


1 year, 3 months ago


Stormthroat of Sageclan
Name Stormthroat

Former Names Stormkit

Gender Female (she/her)

Orientation Heterosexual

Apprentice N/A

Rank Elder

Residence Sageclan


Stormthroat is an imposing cat to say the least. She's rather larger and has long lucious curly fur that is very well taken care of. She has a slightly darker muted calico coat than her daughter Dappleheart, and icey blue eyes that many say can look right through you. She is missing the top of her right ear and has a scar across her muzzle from a fight during her time as a warrior.

Design notes
  • She gets her curly coat from her great, great grandmother Sagestar.
  • She is large for a female cat, bigger than her late mate Firesong.
  • She is slowly losing her vision so her eyes can appear shiny or near blind.

Stormthroat would be leader if she had any interest in it to be totally honest. She is in charge in just about every aspect of her life and always has been. She is known to be a little bossy but in general is a natural leader, caring and compassionate but knows when to lay down the law. This is what makes her such a great mother and a wonderful elder now that she's retired. Cats listen when she talks and know to respect her. She's a staple in her clan because of this. She is also known for have a sharp tongue and a quick wit, making other cats laugh or get flustered with ease.

Outside of the clans she is known as a cat of legacy. Being the Great, Great granddaughter of the founder of Sageclan, she is respected for family alone, but has proven herself outside of that. Many cats know her to be a fierce fighter and a doting mother, raising the current leader of Sageclan after taking him in as her own. She is a favorite amoung the apprentices of other clans and her own as she enjoy giving advice and telling tales.

  • Cold weather
  • Long forest walks
  • Kits, especially her grand kits
  • Hunting
  • Getting her pelt wet
  • Cocky cats


Herb Knowledge

Faith in StarClan

Stormkit was born into Sageclan to her mother Dappleshine and her father Thunderclaw. She was born along side her bothers Snowkit and Cloudkit. She was the first born and biggest of her siblings, always the first to do everything and was her father's pride and joy much to her brothers' jealousy.

She and Snowpaw became apprentices first, their brother Cloudkit being held back two moons because of a harsh sickness that had gotten both him and their mother rather ill. Dappleshine didn't pull through, however Cloudkit did and became an apprentice late, happy to join his siblings in the apprentice den. All of them and their father were heartbroken at the loss of Dappleshine, Stormpaw putting her head down and focusing on her training harder than ever to ensure her mom would be proud of her from the Meadow of Stars.

She became a warrior early after jumping into the water to save the life of Tideclan kits that had ended up too close to Sageclan territory. This made her father extra proud of her, boasting about his daugher to any cat who would listen. Unintentinally this made Cloudpaw quite self concious, already being so far behind his siblings. At gatherings he began to talk to another apprentice from Birchclan named Petalpaw, the now Stormthroat noticing the two becoming rather close. As her brothers became warriors after her, she put her head down and focused on her duties, being a dilligent warrior for her clan. She ended up getting her nose scar in a squirmish with a group of rogues that had crossed into the territory and were hunting on their lands.

She lived like this for moons, her only focus being her duties, until one night she was on watch and she saw her brother Cloudrush sneaking out of camp, constantly looking over his shoulder. She thought this was weird and chose to follow him, waiting until they were far away from camp before she called his name. The poor tom nearly jumped out of his fur and turned to face her, a guilty look on his face. She confronted him, and he quickly spilled that he was leaving fo Birchclan because he had fallen in love with Petalbreeze and felt he would be happier there, with her where he wouldn't have to live in his sister's shadow. At first Stormthroat felt betrayed and angry, she looked at her brother and a growl rumbled in her throat. But then she saw the shame on his face and the sadness and her fur unbristled as she stepped closer to him. She told him she understood and she escorted him to the border and said her goodbyes. This framed life in a new perspective for her, that everything shouldn't only be able warrior duties and the love and happiness was important as well.

She broke the news to her clanmates and defended her brother's choice to leave for love, saying it was better than him breaking the code or forcing Petalbreeze to leave her clan when he wasn't happy here. She then started to relax a bit more, still taking her duties seriously, but allowing herself to make friends and eventually to fall in love. Her first mate was a striking tom named Hawkfang. He was a bit older than her and was a bit of a know-it-all but they both respected each other greatly. They were known as a dangerous duo in battle and even more dangerous couple to try to argue with. It wasn't long before Stormthroat became plump with kits and she was moved to the nursery.

This happiness didn't last long for her unfortunately as Hawkfang died in a fight with rogues who were trying to encroch on Sageclan territory, the battle won with only a few lives lost. Stormthroat mourned for her mate hard, sobbing in the nursery. Her pain would only increase as her kits were stillborn due to the stress. She wailed and sobbed, broken by what had happened to her. But, as if by a stroke of good faith from the stars above, a small black kit was brought into camp, needing a mother to nurse from. She clung to this little ball of fluff, needing family as much as he did at the moment. Little Sootkit was her everything. She raised him proudly, as if he was her own.

She learned to fall in love with life again after raising Sootkit, and by the time he was an apprentice her chest puffed up in joy as she watched him touch noses with his new mentor. She started talking to other cats more again, spending time on patrols or even just hanging out and sharing tongues while she watched her son grow. By the time he was almost a warrior she had gotten close to a tom named Firesong, and the two became mates. She had kits by the game Sootpaw became Sootcloud and he happily welcomed her kit into the world, unable to really spend a ton of time around them as he was busy with his new duties and his own blossoming relationship. She happily watch Sootcloud from a distance as she raised her other kits, Dapplekit, Maplekit, and Redkit.

She raised her kits happily with Firesong, only ever having one litter before they returned to their warrior duties. She enjoyed being a mother and queen, but knew she wasn't meant to be that over and over again. As she grew older she watched Sootcloud become Sootstar and her kits become apprentices and warriors. When she felt ready she was happy to retire to the elder's end with Firesong, who died from a bout of whitecough in his sleep serveral moons after retireing. She mourned her mate and settled into her life as an elder.


  • Storm — For her grey, fluffy fur
  • Throat — For her charisima and strong voice
  • She is the great great granddaughter of Sagestar
  • fact

Mother †

Her mother and her were close when she was younger as she was the only girl out of her siblings. When Dappleshine died it broke her heart and made her close herself to others. She named her only daughter after her.

Father †

She was her father's pride and joy growing up, spoiled with positive attention. He was a little absent when it came to her and her brother's emotional needs and put a lot of pressure on her as he wanted her to be great, but they remained very closer till his death.


Growing up Snowclaw saw Stormthroat as his rival as he wanted his dad's attention so badly. As they grew older they learned to set aside their differences, their only arguging point being Cloudrush leaving the clan. They now spend time together in the elder's den, sharing prey and helping the younger generation.

Brother †

Originally Cloudrush and Stormthroat didn't get along at all, Cloudrush always feeling like he was living in his sister's shadow. The two surprisingly became closer after he left the clan, his sister's support meaning a lot to him.

First Mate †

Stormthroat's first love, Hawkclaw and her were very close, though they did argue sometimes. She misses him dearly and thinks about him often. Despite falling in love with Firesong, who she says is his true mate, Hawkclaw will always hold a place in her heart.

Second Mate †

She refers to Firesong as having been her true mate, the ying to her yang. He is the father of her three kits and was her dear friend for many moons before they fell in love. She is excited to see him in the Meadow of Stars in the future.

Adoptive Son

Her pride and joy, Stormthroat took him in as a kit and raised him. She is forever proud of him and the cat he has become and is grateful to the ancestors for bringing him to her.


Her only daughter, Dappleheart holds a special place in Stormthroat's heart. She named her after her own mother. The two talk often and she loves to visit Dappleheart and her grand-kits in the nursery.


Maplefang sort of resents his mother and she knows this. He's a bit of a bitter tom when it comes to her but is a wonderful father to his kits. He often bring his mother prey despite his resentment and check in on her. They love each other despite the enstranged relationship.


Redfoot and Stormthroat tend to butt heads because he is far too much like his mother. They are incredibly close but often argue over trivial things.

code by jiko