrontation and stressful situations.

  • descendants of humboldt squids are prone to faster-than-usual development due to a short lifespan—a minor issue for inklings. this results in finley's tentacles having rapid growth, and maturity at twelve.

  • his scars are due to shrapnel. tinkering around with machinery as a child led to an accidental explosion. in his underdeveloped, sensitive form, these injuries resulted in a more drastic appearance—leading to his eyemask never fully connecting.

  • their extended family is massive, yet their interactions were limited. their parents were initially uninvolved, but their injury turned them into authoritarian parents. finley's desperate need for approval worsened. they are very low—almost no—contact with them presently.

05 — Relationships


philly is finley's boyfriend. the two of them have a close bond. finley met philly during the lowest, most unstable point of his life. finley wanted to please others constantly, changing himself for others, and being taken advantage of. philly treated him fairly with patience, and refused to fuel his habits. it was what finley needed to finally acknowledge his issues, and seek self-improvement. finley has been head over heels for philly, and is more affectionate and less bitter in his presence. there's still some difficulty in being vulnerable with him, but finley is willing to work on himself.


the bane of finley's existence. every time he steps foot into the shoal, finley feels nothing but dread. to them, neo is annoying and insufferable. there's only so much relentless daily teasing you can take before you start going insane. a very, very small part of finley secretly appreciates neo's company—their work being rather dull and monotonous without neo's presence—but that's a secret finley would rather take to the grave.


phos and finley share similar interests, which lend to a bond. finley is more lenient with her. however, they aren't the closest, so finley mildly boasts his abilities in phos' presence. he harbors some guilt over this.


on good terms. the two of them play turf war together, even if finley hates it. finley initially kept up his boasting habit around her, but his internal guilt was immense, and he quit the act. whilst mimic is an engineer, finley is a programmer, which helps him bring life to mimic's inventions. sometimes they venture into mincemeat metalworks for scrap metal.


the sole reason hudson's attempt of forcing philly back to the underground was unsuccessful was due to finley. the circumstances of their initial meet leads to finley being weary of him ... even if finley reminds himself of hudson's innocence, he can't help but feel frightened over imagining what could've happened had he not intervened in time, or ran away like a coward.


former co-workers back in inkopolis square. finley found raymond to be difficult to work with. raymond would question their honesty, and seemed strangely aware of finley's internal struggles. they called these flaws out. finley would vehemently refute these claims. finley felt uncomfortable with their insecurities put on full display, especially when they weren't ready to come to terms with it. finley hopes not to see them again.


sockeye is a frequent customer to the shoal, finley detests them. sockeye's blatant bullying and badmouthing of finley leads to him harboring extremely negative feelings towards them. through any means necessary, finley avoids sockeye. whenever forced to interact, he is curt and less than kind. finley makes it clear he wants no associaton with them, and to leave him alone.