The Solar System



1 year, 6 months ago


The Solar System

"It's like a space shuttle, and we're all passengers taking turn piloting it."

The Solar System is the overall name for the system that Ben, Wyatt, and Lou make up. The three of them are the primary fronters in the system, with some less active alters. As a whole, they work onboard a deepspace-exploration vessel as a science officer. Their official ranking is Lieutenant, and all three of them hold that rank. None of the three of them are the original core/host.


The body is about 5 ft 8 in in height, with a fairly average build. They have short, dark brown hair, and dark brown eyes. They're ambidextrous with no dominant hand. The body is AMAB, with pierced ears and technically glasses (though Wyatt and Lou wear contacts). The body is 29 years old.

Quick Info


Wyatt uses he/him and storm/stormself. He's the most outgoing of the three alters, and greatly enjoys being around other people. Sometimes he comes across as overconfident with a big ego, but storm's ust really passionate about what he knows. He generally wears long-sleeved polo shirts that he doesn't button. Wyatt wears contacts. Out of the three, Wyatt formed last.


Lou uses she/her, and IDs as masculine. She's fairly social, but also enjoys her downtime on her own at times. She comes across as more collected than the other two, partially due to her RBF. Lou tends to be the best at dealing with stress in a reasonable way, and often deals with that aspect of their life. Lou likes to wear button-ups with interesting patterns, and also wears contacts. Out of the three, Lou formed first.


Ben uses he/they, and is the quietest of the group. They get overwhelmed and overloaded very easily, and stays away from groups of people whenever possible. He likes things calm and quiet, and is content to be in a room quietly with one or two other people. He doesn't have any particlar clothing preferences other than not wearing tight clothes, and chooses to wear glasses over contacts. Out of the three, Ben formed second.


"If I'm right, I'm right! And I'm right often, especially about weather."

Wyatt is very social, very extroverted. He enjoys being around others on the ship, and often seeks out others to talk with or be around. Storm enjoys talking about most things, but especially enjoys topics relating to weather science, as well as geological science. He formed a few years after Ben after a near-death event involving a sudden storm on a planet created tornadic conditions. From the get-go, Wyatt was obsessed with understanding weather and disasters, and funneled passion into where they are now. Storm is the primary reason the system as a whole works in the science field.

Storm is very confident in himself, and isn't too ashamed to admit it. He can be very vocal about the things he knows, and while he's very open to learning more things, sometimes storm comes off as being full of stormself. He enjoys playful banter, but will correct you if you say something that he knows is wrong. He can be kind of bad about admitting when he's wrong, however. Storm also isn't the best at understanding more subtle cues, and storm can be quick to anger.

Wyatt doesn't really have any hobbies that don't involve weather. Storm documentaries, weather history books, it's all weather, all the time! Storm is very good at cooking and baking, however.


Wyatt discovered a three-eye super-hurricane on an earth-like planet during their ship's exploration. It was a massive storm, much larger than any storms recorded on Earth, with two smaller hurricanes directly attached to it. It was incredible to witness, and he was present for the storm's entire lifespan. It was the single greatest thing he'd ever witnessed. He hasn't stopped talking about it since.


"Every day I wake up and have to look at numbers instead of historical facts."

Lou is considered the active host at the moment, and tries to put a lot of the care of the body on herself. Shee formerly had a more caretaking role, so it is something familiar to her. She's fairly calm and collected, but still enjoys being around others and chatting, though not to the extent that Wyatt does. Lou is the oldest of the three active alters, having been around since before both Ben and Wyatt. She knew the original core/host before they retreated into headspace and she took over their role as host.

Lou enjoys casual discussion over intense debate, and likes history far more than science. Unfortunately, she was outvoted by Ben and Wyatt when it came to their job, so they became a science officer. Lou tries to handle the responsibility tasks as often as possible, and can sometimes be called "boring" espcially by Wyatt. Lou is actually short for Lieutenant, but was convinced a long time ago that Lou would work better because, "What if we became Lieutenant? You'd be Lieutenant Lieutenant." Sometimes Lou makes large choices for the system without consulting the others, and while she often has good intent, it can cause problems.


Lou enjoys reading non-fiction and historical books, as well as sketching and drawing things such as buildings, landmarks, and ships! Lou uses she/her pronouns, but still IDs as a man. (Pronouns ≠ Gender folks!)


"I think if one more person looks at me, I'm going to throw up."

Ben would be content to have as little social interaction as possible. They're the quietest of the system, and he gets easily overwhelmed and overstimulated. Ben doesn't do well in large groups, or honestly even groups of two or more people. They prefer to be left alone to do their work, or to work alongside others quietly. He works best with reliable routine, and gets stressed and upset at sudden changes.

Ben is prone to sensory overload, and often gets frontstuck during these incidents. He also acts as somewhat of an emotional 'sponge', and sometimes strong emotions bleed through to him even when he's not fronting. When Ben gets overstimulated or overloaded, he often tries to find somewhere quiet to hide, though he's gotten better at seeking out help. Ben works best with data entry and numbers, as they're reliable and fairly stable to work with, and they don't require much interaction. If not doing that, he can be found on the observation decks when they're basically empty, where they often listen to music. Ben prefers quiet music without a lot of speaking, like instrumental music or video game OST.


Ben has a pair of noise-cancelling headphones in the system's shared quarters, as well as an emergency pair at their workstation. Ben almost eclusively works on ship, and very rarely attends as part of an exploratory mission. If unable to swap out with either Lou or Wyatt, he gets an emergency dismissal from the captain or the doctor.


Core "Jacob"

The original core/host of the system. Lou was the last one to actively know and see them, and they have long since retreated from active headspace. Considered gone/dormant by the rest of the system, though the body retains their name for legal reasons (ie: paperwork).


Aggressive trauma-holder. Very rarely fronts, only in cases of extreme danger, and will seek to harm anyone regardless of friend, foe, or even self.



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