Soren Stormsurge



1 year, 3 months ago





Name Soren Stormsurge
Species Pikachu
Age 18
Gender demigirl
Pronouns she/they
Occupation exploration team leader
Affiliation Team Topaz
Residence Tidepool Port
Hometown Tidepool Port


Soren is a young Pikachu who leads Team Topaz, an exploration team apprenticing at the Tidepool Guild.

Personality: extroverted, kindhearted, loyal, honest, ambitious, dreamer, competitive, brave, impulsive, impatient, tries to be confident but is deeply insecure on the inside.

Likes: battling, running, exploring, helping others, eating a ton of food, especially mushroom soup.

Dislikes: being alone, being bored, cheating, injustice, cold weather, nightmares, waiting around.


Shortly after hatching, Soren was abandoned by her birth parents. She was taken in by the kindly Stormsurge family, who raised her with love and patience. For the most part, Soren's childhood was happy. She spent her days as a Pichu exploring her hometown of Tidepool Port and engaging in horseplay with the other children. Despite this, her birth parents' abandonment weighed heavy on her heart. In her frequent nightmares, her adoptive parents left her, too. Little Soren often wondered why she was abandoned, and began to irrationally blame herself, although she would never admit this to anyone. She started to think that maybe, just maybe, if she accomplished something great, she could prove that she was worth keeping around.

Tidepool Port was not only a bustling center of trade, but also home to an explorers guild, attracting exploration teams from far and wide. Soren was starstruck by them all, and often relentlessly pestered the explorers until they spent hours regaling her with tales of their adventures in faraway lands. She wondered what it would be like to join the guild and go on an adventure of her own. And so, her lifelong dream of leading an exploration team was born!

One day, while Soren was walking on the beach, they found a strange key buried in the sand. The key was affixed with an amber topaz that glittered in the sunlight. Fascinated with the strange artifact, Soren decided to keep it as their personal treasure, a representation of all their hopes and aspirations.

(During their adolescence, Soren evolved. The exact details of this event are a WIP! I had something written out but then I remembered that Pichu is a friendship evolution, which screws up my original plan...)

Present Day

Once Soren reached adulthood, she was finally eligible to join the Tidepool Guild as an apprentice. However, to form an exploration team, she would need another member. None of Soren's childhood friends were the adventuring type; they'd all chosen to pursue different careers, so Soren was out of luck. That all changed when a lone Eevee named Ava wandered into Tidepool Port.

That all changed when a lone Eevee named Ava wandered into Tidepool Port. Soren and Ava met, and the Eevee reluctantly explained that she had run away from home. Soren needed a teammate, and Ava needed a place to stay. It seemed like the perfect deal. Together, the two of them formed Team Topaz, named after the mysterious key that Soren had found years ago.

Currently, Team Topaz is taking on rookie jobs and learning the ropes at the guild. Meanwhile, rumors are brewing of Pokémon who fall into a deep sleep from which nothing will wake them... (My PMD story is still a huge work in progress! There will be more to come someday.)


Soren usually wears her green bandanna.

The stripes on her tail don't need to be exact.


Soren is an agile physical attacker, hitting her opponents hard and fast with her offensive strategy. However, her overconfidence and lack of planning can lead to mistakes.

Her ability is Static. She is charged with static electricity and may paralyze attackers that make direct contact with her.

Quick Attack Extreme Speed


The user lunges at the target at a speed that makes it almost invisible. It is sure to strike first.

Spark Volt Tackle


The user throws an electrically charged tackle at the target. It may also leave the target with paralysis. Volt Tackle also damages the user quite a lot.

Iron Tail


The target is slammed with a steel-hard tail. It may also lower the target's Defense stat.

Brick Break


The user attacks with a swift chop. It can also break any barrier such as Light Screen and Reflect.


The orange patch marking on her head was inspired by Hamtaro.

code credits: main - moveset - type buttons - color palette