Ashful Singh



1 year, 6 months ago
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Name Ashful
Age Adult
Species Cheetah
Gender Female
Pronouns She
Sexuality Lesbian
Height 5'8''
Build Lean
Role Fighter
HTML Pinky



Ashful is a passionate, stubborn individual who doesn't like to give up once she's started something. It takes a lot for her to have second thoughts, and even more for her to actually change her mind once it's been made.

She's generally the bravest one of her group and is considered both the fighter and strategist. She spends a lot of her freetime training.

Daily Life

Spending the majority of her time hunting Essence, Ashful doesn't really do much else. Everything she does comes down to her goal of catching the elusive demon; whether it be training, gathering supplies, or otherwise. Despite her and her companions constant work, they never seem to be able to catch Essence.




Kiran - Workmate / Partner

Ashful and Kiran go way back, having known one another since schooling. The two are close and make a great pair working together. Additionally, Ashful is very protective over Kiran, and does everything within her power to keep them safe.

Tabbris - Workmate / Friend

Tabbris is one of Ashful's work partners, and good friend. The two met semi recently, though with their shared interest in catching Essence, they made friends fast and eventually began working together.

Essence - Enemy / Lover

Ashful has a passion for vengence against Essence and all she's done to her and others in the past. She spends all her time working out ways to capture the elusive demon. However, despite this, Essence's advances can't help but fluster Ashful every time.