Catia Vlahos



1 year, 3 months ago



species human
rank + colour LT. CMNDR. Chief Engineer, Orange
age 37
height 5ft 7
gender Masc
pronouns she/they
sexuality butch lesbian
country of origin Greece

designer SingingShadowFox on TH
worth 6$
Catia Vlahos Stubborn • Proud • Handy

Catia Vlahos is proud of her position as Chief Engineer onboard the EC-Venture, and it's clear from the careful way she maintains the ships capabilities. She could probably fix most anything on the ship, and if she can't yet, she'll learn. She can get kinda particular about preferring her methods and ways over others, however, and doesn't enjoy being proven wrong.

They're very handy, and Catia enjoys tinkering with things on her spare time. She has a daughter back home that she calls on a weekly basis, and she's very proud that her daughter seems to be interested in following a similar path. Catia enjoys showing Asteria how to take things apart and put them back together on the calls, and hopes to get a more family-safe assignment on her next job, so Asteria can go with her.


  • working with her hands
  • calling with her daughter
  • tres


  • paperwork
  • Being so far from home
  • tres



  • If Catia hears anyone call the Venture the ECKVenture (Instead of the E C Venture), she will launch into a long lecture about proper respect for the ship. She takes it very seriously. She may also throw something at you, if she's holding something.
  • Catia has a twelve-year-old daughter named Asteria back home, that she tries to keep in contact with at least once a week. Her nickname for her daughter is "αστεράκι" which means little star.
  • Very protective of the younger crewmates, will not hesitate to mama bear them, lecture them, or make them a good home-cooked meal. Or all of the above, if it called for that.
