Seraphina Driscoll



6 years, 22 days ago


Seraphina Driscoll

Age 51
Eyes Sky Blue
Height TBA
Hair Golden Blonde; Mid Back
Gender Female
Body Fair/ Tall; Lean; Some Curves
Birthday TBA
Zodiac Leo
Occupation Model
Sexual Orient. Straight
Design Notes

  • Her hair is long and wavy and seems flawless
  • She doesn't wear a lot of makeup
  • She looks young for her age since she takes care of her skin and body very well
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She is usually a pretty confident and fun loving woman, she likes to party, or at least she did when she was younger; nowadays her idea of fun a little more subtle but she still likes going out at night. Pretty laid back, may sometimes come off as air headed at times but she will assure you she is pretty grounded when she can. She's gorgeous and she knows it, wearing clothes to suit her figure and to show off her best parts inside and out.


  • I think she may have been the envy of all mothers when she went to visit her son's schools because she was beautiful, and other kids seemed to like her instantly when they came up to her. Seraphina has a gentle aura around her which attracts the kids easier lol.
  • She has a lot of love to give; she can be a very affectionate person and she loves hugs; both to give and to receive. She could hug someone for the longest time if she were able to.
  • She'll forever be in love with her husband. She tends to call him "darling" a lot, and she loves to cuddle him and kiss his cheeks whenever she could. She's his biggest supporter when it comes to his career, even though he tends to be a workaholic. She doesn't mind it so much, for she has gotten used to it since their college days. She does all she can to make sure he doesn't overexert himself.
  • She likes to brag about how much her son Archer looks like her XD
  • She's lowkey into astrology and likes to read horoscopes though she doesn't tend to take them to hear completely; it's just entertaining for her. However it does play a part into how she named Archer, since he was born inn Sagittarius season and that symbol is usually a centaur with a bow and arrow xD

She is a model, who had appeared in magazines before and still is, but later on moves on to commercials. She models clothing, usually for higher end brands. She didn't go to college since she started her modeling career early; she has gone to school and went through high school though just to have an education. She has one younger sister

She meets Friedrich in a bar/nightclub due to his friend forcing him to go there. Seraphina knew of this one friend as well, so it is through that friend where she gets to meet Friedrich. She sees him sitting by a table along with a couple other guys who were told to come along, and one of her female friends were talking to them, however the guys weren't listening to her. Seraphina decides to go over and try and save the guys from her friend's ramblings. Her eyes settle on Friedrich and she studies him quickly, before going over to him and getting acquainted. She tells Friedrich to come dance with her, which he reluctantly complies. This is where she gets to know his name and the basics. From then on she felt a desire to see him again so she would tell that first friend to try and get Friedrich to come more often, and this succeeds half the time. Anyway Seraphina begins to like talking with Friedrich, and eventually they'll start to meet outside of the club. As time goes on they start to have feelings for each other and eventually they'll confess to each other and become a thing. Soon later they'll get married, and then they'll have one kid.

After giving birth to Archer she had to stop modeling for a time and take care of him, and also work out more to regain her figure. She missed her job but at the same time she had a fun time taking care of him, even though it was also very stressful. Years later when her husband Friedrich got the opportunity to go work abroad, she went with him and they settled in an apartment in Manhattan. She really liked it there and adapted quick.


  • Her Family
  • Her Job
  • Clothing/ fashion
  • Chocolate Cake
  • Cuddling

  • Chores
  • Seeing Friedrich worn out
  • Feeling restricted or unable to do something
  • -
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Friedrich | Husband

Friedrich is her husband and she loves him a lot. She enjoys being with him through all the ups and downs and is always very supportive of the things he does. She likes how handsome he is, and loves how flustered he gets when being teased more~

Archer | Son

Archer is hers and Friedrich's only son. Seraphina loves to dote on him a lot and wanted to be in every part of his life as a kid. She is the one who usually likes to spoil him with the things he wants sometimes. In the end she just wants to make sure he is happy.