


1 year, 3 months ago




Observant > Vireoblossom is always careful of her surroundings. She tries to pick up on every detail about the cats she meets, the trail she is following, any suspicious mark on the trees. It is very dificult for her to miss something important.

Intuitive > She trusts her knowledge and intuition to make decisions, this helps her deduce others' intentions, others' true feeling and get a hint when others are lying to her. She trusts her instincts to know when something is off.

Kindhearted > She is very noble, she could never mean to harm anyone. She always seeks ways to help others less fortunate, or instead, try to comfort them and make them smile. She enjoys making other happy.


Private > She usually doesn't reveal much details about her own life or close ones, it takes some time for her to actually open up for you and have deep conversations, which can make her hard to read sometimes.

Sincere > Vireo always speaks with the truth and only the truth, she doesn't like to deceive others, unless there a really really good reason to do so. She just doesn't want to get in trouble...

Passionate > She may not be loud, but when she likes something, she does it with her whole soul and heart. Her eyes simply glimmer when she sees something she likes and she might not be able to stop talking about it.


Avoidant > Even when Vireo knows she has to face her problem, she just doesn't want to. She is the type of cat to ''sweep things under the rug'' and pretend she doesn't know anything about them. She avoids conflict as much as possible, but the more she avoids, the bigger it gets.

Fearful > She is easily afraid of the things that surround her, quickly believing bad things will happen, that she won't success, and more. This usually refrains her from doing things she really wants or needs to do.

Vulnerable > Her big heart is also very fragile, so she gets emotionally hurt very easily. She can easily be controlled by her heart and she will hate it because she wants to stay strong but she can't. It will be easy to make her cry and she will need some time to avoid everyone. 


Prefix meaning
Litter naming theme:
Her markings resembling a vireo
Suffix meaning
Her nurturing and maternal nature
Previous names
Vireopaw, Vireokit
Vireo, Vi, Blossom

Past Clans
Past ranks
Warrior, Apprentice, Kit

Current Apprentice
Past apprentices
26 moons
She/her, They/them
Starclan - average


Appearance > Cream ticked tabby she-cat  with white ear tips and toes and blue eyes.
Build > Short and lean
Fur >  Long, thick and silky fur

Scent > Honey, flowers and cherry
Voice > Aurora


Breeds: Moogy

Height: 20 cm
Weight: 6.6 lbs


Scars >
Accessories > A peony on her head
Bans >
Other items used > Ladybug familiar




Anyone who hurts kits
Wild animals


Her birthday is March 11th
She dreamt of becoming a caretaker since apprenticeship



  • Agility [8/10]
  • Stealth [7/10]
  • Speed [6/10]
  • Strength [5/10]
  • Endurance [5/10]
  • Climbing [8/10]
  • Swimming [4/10]


  • Sight [5/10]
  • Scent [5/10]
  • Hearing [6/10]
  • Taste [5/10]
  • Touch [5/10]


  • Den Building [10/10]
  • Battle tactics [5/10]
  • Hunting tactics [8/10]
  • Kitting [6/10]
  • Herbal [1/10]
  • Niche* [0/10]
  • Sign Language [3/10]


>> Alderpounce > Mother > Brown she-cat with with white and
brown patches and amber eyes. > PriestOfBast, Deceased
>> Sablefoot > Father > Black torbie tom with
blue and green eyes. > 0Crow0, Missing

>> Rogue Donor > Biological Father > Silver ticked tabby tom with medium
white markings and muzzle, and blue eyes. > NPC


>> Flickerfoot > Sister > Black tabby she-cat with high white
and green eyes. > gayratattack, Alive
>> Kestrelcatcher > Brother > Reddish-brown ticked tabby tom
with white socks and green eyes. > NorthernSadness, Alive
>> Ternelk > Brother > Cream and black tabby tom with
blue eyes > StarfruitWings, Deceased
>> Harrierkit > Brother > Light brown spotted tabby tom with
high white and amber eyes. > Deceased


>> Peregrinerose > Orange tabby calico she-cat with
olive green eyes. > @chekkas, Alive


>> Trilliumkit > Description > User
>> Tansykit > Description > User
>> Rosekit > Description > User
>> Lavenderkit > Description > User
>> Dockkit > Description > User
>> Wisteriakit > Description > User


>> Maplemask > Sister-in-law (Flicker's mate) > Brown and red
torbie with white spotting, reddish eyes and a folded ear > @Luuntia, Alive

>> Mallardchirp > Brother-in-law > Brown classic tabby
tom with white paws, muzzle and belly, and amber and green eyes. > me, Alive
>> Ospreydove > Sibling-in-law > Brown tabby
with high white and green eyes. > Shiisghetti, Alive
>> Canaryelm > Brother-in-law > Ginger tabby tom
with high white and amber eyes. > gayratattack, Alive


Previous Mates
Romantic Interests
Looking for
Interesting in kits
Preferred family size


  • Bigger than her
  • Protective
  • Kind


  • Doesn't like kits
  • Apathetic
  • Disloyal


Kithood [0-6 moons] >

Vireokit was born to Alderpounce and Sablefoot, a couple of young Hailclanners. The two became fast friends early in their lives, going through thick and thin, ghosts, avalanches, bears, you name it. No matter what, their affections never faded for each other. Vireokit was always happy to have a big family, even if she was shy. Sadly, a few days after being born, the youngest of the litter, Harrierkit, passed away. Vireokit was still too little to comprehend what happened, but seeing her parents so sad made her sad too. The clan did not only lose her brother, but they also lost more members, Torrentbark, Cinnamonblaze, Peapaw, Feathercloud and Fenpaw.

During the gathering a large group of cats attacked the camp. Vireokit had never been more scared, and while she had been comforted believing that her warrior clanmates would be victorious, the reality was different. They lost many clanmates, Brindlekit included. Vireokit mourned her denmate, how could someone her age die? Watching how death took even the youngest kits changed something inside her. 

The leader, Salmonstar stepped down, and Thicketskip became Thicketstar, who soon announced that was expecting kits. And there were more adittions to the high ranks of the clan, as Nightingale chose Bramblechirp as her apprentice to become herbalist.

Sadness didn't last long as many kits were born to the clan; Ruddykit, Skunkkit, and Batkit along side Mallardkit, Peregrinekit, Ospreykit, and Canarykit. They all seemed lovely,  but Vireokit was terrified by the thought of approching them, even if they were younger than her. She just hoped they all got to have a nice, long life.

Apprenticeship [6-12 moons] >

Soon, it was her siblings and Vireo's turn to become apprentices. She couldn't deny that it made her heart ache to think that Harrierkit didn't make it to this point, she would do anything to have him by her side.
But she had to carry on. She got Petalthorn as her mentor, and she couldn't be more pleased.

But as always, she couldn't be happy for long. The empire cats attacked Hailclan again, Blackberrysting, who had left the clan previously, was on the rogues' side. During the fight one of the empire cats was killed by Porcupinebristle, and Burnetpath returned to the clan during the batle. Blizzardshroud, Borageblaze, Chirplotus, Mosswater and Badgermask  and Burnetpath were taken the to herbalist for the injuries, and sadly, Ospreykit, Peregrinekit, and Canarykit were taken by the rouges, leaving only Mallardkit. Vireopaw was devastated. Yes, it hurt to see her elder clanmates get hurt and pass away, but it broke her heart to the the younger ones depart. She just prayed to Starclan that they were luckier than the rest of deceased kits she had known.

She frecuently spent time with her parents and siblings, fearing that one day she couldn't see them again, but at the same time, she felt like isolating herself, to reflexion about her feelings. And during one of those days, she found herself a familiar; a ladybug. They were good luck, so now, she looked at her as a symbol that even when everything was going wrong, there was always going to be something good.
She realised that this sessions of being by herself helped her a lot to understand herself, and know who she truly was, and what she truly wanted. She discovered that she didn't want to be a warrior, nor a huntress. Everything she dreamt of was to become a care-taker, and do everything in her power to protect the younger members of the clan.

Soon after she turned 9 moons old, Petalthorn announced that she was expecting kits. Vireokit was very happy for her mentor, even it that meant that she would get reassigned to another warrior. Her new mentor was Vixenblaze, who was Petalthorn's sister. Vixenblaze was lovely; she was cheerful and motivating.
A little less than a moon later after she was reassigned to Vixenblaze, Peregrinekit, Ospreykit and Canarykit were rescued, and a rogue called Yearling of Dusk Grove was taken prisoner. Vireopaw was more than relieved to see Thicketstar's kits back in their home all safe and sound. Of course, nobody expected any of the kits to act as if nothing had happened, many expected the litter to wait an extra moon to rank up, but both Peregrine and Mallard ranked up anyway, along with Bearbranch's kits, becoming denmates with Vireopaw and the rest of the apprentices. Some became apprentices while others became warriors, as Whitepaw, Velvetpaw and Woollypaw.

Clan life was busy, but something that always came with it was death, and for some reason, they were young cats many times. Poor Skunkpaw who had barely enjoyed apprenticeship was found death after running off during a patrol.
But clan life always had new life, like Avocetflame having her first litter. Vireopaw didn't resist to go and visit them. They were all so adorable! It was a cycle, Vireo started to comprehend, some cats passed away but they would always be new cats too.
Soon, her mentor Vixenblaze announced her mateship with Twigbounce and Vireopaw couldn't be happier for her mentor, she deserved all that love in her life. And Bramblechirp finally became a full herbalist, Hailclan was finally thriving again, it seemed.

Ospreykit and Canarykit ranked up, but Fawnpatch sadly passed away. Vireopaw had learned to live with it, it didn't make it any less sad, but things like that would always happen. Petalthorn gave birth to her litter and of course Vireopaw had to visit them all, the nursery was getting a little crowded as Mosswater also gave birth to his litter with Blazestone.

It was good that the clan had kits as they started losing warriors suddenly, Tundrawolf, Sootscorch, Rainstone... at least they were now in Starclan.

Warriorhood [12 - 15 moons] >

Vireopaw and her siblings achieved their warrior assessments and they all had their warrior ceremony, becoming Flickerfoot, Kestrelcatcher, Ternelk and her, Vireoblossom. Vireo adored her new name, Thicketstar couldn't have chosen one better. As a warrior, Vireoblossom started to wear a peony on her head, it suited her name, she thought.
But now, the idea of requesting the caretaker rank resonated in her mind everyday... but in the mean time, she did her best a a warrior. Shortly after her rank up, the clan lost two warriors, and Yearling was returned to the Empire.

But luckily, there was one good event in the clan. Juncogaze and Sweetsong became mates. Vireoblossom was all excited for the announcement, even if none of them were close to her. It was just so touching to see two cats forming such a strong bond and joining their lives. It made Vireoblossom wish she could have that one day.

Then her friend Peregrinepaw if she could call aer that, got reassigned to a new mentor, this time Juncogaze. It was odd, but Vireo only hoped Peregrine would do well with this new mentor. Bramblechirp chose his first apprentice as herbalist, Pearpaw. Vireoblossom couldn't be more relieved that the clan was in good paws.
Shortly after, the clan welcomed a new warrior. Pearldusk had requested to join Hailclan after leaving Emberclan. Vireoblossom was cautious but guessed the warrior deserved a chance. Maplepaw and Willowpaw became warriors, and Vireo wasn't unaware of the happiness this caused to her sister, Flicketfoot.

Vireoblossom was extremely happy that for once, the clan seemed to be thriving. She saw how skilled her siblings and warriors of her age had become, and once again, she could only feel the call. Her true wish was not to protect the clan fighting, she wanted to protect it since the start, to make sure she would fight to keep every single kit alive and make sure every kit felt loved.

Caretakerhood [15 - present moons] >

Vireoblossom was determined, so after discusing it with her parents, she went to Thicketstar requesting to become a caretaker. She was happy to have the support of her whole family, and she was the happiest she had ever been. Her dream had become true.

It was weird to be back to the nursery at first, but this was what she wanted the most, and soon made herself comfortable with her new denmates. Soon, Sedgecreek moved into the nursery with them after announcing that she was expecting Spiralroot's kits, and the new caretaker was more than glad to help her get comfortable in her new den. Unfortunately, two of the caretakers left the clan when she had just a couple of days being a caretaker. But still, Cottonpounce and her would make a great duo to aid the queens in any need.

Everyone seemed happy about her choice to become a caretaker, they knew very well that this was what made her happy, oh well, that was what she thought, because Peregrinepaw was not happy at all with her decision. She snapped at her when they talked again, and Vireoblossom was extremely confused, and sad. Peregrine started avoiding her after that event.

While she tried her best to keep herself busy with tasks around the camp to avoid getting sad, suddenly cats started getting ill; her former mentor Vixenblaze for example, but there were many cats getting sent to the herbalist den. Even kits got sick and that broke Vireo's heart. Lambhorn and Whirlywind succumbed to it, and it was when Vireoblossom feared the worst would happen. What would she do if any of her parents or siblings got sick too? But to her surprise, it was not them who got sick, it was her.

She felt so unwell, and ended up staying in the herbalist den, fighting for her life, but she wondered if she was meant to die as well. She would hate to make her family cry, but at least she would get to meet with her baby brother Harrierkit again. She missed Peregrinepaw's warrior ceremony for being stuck in the herbalist den, but maybe Peregrine thought it was better like that.
Some cats got released from the herbalist den, but the less fortunate weren't actually released, but buried instead. The former leader, Salmonwish and his mate, Elkshade passed away.

Thanks to Starclan, she managed to recover and got released from the herbalist den, she was so grateful that she got to live and tried to spend as much time with her family as she could. She returned to the nursery just in time to see Avocetfire's litter getting ready to move out. It was so adorable to see them all happy and excited to start their training. She felt even prouder when Flicketfoot got to mentor one of them, Tulipkit. Although, before they could feel the nursery getting empty, Sedgecreek gave birth to three kits, Bouncekit, Pouncekit and Duskkit.

They had peace for a little while, they seemed to thrive, but soon they would have to welcome part of Cloudclan because they got driven out of their territory by the Empire. She would often try to help around the camp bringing nest materials, or repairing the dens. Those poor cats who lost their home...

Soon Blazestone and Mosswater's litter ranked up along with Petalthorn's, leaving quite some room in the nursery. While Vireoblossom was happy that those kits gre up healthy and happy, it was sad that the nursery had less kits. But the nursery would get even lonelier after Cottonpounce was found dead along Woolybelly in the bristling forest. Vireoblossom mourned for the white tom, he had become like another mentor figure for her, and now, she was the only caretaker of Hailclan, would she be able to do it without him?

She tried to carry on, it was what he would have wanted. Both of her brothers got their first apprentices, and Vireo was so proud of them, it made her so happy to see her siblings thrive and reaching their own goals as well. When she felt down, she would find some trinkets by her nest sometimes. The first time she found some pinecones, and she loved them, but she wondered who left them there, and why didn't they just give them to her, but she wouldn't start hunting for clues. She would just enjoy her new trinkets in silence. Days laters it was some feathers woven into her nest, and again, she loved them, but she started to get suspicious. And then, one day Mallarchirp came and gave her a vole, without explaining much, but his hint was in the same direction as her suspicions. It was Peregrinerose, but would she go and face her? She didn't know.

More cloudclan cats arrived to the camp, and they welcomed them as they could, since the camp was getting crowded. But sadly, the other news spreading weren't as happy. Tulippaw was found buried in the snow after slipping on a ridge. It broke Vireo's heart, she had watched that kit grow, and she didn't get to become a warrior, just like many other young ones. Shortly after, Forestpaw, one of Petalthorn's kits, got lost during a snowstorm. Vireblossom grieved for them as well. Sagestorm disappeared while trying to find Forestpaw, and many were sad and worried about her.

Unexpectedly, the mysterious gifts returned, this time it was a (melted) snow flower by her nest, and it was both funny and cute, but she was now almost sure of who it had been. She found the courage to go and face Peregrinerose and well, things didn't go as she planned. Peregrine denied it at first and seemed awkward, and Vireo got a little hurt, but in the end, they fixed things, Peregrine apologized for how she acted, and of course, Vireoblossom was more than happy to welcome the calico into her life again.

Juniperthorn then announced they were expecting kits, Vireoblossom was happy to welcome someone into the nursery again, after everything that had happened. Kits were always a symbol of hope for the future, weren't they? It didn't take long befor the clan lost more warriors, Tytoflight and Seasong were trampled by deer, they desperately needed hope.

Finally after their hard work, Pearpaw, Bramblechirp's apprentice, was granted her new name after finishing their training as herbalist, becoming Pearbark. Vireo made sure to congratulate the new herbalist. Lupinepaw and Honepaw finished their training as well, and Vireoblossom felt proud of them, that they got to become warriors. Celebration felt anticipated, because just by the next day, the four clans launched an attack against the Cervine Empire, and yes, Cloudclan managed to claim their land back, but lives had to be sacrified. Hailclan lost Badgermask and Spiralroot. Oh, it broke her to see Spiralroot's kits mourn their father and cry for their loss, no kit deserved to suffer that. They lost Halfmask passed away not long after, losing his mate really took a toll on him. Was the victory really worth it? Was the heartbreak worth it? She visited the herbalist den often, and in one of her visits she ended up helping Heatherdance to make a flower crown for Porcupinebristle.

Time went by and things seemed to be back to normal, Cloudclan cats gradually returned to their territory, and Hailclan seemed to thrive again, until sickness stroke again, this time it wasn't poisoning as the time she was sick, this time was different, and she feared for her loved ones, she got even more worried once Thicketstar starting showing symptoms too. Juniperthorn finally gave birth to their litter; Ripplekit, Windykit, and Rootkit. Vireoblossom made extra efforts to avoid the illness to get to the nursery. 

Soon the nursery got a little empty again, when Sedgecreek's litter ranked up, she wished the best for the litter. She felt a little old when Sunnypaw, Murkypaw, Hazepaw, Hollowpaw and Frogpaw were mae warriors, but she was so happy for them nonetheless. 

Sadly, the disease kept claiming lives. Oleanderplume, and then, one of Thicketstar's lives. After losing her extra life, the leader stepped down and the deputy Moosecrash became Moosestar. Then they lost Beavershine, but Vireblossom's world got shaken when Alderpounce started showing symptoms too, she didn't know what would she do if something happened to her mother.


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First Impressions

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First Impression

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