Tabbris Barlow



1 year, 6 months ago
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Name Tabbris
Age Immortal Adult
Species Fox Dark Creature
Gender Agender
Pronouns Xe / They
Sexuality Asexual
Height 6'10''
Build Big
Role Supplier
HTML Pinky



Tabbris is a typically quiet, kind-hearted individual. They wouldn't hurt a fly, except when it comes to protecting those they care about. If you hurt someone they care about, expect to feel their wrath.

Xe doesn't ever curse and likes to make puns.

Despite their typical nature, they have a bit of a temper and can be easily pushed into annoyance or even anger. They tend to be rather disbelieving when someone sets them off.

Daily Life

Tabbris spends the majority of their day working on gathering supplies for hunting Essence, alongside Ashful and Kiran.

However, in xeir freetime, xe spends as much time as possible with Kipper, pampering him with love and attention.




Kipper - Partner

Tabbris loves Kipper with all their heart, and will do whatever it takes to protect him. The two spend a lot of time together and despite their constant bickering and Kipper's tendency to annoy Tabbris, they care about one another deeply. Kipper seems rather dependant on Tabbris.

Ashful - Workmate / Friend

Ashful is one of Tabbris's work partners, banded together to hunt down Essence. They only met semi recently, though they already get along well and spend a lot of time together.

Kiran - Workmate / Friend

Kiran is one of Tabbris's work partners, banded together to hunt down Essence. They only met semi recently, though they already get along well and spend a lot of time together.

Essence - Enemy

Essence is probably the only person that Tabbris truly hates. Xe're on a mission to capture the dark creature, and don't understand their work partners complicated relationship with her, much to xeir frustration.

Tabbris is chasing after Essence due to what she did to Kipper.