


1 year, 3 months ago


Toadslip was born into Riverclan, and being the leader's only kit, he grew up quite spoiled. Toadslip is arrogant, and tends to boss his clanmates around despite most of them being more experienced than him. While the older warriors find Toadslip quite irritating, many of the younger warriors look up to Toadslip, cherishing his every word. 

Toadslip ended up taking Rosestep as a mate, though they kept their relationship a secret from the clan. Rosestep eventually had their kits, who she gave to Ottersky to raise. Toadslip had never gotten along with Ottersky, and kept his distance from her and his kits, though he never seemed to pass up an opportunity to critique how she cared for his kits. 

When Ottersky tried to take his kits to Windclan, Toadslip intervened and insisted she leave them in Riverclan. Toadslip came to Rosestep afterwards and demanded she step up to care for the kits now that Ottersky was gone. Rosestep hesitantly agreed, but after losing her role as a medicine cat she joined Ottersky in Windclan with their kits, much to Toadslip's displeasure. 

Toadslip is a stocky, muscular tom with big paws.