Kiran Hart



1 year, 3 months ago
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Name Kiran
Age Adult
Species Domestic Cat
Gender Demigirl
Pronouns She / They
Sexuality Bisexual
Height 5'4''
Build Average
Role Engineer
HTML Pinky



Kiran is a highly intelligent individual. She's incredibly good at creating things that function, whether it be traps, weapons, or otherwise. However, despite this, she doesn't have very good street smarts and oftentimes finds herself in troubling situations where her companions have to come to her rescue. She's not very brave and is quick to turn and flee when things start to get nasty.

Daily Life

Kiran is the engineer of the group, often spending their time tinkering with various weapons or traps she's made in their attempts to capture Essence. They spend the vast majority of their time working towards the goal of capturing Essence, and don't do much else with their time.




Ashful - Workmate / Partner

Ashful is Kiran's workmate as well as partner. The two go way back, having known one another since schooling. They're close, and make a great pair when working together. Ashful is very protective over Kiran.

Tabbris - Workmate / Friend

Tabbris is one of Kiran's workmates, banded together to help hunt down Essence. The two met only recently, but they get along well and spend a lot of time together.

Essence - Enemy / Lover

Kiran has dedicated their time and energy into hunting down this demon due to the things she's done in the past to her and many others. Despite her and her groups best attempts, Essence continues to evade them. And despite all the things that Essence has done, Kiran can't help but have feelings for her...