[Valorant] ★ Disko



1 year, 1 month ago



Real Name
Dolores Estrela Joséfina
VALORANT Protocol, K/SEC (Previously), KNG R&D (Previously)
Game Details
Passive Ability
Basic Abilities
Take Cover, Ballistic Cover
Signature Abilities
Ultimate Ability
Line of Fire
Ult. Points
♦♦♦♦♦♦ 6
Colombian Agent Disko skates in front of her allies to take hits, absorbing the bullet shots and turning the enemy's artillery against them. Her radiant skin acts as her shield, making enemies think twice before unloading an entire magazine on her.
― playvalorant.com


While on missions, Disko typically wears a 1980s era party dress with lengthy scrunched up arm warmers and knee high roller blading boots. Her dress is a deep warm red, with white tiled print on the sides and sleeves that mimics the texture and tiling of a standard disco ball. An ammunition belt is wrapped around her dress, buckled with a round buckle with the VALORANT logo engraved in it. Her rollerblades can sometimes be seen in cinematics with wheels in the shape of disco balls or CD discs. The ribbon in her hair typically matches cohesively with her make-up for the day, which comprises of lipstick, pigmented eye shadow, and a star on her cheek that is either drawn on or pasted with a sticker.


Disko is hot headed, reckless, and free spirited, often shown to talk loudly and excitedly with other agents, disregarding the prior atmosphere in the room or creating one on her own entirely. Despite not having many friends growing up, Disko has a natural inclination to ensure everyone feels included, such as when she makes inside jokes with Neon about K/SEC to bond with her.

Aside from when it comes to Reyna, Disko is said to be incredibly impatient, and unable to sit still for long, always ready to jump head first into action. Disko is also known to be the life of a party, keeping spirits high and making every situation a fun and upbeat one. This unfortunately does mean she keeps any discomfort and qualms to herself, only sharing her concerns to her closest friends (namely Birdie and Reyna) afterwards in private.

A recovering alcoholic, Disko suffers from long periods of withdrawal, almost always on the brink of relapsing if it were not for her protocol members keeping an eye on her. When in withdrawal, Disko becomes jittery and anxious, even forgetting her allies' callsigns, or how to speak in English. Sage and Skye note that this has gotten better, likely due to their intervention and combined care.


Disko's Childhood

Born from two Kingdom employees, Dolores spent most of her time with either her father, a K/SEC military commander, or her mother, a weapon bioengineer and scientist. Privately home schooled, Dolores did not have classmates nor friends as a child, instead befriending the many soldiers under her father’s command, reminding them of their own children and lifting their spirits when training. When asked not to distract them, she would look around for stray cats that roamed into the camp, often finding a tabby that had a pattern reminiscent of ballistic markings. As she was heavily advised against naming a cat “Ballistic”, the stray ended up with the name “Bullet”, and can usually be found napping next to a used rifle for warmth.

As a child, Disko would ask to ride the tanks or hold her father's rifle, excitedly teaching the soldiers the parts of the gun she had learnt from her mother. She honed her marksmanship at a young age, mostly out of enthusiasm to copy her father and be apart of the action. When unable to tag along her father and his troops, she would stay at whichever branch of Kingdom's her mother was currently assigned to, using the building's amenities for her own entertainment and treating the entire place as a playground.

Her mother, Dr. Daniela Andres-Fernandez, had a highly competitive nature and many self imposed one sided rivalries, namely with Dr Sabine Callas (Viper) and Dr Nathaniel Valdez (Neon's Father), both of which had far more achievements than herself.

After First Light

Disko was 19 when First Light took place. It is heavily speculated that her radiant powers were first discovered by her mother at the lab, and she quickly came to grasp and understand what her powers could do. When she first learnt that she had turned into a radiant, Disko pulled a huge prank on her father by running straight into the training range, letting herself be hit by the machine guns firing at bots and dummies and dramatically falling to the ground. The men immediately stopped their gunfire and ran over to where they presumed Disko laid injured, only to find her giggling excessively to herself. After recovering from the initial heart attack, Disko's father and his men learnt that his daughter had turned into a bulletproof radiant, and cheered, congratulating her happily. Her father, especially, felt incredibly touched that her powers ended up having to do with artillery. (This is later proven false, as Chamber and Killjoy would discover her powers do not work strictly against bullets.)

Disko herself was incredibly happy to find out about her new abilities, seeing them mostly as a way to get closer to her parents. Her father could no longer use "I don't want you getting hurt," as an excuse, while her mother finally let her be apart of her experimentation and she got to assist her with her research. Unfortunately, Disko learnt very quickly that her mother was incredibly cold and strict to her in the lab, putting her research above Disko's wellbeing. Daniela would often trick Disko into believing she was working as a Kingdom employee, therefore it was mandatory for her to be her mother's test subject and work the long hours. These hours eventually became exhaustingly arduous, to the point where Disko was almost always in the research facility, letting her mother run tests on her without letting her rest or eat. She would see her father perhaps only once a month, and began to miss him and the army men she had grown up befriending. Disko endured this torture for six years, firmly believing that she was helping her mother, as her mother would often manipulate her. "If you loved me you would." "Don't you want mommy to succeed?" And lastly, reminding Disko of her initial enthusiasm to get to work with her, asking if she hadn't meant any of it. Cornered, Disko would learn to just endure it a little longer, always hoping that once her mother got the results she wanted, things would look up again.

After Leaving Kingdom

Six years of endurance later, Disko finally ran away, escaping from both her mother and Kingdom's grasps. The straw that broke the camel's back was the death of her father, who she never got to see for a final time due to Daniela's insistence. Disko had wanted to spend time with her father before he left for a highly dangerous combat operation, but Daniela refused, holding her up until it was far too late. Disko holds a heavy grudge against her mother for this reason, and it is the catalyst that makes her see her mother as the selfish and power hungry person she truly is. The realisation is what causes her to leave.

At 25, Disko was the complete opposite of who she was just a few years prior. Confused, hurt, angry, and shut down. Her parents' line of work, and the Kingdom Corporation, was all she had ever known, and she had initially seen her newfound radiance as the best thing to ever happen to her. She strongly believed that she would one day take over one of her parents' line of works, and that she had her life before her planned and figured out.

The first thing she did once she was finally out of Kingdom's walls was visit her father's resting place, where the years of guilt and turmoil had her bawling over his grave and breaking down. She spent some time afterwards trying to reunite with the soldiers under her father's command, but most of them had either perished in the line of fire alongside him, or were trying to retire quietly. She was no longer the entertaining child they once knew anyway, and they realised there was nothing much to say between them after all. The exchanges were brief and awkward despite how long they'd known each other, and as the realisation dawned on her, Disko felt truly alone.

In a last and final effort to gain some control in her life, Disko went to work for another one of K/SEC's units. She figured that it didn't matter that her father wasn't the one leading it, as she had spent so much time watching him operate his men. But disappointingly, she was thrust back into the reality that she never did anything more than shoot his gun. And though her accuracy was still impressive, the knowledge she had seemed irrelevant to whatever Kingdom was pursuing now. The men at this new job sneered and undermined her, only showing fascination in her as a woman rather than a marksman. When she tried reporting the perverted comments and creepy behaviour to her new commander, she naively believed the commander would be as warm as her father once was. Instead, she was dismissed immediately. "They're men, girlie. I don't know what you're expecting." She quit her position on the spot.

where it all blurs together

Seven years after First Light, Disko, now 26, was living from hotel to hotel, inn to inn. She watched the fast developing globe incorporate radianite into everything they did, making the one thing she thought unique and self-defining lose it's meaning. Aside from the inheritance her father had left her (aka everything he had, for she was his only daughter), she had no personality, interest, skills, or friends. Instead, she watched infrastructure around the city get upgraded to accommodate the radiant technology now becoming more and more commonplace. Despite having left Kingdom behind her a year prior, she couldn't help but feel as though she was part of the reason everything was changing. She was a big reason for the furtherment of Kingdom's research, even if they couldn't extract her bulletproof properties, they had used so much of her to understand radianite and what it offered. She was at the forefront of every sort of radiant related experimentation, enduring everything her mother could think of for the betterment of her own career. She was part of all this, whether she wanted to all not.

The stress and turmoil of the past few years, plus where she was at in life at that moment, plus her lack of any emotional or support system, all cumulated into one habit - drinking. Spending every night at the bars and then later the nightclubs of Los Angeles, crashing at any fling's house, and escaping from her sorrows into all sorts of nightlife. Disko would drunkenly lament all about her radiance, now calling it a curse, and her downfall, as well as berate her mother's unloving nature, blaming her constantly for the state she was in. Her sadness quickly turned into a fiery hatred, antagonising her mother for everything she's done.

Eventually, as the years went on, this hatred and sorrow slowly became acceptance. She saw a silver lining in her newfound freedom, appreciating the fact she didn't have to sit in a lab for ten hours taking blood and tissue sample and running simulations with her own body as the guinea pig. Her coping mechanism and steadily growing alcoholism, as terrible as it was, brought back a little piece of her true self from the past. She was unfiltered, she was dancing, she was having fun with whichever stranger saw interest in her that day. The days blurred together and the hangovers were debilitating, but she hadn't laughed so carelessly in years. Disko spent so long trying to forget her sorrows, that it inadvertently brought pieces of her genuine self back. For the next four years, Disko was nothing but the life of a party.

Valorant Recruitment

VALORANT Protocol was keeping an eye out on Dr. Daniela Josefina (who oddly enough changed her name only after her husband's passing) as she started to rise through the ranks, securing her position as (head) of Kingdom's R&D. The Protocol originally believed that animals were being infused with radiance in an effort to make them bioweapons, which was right up Dr. Josefina's alley. It was in this process of aiding Gekko in breaking the radivores out did the Protocol stumble across Dr. Josefina's only daughter. Learning that she was a radiant, and that she wasn't operating under Kingdom (or any relevant organisations) was an opportunity in many of the agent's eyes. Killjoy and Chamber especially, showing a keen interest in wanting to find out what makes her bulletproof. When Brimstone showed hesitancy in hiring an alcoholic, Jett and Yoru interjected with "Do you know how often we get shot everyday?!", with KAY/O and Phoenix musing how much they wish they could be bulletproof. Completely being outvoted, Brimstone asked Cypher to create a report on her background.

Raze was initially sent to meet and invite Disko, seeming as she was the closest to her "party girl" personality. However, when Raze found her, she was completely drunk, only speaking to Raze in Spanish which she could not understand. Brimstone took this as another sign that he should not hire her, but Killjoy's pleading was insistent, going as far as to creating a bot to teach Disko English if need be. Cypher asserts that Disko is bilingual, and that there is no such need. As Reyna was about to go meet and recruit Gekko, she was therefore tasked with inviting Disko as well. Disko's meeting with Reyna takes place immediately after the events of the GREATER THAN ONE cinematic.

Reyna was surprised that Disko was speaking to her in fluent English, and she presented the opportunity for Disko to join the Valorant protocol before she got too inebriated to think clearly. Disko was intrigued that her radiance was brought into the conversation, as well as her gunfire knowledge and background, all of which were parts of her past she had spent the past few years forgetting and not dwelling on. She accepted the invitation, mostly seeing it as a chance to work with both guns and hot women like Reyna herself.

Disko hadn't ridden a helicopter since she was 18, and she felt a sense of deja vu as she rode the aircraft to the VPHQ. Arriving at Brimstone's office just as Gekko left it, Disko immediately called Viper by her name, Dr. Callas, going as far as to inquire about her life's research and it's progression, impressing her instantly. Similarly, Disko recognised the K/SEC faction Brimstone had originated from, bluntly asking if he worked there, or was affiliated with them, which also impressed Brimstone. When briefed on the Protocol's strict guidelines on not having an external life and maintaining personal connections with outsiders, or staying in the public eye, Disko easily and quickly refuted all their doubts, casually mentioning that she hasn't had a single interpersonal relationship in years. While others in the room believed this statement to be tragic, Disko herself was stoked by how well she qualified for the job, smiling widely despite the bleak nature of her words.

Gekko and Reyna were still speaking outside when the briefing ended, with Disko running up to Reyna to reveal that she "got the job". Gekko exclaims that he did as well, causing them to celebrate in a flurry of fast Spanish cheers. Disko was so excited to finally have not just one, but two friends who spoke Spanish, and a new job, that she wrapped them both in a hug right outside Brimstone's office while he and Viper were still talking, much to the leaders' amusements.

While making her initial rounds around the headquarters, Disko was approached by many of the duelists who had already been expecting her arrival. Many of them expressed their excitement, asking if she was "the bulletproof one". Disko enthusiastically affirmed them each time, asking them about their own powers and skills eagerly and befriending as many of them as she could.

While her recruitment into the protocol felt like a dream come true, cracks formed almost immediately in the arrangement. Most notably, as Brimstone had feared, she could not easily reduce her alcohol intake. She would withdraw very quickly, oftentimes becoming jittery and nervous, apologising repeatedly and frantically for every little stutter and tick. The entire protocol started feeling stressed to drink socially (or even leave a beer in the fridge) themselves, fearing they may cause a relapse in Disko. It was a frustrating dilemma for Sage, Sova, and Skye to handle as they would remark on how valuable of a gunman and rifler she was, but how they could not risk sending her into the field if she was not sober.


Skye eventually devised An Intervention for Disko, alerting all agents via a mass email to be on the look out for Disko's habits, counting how many glasses she's had and discouraging her from drinking. This was met with understandably mixed responses, as some of the agents did not feel any responsibility towards the 31 year old.

In a desperate attempt to better herself (so that she could be sent on field missions), Disko started distracting herself by dancing to pop song choreographies as well as resuming a childhood hobby of rollerblading. She felt so naturally comfortable on the latter that she started training on the bots in the practice range with her rollerblades. Presently, Disko insists that she shoots better with her rollerblades on. This has yet to be proven, though she is seen in many cinematics and maps wearing her rollerblades, implying that the team does believe her. Or at the very least, encourage this newfound hobby to prevent her from touching a glass of wine.




Starting at 20%, using Ricochet charges up a bar that can then be converted to kinetic speed, which acts similarly to Jett's Tailwind, or Neon's High Gear.

Basic Abilities

  • [C] Take Cover - INSTANTLY dashes in front of the nearest ally within 10 metres, absorbing any bullet damage directed towards the ally.
  • [Q] Disco Light - EQUIP a destructable Disco ball. FIRE to throw it up, blinding enemies within a 360° field of it. Acts similarly to Reyna's Leer, or Gekko's Dizzy.

Signature Ability

  • [E] Ricochet - INSTANTLY begins a charge that lets Disko convert bullet damage to kinetic speed. ALT FIRE once fully charged to release the kinetic speed, surging foward momentarily. Charge can be re-activated after every two kills.

Ultimate Ability

  • [X] The Line Of Fire - INSTANTLY recharges and activates Ricochet, body blocking any gunfire and returning them back to it's original shooter. Equipping a firearm ends the ultimate prematurely. Lasts 12 seconds.



Brimstone was initially hesitant to make contact with and attempt to recruit an alcoholic, but was quickly impressed by Disko's military knowledge. Disko has a firm respect for him as a commander, calling him 'bossman' and oftentimes seeing glimpses of her late father in some of his speech mannerisms.


Viper and Disko had met a long time ago, as Viper was the superior of Dr. Daniela, Disko's mother. In many ways, Viper reminds Disko of her mother, cold, calculative, toxic... but Sabine's research and sciences are never placed on a higher priority than her teammates' safety, the concern she has showing especially on the field. Viper is impressed when Disko first refers to her as Dr. Callas without an introduction, going straight into asking about one of her earlier research, showing the extent of Disko's memories of her past.


Omen and Disko are very contradictory, wherein Omen wishes to regain memories of his past, while Disko oftentimes longs to forget them. Despite this, they have a mutual friendship built on supporting one another's hobbies, with Disko complimenting Omen's patience when it comes to knitting, or cutting bonsais, remarking that she "could never!"


Killjoy was one of the biggest advocates for recruiting Disko into the protocol, explicitly stating an interest in "making her bots bulletproof". While initially wary of being tested on in another laboratory, Disko has warmed up to Killjoy, who heavily prioritises her comfort and safety, as well as chats earnestly with Disko whenever they wait for any results to be analysed. This makes Disko like and think highly of her, as she's unable to remember even a single time her mother treated her well.


Cypher was originally tasked to do a background check on Disko, leading to her obvious skepticism towards him. However, Cypher has proven he shows concern for the duelist, readily agreeing most often to fine tune her rollerskates.


Sova was apart of Disko's recruitment and rehabilitation, having been sought out by Skye to inquire about his hangover cures, something the Russian insists his babushka had a perfect recipe for. While Disko would go on to have a closer friendship to his partner, she admires the positivity Sova brings to the team, and is thankful for him for having helped her—as well as make her best friend happy. She does, however, tend to spout petty quips about Sova, never getting over the fact that he would not let her "walk" his owl drone.


Sage was an integral part of Disko's rehabilitation, and one of the few agents who took the warning of looking out for Disko very seriously. Despite an obvious hierarchical difference between them, they respect each other mutually, with Sage oftentimes silently leaving a glass of water and some aspirin on the kitchen counter. Disko oftentimes feels ashamed and embarrassed knowing she has been caught or relapsed briefly once again, but nevertheless feels a deep sense of gratitude to Sage for making her feel cared about. Despite being similar in age, Disko finds herself enjoying being taken care of by someone else, akin to a mother would.


Phoenix initially showed interest in Disko's radiant abilities, openly wishing to be bulletproof as well. However, they quickly started getting along for many other reasons, including a shared trait of recklessness and impatience. Phoenix and Disko are said to eat together often, despite constantly bickering, and the bond between them can be amounted to "finding each other a nuisance but feeling not the same without the other there." They are both incredibly flashy too, on and off the field, and has been called a migraine when together by Viper more than once.


Jett was part of the team of duelists that Disko quickly befriended and got along with. However, Disko had completely misread Jett's personality, speaking in a slang that Jett frankly had no grasp of. Despite how she spoke, Jett wasn't American-Korean as she came across, she was fully Korean, and could not understand many of the western jokes and quips Disko sent her way. It wasn't until far later did this misunderstanding come to light, but by then, Disko had grown far too ashamed to speak to Jett again. Despite this, the pair synergise incredibly well on the field as movement agents, and Disko always appreciates someone who's willing to just run in and take a good gunfight. In recent cinematics, the two seem to have worked past their misunderstandings, shopping for clothes together in Los Angeles.


The first person she properly spoke to, Reyna became a mentor and an older sister figure to Disko. Especially considering that Disko sometimes forgets English entirely when drunk, Reyna is often the person she ends up speaking to, rambling about her life's grievances. Sometimes this is also accompanied by Gekko, the other Spanish speaking agent. Like many of the other duelists, Disko holds Reyna's prowess to high regard, and is grateful to have been approached by Reyna for such a life-changing opportunity to join the protocol. When confused or unsure of any mission, Reyna is the first she turns to, something Reyna prides on.


Despite their initial misunderstanding, Raze and Disko quickly got along, bringing along lots of chaos and fun wherever they went. When not in battle, they rollerskate often together, even teaching each other dances from their hometown. On the field, they often get distracted, with Raze trying to blastpack a Disko on rollerskates to do something really stupid, and needing one of the other team members to bring their focus back to the mission. Despite befriending both Killjoy and Raze, Disko gets along more with Raze, and she has a habit of snatching Legion's Killjoy merchandise for her.


Despite never getting off on a rough start, Disko and Breach have a turbulent relationship. This is due to Disko's past, having been preached by her father on the injustice and wrongdoings of thieves and the like. Although she recognises Breach's capabilities, she heavily dislikes the way he brags about his crimes, going into detail about his heists. Breach thinks that this is strange, as Disko was far from a model citizen herself, but otherwise does not comment on it.


Disko is incredibly thankful to Skye for starting her intervention programme. However, Disko is incredibly envious of Skye, seeing in Skye many aspects she once thought of for herself, as well as wishing she had Skye's muscles and physique. Despite her envy, Disko still asks pat her trailblazer, unable to resist any cute animals, which Skye appreciates.


Disko and Yoru have a positive relationship, with Disko being one of the few Yoru shows to be impressed by, as well as sharing a recklessly independent nature together, willing to team up often to do things their own way. The two of them seem to have a way of figuring out the other's movements without words, often creating trap plays for their enemies on the fly that look and feel incredibly cool. The pair radiates smugness and invincibility, an air of "we are better than you and we know it" around them. Despite never spending time outside of field missions, they understand how each other think, and complement each other well on the field.


Aside from showing interest in Astra's accessories and piercings, it seems Disko and Astra do not spend much time together, but have an otherwise neutral or positive relationship. Astra thinks highly of Disko however, as she tends to return her slang and quips, making the other feel more understood.


Having seen the extensive use of Artificial Intelligence and it's effects in Kingdom, Disko cannot comprehend how KAY/O works, refusing to believe that his words and actions are his own, and that he is capable of feeling. She doesn't speak to him unless necessary, and doesn't sympathise when KAY/O is going through a rough time, as she believes they should simply turn him off and on again.


Chamber was one of the first agents to advocate in Disko's recruitment for himself and Killjoy's scientific purposes, creating a sense of deja vu for Neon. Externally, Chamber and Disko flirt an obnoxious amount. Disko seems to be one of the few agents to entertain and respond positively to Chamber's flirtation. However, both parties are aware that they are only having fun, with no real romantic connotations behind it. Like Killjoy, Chamber has spent a lot of time using Disko's radiance to improve his own custom rifles, including the Tour de Force, thus making him appreciate her.

Their time working together alone in a lab is far more serious and scientific, solidifying that what they say in front of the others is just a show they put on to be funny/annoying.


Neon and Disko's friendship did not start off the best for Neon, who felt many insecurities at seeing someone who seemed so similar to her in concept, but so much more put together (though, we all know we wouldn't call Disko well put together). Everything from sharing a background at K/SEC, having parents working at Kingdom, to having momentum and speed increasing abilities, Neon at one point felt threatened, almost thinking the protocol will replace her entirely with Disko, who was also assigned to be a duelist.

Neon was envious of how quickly Disko befriended everyone, including Birdie, who Neon had been struggling to befriend for a while. However, this ability to make friends with others extended to Neon herself. Disko would approach Neon and make inside jokes about K/SEC and the K R&D that only Neon would understand, going as far as to question if Kingdom was still doing some of their traditions. Disko genuinely enjoyed confiding in Neon due to their similarities, admitting that she was her favourite duelist to zoom around with. Neon, who was touched by this admission, came to accept and befriend Disko. Though, it's implied by some of her voice lines that Neon still feels insecure, sometimes inferior, when it comes to Disko.


Disko first met Fade briefly when she was sent to the laboratory to meet Killjoy. On her first day, seeing the laboratory space made Disko incredibly nervous, with lots of past experiences and memories flooding back. The fear was so evident that Fade showed up to ask everyone to take their conversation to the common room instead, and Disko had never felt more gratitude for a stranger than at that moment.

Aside from their initial exchange however, Disko did not get many chances to speak to Fade, who was an insomniac and often kept to herself.This, paired with Disko's constant hangovers, meant that their paths never crossed easily. It was only after a particular mission on Bind did Disko start feeling a little closer to Fade.


Harbor actively shows a disdain for and discourages Disko's drinking habit. However, it's evident that this is out of concern for her, and that the two share a mostly positive relationship, both being loose with their compliments and encouragement for others and for one another. He once bought her a transparent waterbottle, going out of his way to refill it on missions just to ensure she remains hydrated, with H2O rather than alcohol.


Disko and Gekko share a positive sibling like relationship, often speaking together in Spanish and going rollerskating and skateboarding together. Like many others, Disko shows an interest and affection for Gekko's critters, who respond to her affections in kind. Oftentimes however, the two can completely lose track of time, returning to the HQ past curfew and getting a mandatory lecture from Reyna.


Birdie was the one who succeeded at distracting Disko during her Intervention the most, seemingly never running out of new things she wanted to tell Disko. It was thanks to Birdie that Disko quickly learnt about the different dynamics and friendships between her teammates, as Birdie was unintentionally very blunt about them. Disko has an immense affection for her sentinel bff, and the two grew incredibly close, sharing almost everything with one another now.


When Disko first saw Lyrus, she thought she was dreaming. There was no way this job position was a real thing. Everything up till then had already been perfect, almost too perfect, with the way it felt the protocol was made for her to work in. And then Lyrus showed her face and Disko left the room and came back three times to make sure she wasn't seeing things. There was no way THE Lyrus was apart of the protocol. After the surprise settled, Disko ignored the fact that she knew every single lyric to Lyrus' songs, instead noting how she always happened to be around when herself and Birdie were chatting up a storm.

Despite not saying much, and interjecting only when necessary, Disko quickly came to see that Lyrus cared in her own way, slapping her hand every time she tried to reach for a drink. She came to see Lyrus as her teammate, coworker, and friend, but still fangirls silently when she's not looking.


  • Disko's working name in the dev files is Skater
  • Disko's original callsign was going to be Rikka, short for ricochet.
  • Disko can still take damage from utilities and molotovs.
  • Disko was designed as a measure to make wall bangers and smoke spammers consider more thoughtfully about their spam.
  • When young, Disko had only visited the main Kingdom Corp location in Shinjuku, Tokyo once.
  • Disko's mother is acquainted with Viper.
  • Unlike many of the other agents, Disko holds Kingdom Corporation to an extremely high value sentimentally.
  • Her rollerblading skill is a natural gift, being able to do it like second nature without having ever learnt or practiced.
  • Birdie was the best at distracting her from wanting to drink. while Lyrus was the best at smacking her hand when she did try.
  • As discovered by Killjoy and Chamber, Disko's Radiant skin can best be compared to oobleck, a non-newtonian liquid that hardens when force or pressure is exerted.