


1 year, 3 months ago



name Rina age 22 gender Female (She/Her) s/o Pan height 170 cm/5’7” species Eevee level 100 nature Impish character Thoroughly cunning Home Snow Continent, Apulia
Recruited Here Moves last updated Level 48 team X-Team position Leader branch Bounty Hunter type Double leader rank/poke Inventory


Run Away (Ability)

Rina can temporarily give herself a boost in speed and agility, making her and her teammates more likely to get out of sticky situations.


Rina can make herself extremely aware of her surroundings, allowing her to dodge any oncoming attack for a short period of time. It is more likely to fail the longer she uses it for.

Helping Hand

Rina can temporarily boost the power of someone else’s powers by touching them with her palm. The boost only lasts for 5 seconds from the moment of contact regardless of if she keeps her palm there, so technically speaking slapping someone on the shoulder is the most efficient way to use this.


A number of bright yellow stars shoot from Rina’s hands towards her opponent. They shine brightly, meaning this gives away her position as well. They can still miss when used in Gijinka form.

Quick Attack

Rina leaps at an opponent and attempts to slam into them. Usually accompanied by an attempt to grapple said opponent. She gains a boost in speed when using this.

Misc powers

  • After spending a lot of time (at least a month with daily contact) around a person, Rina will instinctively start taking on their mannerisms, catchphrases, and such. She may even be able to somewhat mimic a person’s voice from spending enough time with them. All effects of this fade if she does not come into direct contact with the person for 3 days.




+Patient: Rina is perfectly capable of playing the long-con in order to reach a goal, such as catching a gang of criminals. She is also rather patient when speaking to others, as long as she has time and they do not oppose her views.
+Confident: Rina carries this air of “I know what I’m doing” around at all times, even if she has absolutely no idea what she is doing. She can face danger with such a poker face that it’s unnerving sometimes.
+Perceptive: Rina always keeps an eye and an ear on her surroundings to make sure she does not get snuck up on. She is also very sensitive to others’ microexpressions when talking, and used it to deduce their current state of mind as well as her next step.
=Unreadable: It is very difficult to tell what Rina is thinking at any given moment. She takes the phrase “Appear strong when you are weak, and weak when you are strong” very seriously, often acting a certain way to achieve a goal. Even those allied with her often have no idea what is going on.
=Cunning: With her accumulated knowledge of crime books and psychology, Rina seems to be able to use her wits and charm to get herself out of any situation. She has also pulled a few pranks on others with her knowledge.
=Ambitious: Rina has big dreams and she is endlessly determined when it comes to achieving them. For one, joining the GCSF, which is already complete. She has her eyes set on a few criminal gangs around different islands, as well, that she plans to take out one by one.
=Humorous: Rina likes to pull pranks on those whom she is close to. Currently, that is limited to just her parents and some teammates, though.
-Perfectionist: When a plan goes wrong, Rina will inevitably blame herself for allowing that to happen. She wants to do everything right, even if it’s something that any bystander can see is impossible.
-Stubborn: Rina believes that she knows best, which means that she often has trouble listening to the opinions of others. She also dislikes having to work with someone with different views from her.
-Controlling: Rina tends to prefer working with people who will listen to her commands without questioning, since she often does not have time to explain her plans. If a situation grows too unpredictable, she considers it dangerous and will use her Ability to run away.


Born to Jane the Glaceon and Xavier the Delcatty in Apuila Kingdom, Rina grew up as an only child. Jane and Xavier had a successful business as restaurant managers, but Rina was obviously not interested in it. Instead, whenever she could, she would sneak off to the library and read. She particularly took an interest in books of the Mystery genre, finding it exhilarating to follow detectives on their hunt for the culprit behind a crime. Her parents soon gave up on trying to get her to watch restaurant matters, instead allowing Rina to roam freely in the library, something the Eevee appreciated.

Around when she was twelve, Rina began looking towards jobs where catching criminals were a profession. Maybe she would join the guards of the palace, but she heavily doubted it--She was more of a thinking kind of person than a standing-in-the-same-place-for-hours kind of person.

Around her 18th birthday, news came that there was a guild named the GCSF established on Kala Island, and one of their branches was the Bounty Hunter branch, responsible for catching criminals. Immediately intrigued, Rina asked her parents for permission, and they allowed her to set off on a ship to Kala Island to join the GCSF.

Rina soon found a Bounty Hunter team to join. They were just starting out, and welcomed the new member with open arms.

Within a few missions, though, Rina realised that her fellow Bounty Hunters did not share the same idea of doing things as her. While she preferred to play the long con against criminals in order to catch the whole gang in one go, her teammates liked to just catch whoever they could find, often causing other criminals to get away. These opposing viewpoints caused tension to grow between Rina and her teammates. Rina wanted to go her way, but her other teammates never cooperated with her plans. It made her frustrated all the time.

It took close to a year, the tension lessened as Rina learned to bear with it for the sake of remaining on the team. She stopped speaking up about her plans, cooperating with the team’s plans, though on the inside she was fuming. This was around the time where Rina learned how to cover up her emotions with an act, and also when she started reading up about psychology.

Years passed like this. Privately, Rina’s ambition only grew. She wanted to find another team that would listen to and cooperate with her. Not just find a team, either. She would found a new team. However, she did not want to become too controlling. The best course of action would be to find a co-leader, one who could lead alongside her and balance her out.

That was when Rina set her sights on Alex. The Unown X was a thief in Sunlow Town, and not a very well-known one either. She really only stole for survival, being surprisingly righteous otherwise. Rina could tell there was potential within the other, though. Alex knew how a thief’s mind worked, was an expert at sneaking around in feral form, and was very practical. (Well, many people in Sanlow met that criteria, but few met that criteria and was likely to be cooperative in working together) Just right for a co-leader for Rina. The GCSF doesn’t even have to know Alex’s criminal history.

For a few months, Rina tracked Alex down until she was able to corner the thief in an alley. There, they came to an agreement: Rina and Alex would co-leader a Bounty Hunter team together, Alex would not perform any more criminal acts on her own (Rina implied that ones for the good of the team was fine), Rina would not report Alex’s criminal history to the GCSF, Alex would get a better life, and Alex would let Rina make most of the leadership decisions. Throughout the entire interaction, Alex was visibly tense, which Rina took note of.

With the agreement, Rina backed out from her previous team and registered a new team with Alex as the co-leader. Rina named the team “X-Team” for an emphasis on Alex to draw attention away from herself. It would make sense to outsiders that the Unown X would be the more important member of the X-Team, giving Rina a little extra protection.


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  • Jane (NPC)--Mother, Glaceon: Rina has a positive relationship with her mother and has promised to write back every once in a while. Jane is fully supportive of Rina’s choices.
  • Xavier (NPC)--Father, Delcatty: Rina has a positive relationship with her father and has promised to write back every once in a while. Xavier is fully supportive of Rina’s choices.
  • Various unnamed ex-teammates (NPCs)--Disliked, Various species: Rina’s views on her former teammates range from dislike to hate to anger.
  • Alex (Mine)--Co-leader/Teammate/Friend: Alex has tentative trust in Rina at best, the Eevee can tell. Rina is pleasantly surprised by the fact that Alex can come up with useful ideas herself at times.