Rorian ☆



6 years, 1 month ago



| Adventurous | Absent Minded | Picky | Spoiled

Rorian is a rather adventurous but lazy seeming guy. He's always up to try new things and expand his views and knowledge, but also has a very selective laziness that makes it so he will often want to take breaks when he can and just enjoy the things around him. He's a bit absentminded and day dreams a lot, leading many to think he's not pay attention but he is in his own way. He's a bit spoiled which leads him to being more picky with foods he's previously had, but always wants to try foods he's never had (regardless of how much you warn him again some foods). His family came from money and spoils him quite a lot, and this does show through when it comes to his stories and how much he tosses around without a care for the price of things. Despite his lack of worries, he's rather grounded and does try to share his wealth with people he knows or think need it.

【 Name 】 Rorian 【 Nickname(s) 】 Sloth, Lazy Boi, 
【 Gender 】 Male【 Tier 】 3 (Glutton)
【 Age 】 19【 DOB 】 ---
【 Sexuality 】 ?【 Relationship Status 】 Single
【 Height (humanoid) 】 6'6"
【 Job 】 Student

【 History 】

Rori was born set for life, having many brothers and sisters and though absent parents, had caring grandparents who were more then happy to support and love all of their grand babies. He was pampered, loved, adored, and told to do what ever he wanted with his life. Something he did for many years and came to adult hood rather late (at the age of 5 years) because of.
It wasn't until one of his older siblings suggested a vacation away from the house that his interest in far off places was sparked. A simple travel destination for the family, a nice rain forest for them to hike through and see the wonders of. Many of his siblings complained, but Rorian adored it. He after that wanted to travel the world and see what he could see, rarely being home for years on end. From the coldest tundras to the hottest deserts, he traveled any land he could get his hands on. Meeting locals, learning of wildlife, and learning how to live a very exciting life.
After a good 12 years of traveling, he grew sick and decided it was time to take a break from his active traveling and now does so as a vacation from home. He uses his allowance to live alone, of course having money to spend after but doesn't tend to splurge all that much. He got into school and finds learning enjoyable, if also a bit boring due to being behind a desk and listening to rambling lectures.

Is very well off family wise and doesn't have to work as they just buy him what ever he wants or needs

Very thirsty knowledge wise and wants to live a long and eventful life full of stories

He's very well versed in combat and spent a lot of his childhood being taught how to use various weapons by his grandparents, who were war veterans who he loved to spend time with. His favorite weapon are bladed weapons, mostly the scythe 

Even when it's cold he tends to wear tank tops as he thinks they're the most comfortable, This does lead to him regretting his choices sometimes though, and having to buy or borrow a coat

When he was younger his eyes were inverted in color (so his scela was green and eyes were black) but as he hit adulthood they switched

Though lazy, he's actually very active and often can be jogging in the morning before school or hanging out in the weight room to keep up on his health

He has a pet demon rabbit, named Boo

A adventurous male with a thirst for knowledge and a want to see it all in the world. Oddly lazy when not kept entertained and loyal to a fault with his friends even if he learns less then savory things. He's in general pretty quiet and seems casual but his upbringing is one of nothing but royalty and perfect standards. 
