
1 year, 4 months ago


  • Cat
  • Cat is a hybrid who swore to escape and burn down the facility she was created in, which she succeeded. Cat is a composed and adventurous critter who is able to pick up and observe things others seem to pass up. She is intelligent, tough, and caring.


  •  Name  Prueba Catorce
  •  Nickname  Cat
  •  Gender  Female 
  •  SpeciesHybrid
  •  Occupation: Resistance Spy, Resistance Lookout
  •  Residence: Past: The Barren Lands Present: The Great City
"Just Because Darkness Surrounds This Place, Doesn't Mean You Can't Find Beauty In Hidden Places." 


Cat is a curious, adventurous, and an overall composed Gail. She escaped from a hidden laboratory in the Barren Lands, swearing to burn the entire facility in which she succeeded. Cat is extremely observant and picks up on things not everybody else is capable of picking up on.


  •  Alignment  Chaotic Neutral
  •  Brain Dominance  Right
  •  Emotion  Observant, Friendly
"Wanna Dance?" 


Cat is a composed, friendly, intelligent, and observant creature. Although she had a bit of a rough past, Cat learned to deal with the cards she was dealt and go with the flow with her life. Cat worked at a small noodle shop, trying to make a buck and stay under the radar with her boss generously taking her in. After meeting Prueba Siete, Cat finally felt like she could truly open up to someone and began to catch feelings for Siete. Cat tries to see the bright side of things and works undercover for the resistance, acting as a lookout for suspicious activity in the city. Cat is very adventurous and is always down for a thrill. Cat loves dancing.

Positive Traits

  • Smart
  • Observant
  • Kind
  • Fun
  • composed
  • Generous
  • Adventurous

Negative Traits

  • To Trusting At First
  • Overthinks
  • Sometimes Doesn't Feel Good Enough


  • Tough Body
  • Sharp Teeth
  • Sharp Claw
  • Balanced
  • Quick


  • Hitting The Tail Can Throw Off Balance
  • Not A Trained Fighter
"Cat's Balance Is Excellently Built She Can Even Walk Across Thin Ropes."


  • Kids
  • Noodles
  • Prueba Siete
  • Adventures
  • Early Mornings
  • Dancing


  • Dema
  • Feeling Alone
  • Overthinking
  • Liars


  • Dancing
  • Writing Books
  • Roaming The City
  • Watching Sunrises
  • Hanging Out With Prueba Siete
  • Selling/Eating Noodles


  • Skilled Noodle Maker
  • Perfectly Balanced
  • Stealthy
  • Can Pick Up On Small Things Quickly
  • Great Hearing Abilities
"Cat Loves Noodles." 


  •  Fur Color  Light Cream, Blue, Seafoam Green, Pastel Yellow, Blue, & Orange
  •  Eye Color  Yellow

"Cat's Uniquely Shaped Tail Is Used To Assist With Balance." 


Cat is a hybrid creature. She has large ears, a long tail, one claw on his left back foot, and a pastel yellow, blue, and orange fanlike tail used for balance. Cathas blue and dark blue teeth, a seafoam green tongue, orange and green inside of the mouth, and light green gums.



Name: Relationship

 Time known each other: Time 

Fusce id porta tortor, nec lacinia mauris. Fusce quis euismod dui, sed pellentesque tellus. Nunc sed lobortis lacus, eu sollicitudin velit. Mauris dictum enim a consequat venenatis.


Name: Relationship

 Time known each other: Time 

Fusce id porta tortor, nec lacinia mauris. Fusce quis euismod dui, sed pellentesque tellus. Nunc sed lobortis lacus, eu sollicitudin velit. Mauris dictum enim a consequat venenatis.


Name: Relationship

 Time known each other: Time 

Fusce id porta tortor, nec lacinia mauris. Fusce quis euismod dui, sed pellentesque tellus. Nunc sed lobortis lacus, eu sollicitudin velit. Mauris dictum enim a consequat venenatis.



 Cat is a young hybrid created in the same lab Prueba Siete was created in. She was created along with a few other Prueba hybrids after Prueba Siete's escape as a replacement. Cat had no help on her escape, but she was smart and found flaws in the system. She would memorize where fire hazards were in the facility and upon her escape, she burned the building to the ground. It is unknown if the other creatures escaped. Cat found herself near the abandon city that Prueba Siete was and found maps to The Great City. She too was extremely wanted, and a high bounty was placed on her, she fled to The Great City. Cat was older when she escaped as she was created quickly after Prueba Siete, but was mostly left alone as they were focused on the other subjects more than her. She lay low in an old school town in the city and worked for a nearby restaurant owner who sold noodles. It was there, Cat learned about the resistance, and she did everything she could to support and help them from the sidelines.

Present Day

Later, Cat caught eye of Prueba Siete on the streets and followed him, amazed that one of her own actually got to escape the lab like her. Prueba felt someone watching him from a nearby alleyway and he followed the scent. Cat jumped down from a roof and took Prueba by surprise as he to thought he was the only one to escape. Prueba was almost instantly struck by her and wanted to know her story further, she edged him to follow her and lept off into the night. Once Prueba Siete caught up to her, she was on a rooftop watching the sunrise and remarked about its beauty. Prueba and her would begin talking about their escapes and what had happened and Cat really felt like she could open up to Prueba and Prueba felt the same. Cat called Prueba, Siete as she thought it sounded like a better fit, just like Pixi did. When Siete had to leave, Him and Cat would often write to eachother with Siete sometimes traveling down to the town hang out with her when he could catch a break. The two grew very close and both Siete and Cat started to catch feelings for eachother. But Prueba was always hesitant to say anything so Cat just left him alone. One day, the two went out dancing when Siete quickly left out of seemingly nowhere. Cat waited and waited and he didn’t return. She ran to one of the rooftops and was very sad about Siete leaving so sudden without saying anything. Cat began to observe the Crooked Moon, where it seemed to be mourning. Cat began to overthink the situation, believing Siete didn't love her and that she was just making up a fake sicario where they could be together. Siete soon approached. Prueba Siete actually had a confrontation with someone from his past. Siete had believed that truly loving Cat would make him lose and forget his remembrances of his childhood friend Pixi, who tragically passed away from an incident. He caught eye of her brother which caused him to leave Cat alone. After confronting his past, Prueba Siete felt free of the burden that be made for himself and decided he would finally confess to Cat that he was in love with her in hopes they could be together. Siete found her ontop of a building on the roof where they'd meet alot. Cat, still felt sad Siete left her but he solemnly apologized. Cat began questioning the war and questioning everything as she looked at the Crooked Moon. She commented on how the moon looked like it was mourning and asked if it was true that Neosis and the moon were connected. Before Siete could comment, a noise was heard behind them and Siete began to growl. He told Cat to stay behind as he looked around the corner to see Aron, the bounty hunter who had been after him. Siete leapt back and told Cat to run. Aron aimed his gun but accidentally shot Cat instead of Siete because of his delirious state due to an injection he had been jabbed with in a previous fight. Aron knew he made a grave mistake and fled. Siete lost his marbles and began panicking to the point where he could barely breathe. Cat remained calm and confessed to Siete that she had strong feelings for him and wished they could have a family together someday. Through Siete's teary eyes he also wished the same and the two kissed and had a long embrace before Cat fell limp.