Icey Kurre



8 years, 6 months ago
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Icey Kurre

uncaring . paranoid . tough

Gender Male
Pronouns He/Him
Orientation ...
Sexuality ...
Species Bevera Vamp Ju-c
FlavourBlue Raspberry & Lemonade Icey
Rarity Rare
Residence Pulixe
Job Hitman


Icey lives in an Apartment with his roomate, Kasui. When they first met, Icey actually forced Kasui to let him live with him, though at this point he doesn't care much anymore. Icey's a part of Coke, a gang run by Vanilla. He's considered to be the most dangerous member of their gang.

Icey is a Vamp Ju-c, born and raised on Smolp, and due to that has some problems that arise from growing up with that sort of life style. Oftentimes he is very paranoid and feels like people are watching him or out to get him, and has bouts of what could be considered a mixture of anger and panic attacks. He has little connection with other Ju-c's, even those who he is around a lot. He puts near to no value on anyones life, including his own. Due to this he works as a paid hitman of sorts; people can pay him to rob, scare, beat up, or even kill others. Sometimes he hurts people even if he was not paid to hurt them, just because he likes the power trip.

He often has very intense nightmares of all sorts, and due to this he gets very little sleep. He stays up into the late hours and wakes up very early, and many times in between. He usually gets only a couple of hours of sleep a day, which definitely does not help with improving his mental state.

Icey talks to himself a lot, as well as repeats certain actions out of habit. He almost always talks in a fake voice, especially when around other people, as he does not like his real voice because it is more high-pitched. The only person that Icey is still in contact with who knows his real voice is Kasui. Kasui found out on accident and since then Icey has occasionally talked normally around him since he already knows anyways. ((Maybe if Icey wasn't the way he is, he could have been a voice actor instead of a hitman)).

He has a daredevil attitude most of the time, and will say things that are inapropriate for the situation at hand, not caring about what other people think.

His favourite weapons are a kunai and a crossbow, though he doesn't use the crossbow as often. He doesn't have enough patience most of the time to use it. He also will use regular knives or other weapons if he's in a pinch.

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