Ramses Dyner



8 years, 4 months ago
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Ramses Dyner

collected . romantic . confident

Gender n/a
Pronouns He/Him
Orientation ...
Sexuality ...
Species Natural Vamp Ju-c
Flavour Peach Juice
Rarity Rare
Residence City Center, Pulixe
Job Head Ju-c Database


Ramses was born on Trossipa, so he doesn't carry the same burdens as Vamp Ju-c's that live on Smolp. He currently lives in City Center with Jacklyn and Dimitri.

He's the head at the Ju-c Database, meaning he collects and organizes the information about all of the Ju-c's in the world.

Ramses is normally calm and collected, having an air of confidence around him that manages to give those around him a confidence boost as well. He's a smooth talker and cares very much for those he is close to. He could definitely be considered a hopeless romantic.

Jacklyn is his committed mate, and he treats Dimitri as if he were his own son, even though they aren't related, and he wasn't around for most of his childhood.

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