HELLO! its time to roll for the winners of this! first though i just want to thank everyone who entered this!

we reached a whopping 569 tickets (nice) and 341 favorites! im absolutely mindboggled! the support for this has exceeded my wildest expectations and i seriously cannot thank everyone enough ♥♥😭

i will be hosting a subscriber-only raffle sometime when im finished with these customs as another thank you for the support! i'll probably do a bulletin and poll to see what you guys would be most interested in receiving!

ANYWAYS onto the winners!

the first winner of a recon custom is lucky number...


382!! congratulations to LittleSprout !! i will reach out to you via DM for details in just a minute! ♥

and the winner of the second recon custom will be....


number 70!! congratulations to Reinhiro !! <3 i will be sending you a DM in a moment!!

if you did not win and would still like one of these, i will be opening commissions for them soon! if you'd like me to ping you when they're available feel free to let me know! my new TH commissions page will be coming soon ♥

thank you again!! love you mwah

closed! rolling for the winners rn!



your number is 569!

This user is not visible to guests.

MIKEY FGHJFDHGHJ thank you for entering <3<3

your numbers are 566, 567, and 568!

Faved, tysm for this chance!

thank you so much for entering!!

your number is 565!


thank you so much for entering!! <3

your number is 564!

Favourited! <3

thank you!! <3

your number is 563!

Thankyou so much for the opportunity! and congratulations to the winners! >u<


ty for entering!!

your number is 562!

Faved, subscribedi love your designs

thank you so much!! that means a lot to me i really appreciate the support!! <3

your number is 561!

Faved! Love the concept of this so much

(I might have already have this faved? Hopefully I didn't already comment a-)

thank you so much!! <3 i went back and checked and you havent entered before, no worries!

your number is 560!

Faved :>

tysm for entering!!

your number is 559!

Faved and made a bulletin! I love your choice of colours when making designs :)

AW thank you so much!! <3

your numbers are 556, 557 and 558!


thank you for entering!

your number is 555!

I have Faved & Bulletin it. 

Thank you for the opportunity! 

thank you so so much!! <3 i really appreciate it!

your numbers are 552, 553, and 554!



your number is 551!

Faved and subbed!! ^^ 

I love your art so much!!

THANK YOU..that means a lot to me thank you so much!!😭😭 <3

your number is 550!

Faved and bulletin! Grr your style is so epic ✨✨

THANK YOU...that's really kind thank you sm 😭<3

your numbers are 547, 548, and 549!

Faved n subbed, tysm!!

THANK YOU SM!! <3 i really appreciate it!!

your numbers are 544, 545, and 546!

Np, and thank you!!

thank you so so much!! <3

your numbers are 541, 542, and 543!



your number is 540!

Faved and Bulletin! (https://toyhou.se/~bulletins/1174934.cool-raffle-check-it-out-not-my-raffle)
Your artstyle is so pleasent to look at omg-

thank you so much!! AUHGGH thank you that means a lot to me 😭 <33

your numbers are 537, 538, and 539!

thank you! <3

your numbers are 534, 535, and 536!

Faved only :D

A little side note, your art style is so cool to look at!

aw my goodness thank you so much thats really sweet 🥹 <3 ty for entering!!

your number is 533!

faved! hehe

ZAYY thank you so much <33

your number is 532!


your numbers are 529, 530, and 531!

thank you so much!!

your numbers are 526, 527, and 528!


thank you so much kannin!! <3

your number is 525!

Fav'd and bulletin! <3 Also can't believe I wasn't sub'd to you yet! <3 https://toyhou.se/~bulletins/1174370.neato-surprise-custom-raffle

AWW THANK U SO MUCH SILVER <33 i really appreciate you entering thank you 🥹

your numbers are 522, 523, and 524!

This user is not visible to guests.

thank you sm for entering!!

your numbers are 519, 520, and 521!

Fav'd and followed! 

psst, hi Roc!


your number is 518!

This user is not visible to guests.


your number is 517!


thank you for entering!

your number is 516!

thank you so much!! <3

your numbers are 513, 514, and 515!



your number is 512!

Faved the character! :3c

thank you!! <3

your number is 511!

Faved!! Tysm for the opportunity!!! ^^

thank you so much!!

your number is 510!

faved + bulletin!!! this is such a cool concept sgxjxgxjxg

thank you so so much!! <3

your numbers are 507, 508, and 509!

Faved! Thank you for the chance!

thank you for entering!! <3

your number is 506!

Faved! :3


your number is 505!

Favorited and made a bulletin: https://toyhou.se/~bulletins/1173761.cool-custom-raffle
I really like the concept of this!

thank you so so much!! <3

your numbers are 502, 503, and 504!

thank you so much!! <3

your numbers are 499, 500, and 501!

entered!! heres my bulletin ^^

thank you so much <3

your numbers are 496, 497, and 498!

This user is not visible to guests.

thank you so much!!

your numbers are 493, 494, and 495!

faved ^^

thank you!!

your number is 492!



your number is 491!

faved!, tysm :3

ty for entering!! <3

your number is 490!

Entering :>! Faved and made bulletin https://toyhou.se/~bulletins/1173167.custom-raffle

thank you so much!! <3

your numbers are 487, 488, and 489!

Entering! + Faved <3

thank you so much for entering!!

your number is 486!

This user is not visible to guests.


your number is 485!

Entering! Favorited and made a bulletin!

thank you for entering!!

your numbers are 482, 483, and 484!

This user is not visible to guests.

thank you so so much!!

your numbers are 479, 480, and 481!

This user is not visible to guests.

AWWHGFJ thank you so so much thats really sweet!! <3

your numbers are 476, 477, and 478!

Hello there, faved! Thanks for the shot, your designs look awesome!

AW thank you so much i really appreciate it!! thank you for entering! <3

your number is 475!

Faved, Entering! Thank you for the opportunity!! <3

thank you so so much!! <3

your number is 474!


thank you for entering!!

your number is 473!

thank you so so much! <3

your numbers are 470, 471, and 472!


Faved and made a bulletin

thank you so much!! <3

your numbers are 467, 468, and 469!


thank you too!

Faved!! I can't wait to see what you do :)

THANK U SO MUCH im so excited to work on the customs!! thank you so much for entering <3

your number is 466!

faved, made a bulletin: https://toyhou.se/~bulletins/1172475.design-raffle-its-f2e , and subbed!

aw man thank you so so much i really appreciate it!! <3

your numbers are 463, 464, and 465!

faved and made a bulletin!

thank you so much!! <3

your numbers are 460, 461, and 462!

Faved this character! Thank you for the chance!

my pleasure!! thank you so so much for entering! <3

your number is 459!

faved and made a bulletin!

thank you so so much!! <3<3

your numbers are 456, 457, and 458!

faved !


your number is 455!

AWW THANK U FOR ENTERING i really appreciate it!! <3

your numbers are 452, 453, and 454!

thank you so much for entering!! <3<3

your numbers are 449, 450, and 451!

okay, this is sick. faved and bulletined!

AWW thank you so much!! <3

your numbers are 446, 447, and 448!


thank you so much!!

your number is 445!


your numbers are 442, 443, and 444!

Oooh, this sounds neat!-- will you be doing these sorts of customs as commissions too?

Also, favorited the raffle ^-^

oh yeah absolutely!! im definitely gonna open these up eventually for probably like $45-$50ish! <3 thank you so so much for entering!!

your number is 441!

entering (faved)!

tysm for entering!!

your number is 440!

Hello! I made a bulletin and Faved! I would love to enter! ^^

Thank you for this opportunity! :>

thank you so so much!!

your numbers are 437, 438, and 439!

thank you so much!!

your numbers are 434, 435, and 436!

Faved, subbed, and made a bulletin! https://toyhou.se/~bulletins/1171602.2x-f2e-custom-raffle

thank you so so much <3<3

your numbers are 431, 432, and 433!

This user is not visible to guests.

thank you for entering!!

your number is 430!

This user is not visible to guests.

thank you so much!!

your numbers are 427, 428, and 429!


thank you so much!! for clarity someone below you added a bulletin to their post so your number looks like it's a few ahead in sequence but you're all set!

your number is 426!

Faved, subbed and bulletin https://toyhou.se/~bulletins/1171441.raffle-not-mine <3 <3 <3 <3


your numbers are 421, 422, and 423!

thank you so much!! <3 

your numbers are 418, 419, and 420!


just faved

thank you <3

your number is 417!

thank you for participating!! <3

your numbers are 414, 415, and 416!

Faved and made a bulletin 🤍 https://toyhou.se/~bulletins/1171249.art-raffle

thank you so so much!! <3

your numbers are 411, 412, and 413!

This user is not visible to guests.

thank you!! <3

your number is 410!



your number is 409!

thank you so so much!! <3

your numbers are 406, 407, and 408!

faved :D

thank you!!

your number is 405!

Entering! Thanks for the chance :3

Faved and bulletin

thank you so much!! <3

your numbers are 402, 403, and 404!

This user is not visible to guests.

thank you!!

your number is 401!

faved ! ^^

ty for entering!!

your number is 400!

This user is not visible to guests.

thank you!!

your number is 399!

This user is not visible to guests.

Faved it! This is such a cool idea for a raffle!

aw thank you so much!! <3

your number is 398!


tysm for entering!

your number is 397!

thank you so much!!

your numbers are 394, 395, and 396!

This user's account has been closed.

thank you so much for entering!!

your numbers are 391, 392, and 393!


bulletin  https://toyhou.se/~bulletins/1170698.f2e-custom

thanks for the chance +3

thank you so much!! <3

your numbers are 388, 389, 390!

This user is not visible to guests.

thank you!! <3

your number is 387!

faved and made a bulletin!!

thank you so much!! <3

your numbers are 384, 385, and 386!

This user is not visible to guests.

thank you!!

your number is 383!

Faved this! :D

thank you so much!! <3

your number is 382!

thank you so so much!! <3

your numbers are 379, 380, and 381!

thank you so so much!! <3

your numbers are 376, 377, and 378!