Doctor Clarke



1 year, 2 months ago

Basic Info


Arachii Variatus




Around 5'10"




Hailing from the desert planet of Corsus, Clarke Tu'Vok started out as a botanist in the south pole archipelago where he grew exotic plants in its shallow waters. He took a liking to healroot and fluxfruit; they were easier to consume due to his weaker venom. Seeking to expand his medical expertise, Clarke took the nearest starflight shuttle to an offworld university where he got a medical degree, a surgeon's license and a minor in xenobotany. Returning to Corsus he went on to aid his kin, recommissioning a baserunner and setting off into the greater desert to aid other kith across the globe. 

After a few years his (morbid) curiosity only grew and he sought to increase his knowledge of other species across the stars- boarding the nearest starship which happened to be the LEV Callisto.

==[ Appearance ]==
+ Desert red hair, black & yellow eyes, as well as pink-ish accent
+ Six arms, two legs, one abdomen
+ A vocoder embedded in his neck (similar to those in Combine soldiers in HL2 & HL:A)
+ A neckerchief to hide said vocoder
+ Often has a reflective jacket on, or his doctor's smocks
+ Has a pair of two white fangs under his mandibles- his venom is a strong sedative, but too
    weak for dissolving flesh

==[ Likes & Dislikes ]==
+ Gardening! A small portion of the Callisto has a small hydroponics bay for healroot and fluxfruit
+ Genetic modification, which intersects with his love for gardening
+ Takes pride in aiding other sapients, especially through cybernetic augmentation
+ Reading up on the latest surgical procedures and botanical books
+ Biting people for the hell of it

- Dislikes cold weather, being from a desert planet and all
- Despises hard foods and dense meats- they mock his biological limitations

==[ Personality ]==
Clarke's fascination with bodymodding makes him seem eccentric (perhaps a bit psychopathic), but his goals are
altruistic; he aims to help those across the galaxy by limiting the weakness of their flesh. Outside the medbay he
prefers to sit down and read, and then infodumping afterwards. Clarke considers his closest acquaintances, whether
they be friends or rivals to be his kith; even if they don't belong to the Tu'Vok. After all, the water of the egg-sack
isn't as strong as the blood of the covenant.

He may also be considered a scrungle-bastard- his antics being mostly harmless and satisfying his curiosities quite well.

==[ Addendum ]==
Clarke, and the Arachii species as a whole are heavily inspired by the Homeworld games, especially the Kushan social
structure. In-universe the Arachii were a failed genetic experiment, thrown into a science ship and slung to the stars. They
survived and evolved after crashlanding on Corsus, and their scientific databases were a great boon to the fledgling species.
(Somehow the name of the ship would be worn down to say S'jet and all the Homeworld games were preinstalled on a PC,
dominating their architectural, naval and social culture).

My first idea for him was an assassin with surgical expertise, but of course that was just a first draft and refined
into this current character which'll probably become more refined with time. Currently though he stands to be the resident
doctor, of which Apollo is a frequent patient of (he's got a chimera of genetic code and a whole suite of cybernetics).

He'd probably enjoy Rimworld. Lord knows I do.