
1 year, 7 months ago


Sootstar of Sageclan
Name Sootstar

Former Names Soot

Gender Male (He/Him)

Orientation Heterosexual

Apprentice N/A

Rank Leader

Residence Sageclan

Theme content


Sootstar is a large, long haired tom with black fur and golden eyes. He's about 14 inches tall and 26 inches in length, making him quite the imposing cat. He is mostly unscarred, save for the large set of claw marks across his face that he got as an apprentices during a fight with a group of rougues. He has had a little snaggle tooth on the left side of his mouth since he was a kit.

Design notes
  • Sootstar is a maine coon cat, which accounts for his large size.
  • He always has one little snaggle tooth, as that tooth is longer than the rest.
  • His nose and inner ear are a very dark pink

Sootstar is often called the "clan dad". While he is an actual father, he is also just a generally caring cat and a great leader. He takes care of everyone like they're family and makes an effort to be a friend to all when he can. This isn't to say that Sootstar is a pushover, he can actually be quite stern when he needs to be and is one to follow the code, but he tries to see every perspective in a situation and handle things with grace and empathy. He also knows that not everything needs to be handled so seriously and that rewards can often work better than punishment.

When it comes to cats outside the his clan, Sootstar has gained a lot of respect for the way he treats others. He's the kind of cat that will treat you with kindness unless you have proven you don't deserve it and is willing to lend and ear to listen to just about anyone. He always tries to make the most of a bad situation and deal with things through words rather than violence when he can. He isn't afraid to fight by any means, but would rather not because it's often not the best solution to a problem.

  • Climbing
  • Newleaf
  • Stargazing
  • Swimming
  • Greenleaf Heat
  • Mud


Herb Knowledge

Faith in StarClan

Sootstar wasn't born in Sageclan, in fact he is their first non-clanborn leader, he was born to a loner just outside the territories. When he was old enough to walk on his own, his mother sent little Soot into the forest and abandoned him to be picked up by the clan cats. He was the only surviving kit of his litter and his mother couldn't handle the burden of a kit when her heart was so broken. He was found shivering by the abandoned twoleg nest and taken into Sageclan.

He was taken in by a queen who had lost her kits named Stormthroat and was spoiled and loved by her. Her first mate had recently died in a squirmish with rogues so she was looking for family as much as Sootkit was. The two grew very close very quickly and he became her pride and joy. Around then, Sootkit also started becoming good friends with a she-kit around his age named Blackkit. They did everything together and became the best of friends even into their apprenticeship. He grew bigger and stronger than a lot of his clanmates, and no one knew quite why but Stormthroat was incredibly proud of her adopted son. It was a few moons into his apprenticeship that he earned his facial scar from a rather nasty fight with a rogue on the boarder. He came out on top, but not without getting hurt first.

He earned his warrior name a moon early, becoming Sootcloud for his fluffy fur and kind demenor. He quickly became a clan favorite amoungst his clanmates, garnering a lot of respect. About 8 or so moons later, him and Blackbreeze became mates and had their first litter of kits, Ravenkit, Thistlekit, and Ivykit. When they became apprentices the current deputy was killed in a boarder squirmish, one that Sootcloud had been a part of. He faught hard to save his clanmate and even dragged his body back to camp after the fight was over, trying everything he could to save him, but it was too late. The clan mourned the loss of their dear friend, but when it came time for their leader, an old she-cat named Juniperstar, to pick a deputy, her mind was set on Sootcloud. He reluctantly agreed, but quickly became one of the best deputies the clan had ever seen, falling into his role pretty seamlessly.

Sootcloud wasn't deputy for as long as he would have liked to be, as when leafbare came, Juniperstar was unable to fight off the harsh sickness that ravaged her old body and lost the last three of her lives. This made Sootcloud panic as the clan was now mourning the loss of their leader and he had to step up and be a leader when he didn't feel he was ready for it. When he came back with his nine lives, his clanmates greeted him with warmth and encouragment. He was a little young for a leader, but he would do his best. They knew he would. When it came to his deputy, his first choice was Russettail, a senior warrior he was adored by his clanmates and a strong warrior. This lasted many moons, them being a great pair, until the old tom and his mate, Sleetfoot, ended up in an accident that costed Russettail his leg and eye, and Steetfoot her tail. The two older cats retired and Sootstar was left with yet another decision of who his deputy would be. Many cats showed promise, but he decided to go with a young she-cat by the name of Beeclaw, who was ambitious and loyal, but still fun loving and kind. She was young for a deputy, just like he had been, but he trusted her.


  • Soot — For his black fur
  • Cloud — For his long, cloudlike fur and his kind, soft demenor.
  • He is the first non-clanborn leader that Sageclan has ever had.
  • He is the biggest cat in his clan, towering over his mate.


"My best friend and the love of my life"

Sootstar and Blackbreeze have been best friends since kithood and mate since they first became warriors. They are loyal to eachother and love eachother endlessly.


His and Blackbreeze's first born kit. Ivyclaw and Sootstar are pretty close, often going on patrols together. They are quite alike and have good talks about what's going on in the clan.


The only son of the family so far, Ravenface is presumed to be his father's, eventhough everyone knows Nightkit and Shadowkit are his little princesses. Ravenface doesn't care much though, because he knows Sootstar loves him very much.


The runt of his first litter, Sootstar is quite protective of Thistleshine and absolutely adores her and her kits. He checks on her frequently while she's in the nursery.


He worries a bit for how quite and shy Nightkit is, but loves her and would do anything for her. He's often found playing with Nightkit and Shadowkit in his free time.


His little perfect copy, Nightkit had Sootstar wrapped around his finger. He adores her very much and lets her get away with far too much.

Adoptive Mother

He often credits Stormthroat for the cat he is today, as she took him in and loved him as her own when he had no one. He check in on her often in the elder's den.

code by jiko