Mundi Felidae Clara



8 years, 6 months ago

Basic Info

Species Masterlist Entry

Mundi Felidae: OPEN SPECIES!


Power: Can influence plant growth cycles. Pretty much can instantly grow/kill a plant.

I love her so much my heart might explode

Her name is Clara. I named her after Clara from that series about Heidi the mountain girl? Just… seriously happy wonderful positive feelings.

I think I’ve wanted this specific adoptable/design for over 3+ years. I wish I could check their original uploads but both artists deleted them. Weep. I just remember it was juuuuuust as I was getting into adoptables… I was so in love with this sunflower cat and I was so sad I couldn’t make enough money to bid on her. I’m just… I’m in awe I can’t believe I own her all these years later!!!!

I've decided to make her my first elemental Mundi Felidae! She has quite the green toe beans ~ ❤ ❤ ❤ If you can't guess, her favorites are sunflowers. :3c