Fawn Mallory



1 year, 3 months ago



Enten “Fawn” Mallory

24 - Male - " / cm

The Loner 



Full Legal Name: Enten Magne Remus Victor Fredrik Håvard Mallory von Johannessen [Fawn]





  • Puzzles
  • Trying new things
  • Exercising
  • Cave diving
  • Hammocks


  • Restrictions
  • Boredom


  • Exercising
  • Puzzles
  • Cave diving


Born from a night of reckless fun  between Hellman and Sweet, Fawn is one of 2 children- himself and  Kedrin- that came from said union.

When  Sweet and Hellman got up to their narsty business, Hellman and his wife  Peya saw this as an opportunity- they'd been trying to have heirs for  ages, but for some reason, couldn't quite get the whole babymaking of it  all to work. Peya's genetic material just wasn't quite viable, but  Sweet's? Boy howdy. Twins, right out of the gate. The Blaesedrin-von  Johannessen duo put the unborn Fawn and Kedrin into tubes and let those  bad boys grow artificially, which produced... Fawn and Kedrin!

Peya and Hellman were wealthy as shit. Old, old ass money between the two of them. Peya also came from a rather  intensive medical science background, with her family doing research  into the human genome and seeing what made people tick. By extension,  the babies they were making  were a part of that study by virtue of just  being born to them! Amazing. Right on the eve of the ninth month of  their existing, Fawn and Kedrin were... 'born'... and Sweet was given  first rights of holding the fascinating little creatures.

Sweet  loved these boys from the second they laid eyes on them. Love at first  sight with these oddly created babies. Peya insisted they stay at their  medical facility for the first year or so of life just to make sure  these artificially created infants weren't about to just keel over or  something, which Sweet begrudgingly agreed to. He thought the place  needed better security from the time he first stepped foot inside, but  assumed the Blaesedrin-von Johannessens had enough money to figure out  what would work best for them.


Fawn  and Kedrin got kidnapped within 4 months of being born. Middle of the  night. Security was too lax, proper precautions had been ignored for too  long, and a small group of guys who knew they could profit off of this  technology stole not only the important documentation and research that  went into making Fawn and Kedrin viable, but they stole the babies  themselves.

Sweet hunted them down immediately.

Kedrin  was harder to find. It took a few years before actually snagging the  guy again, and Sweet didn't stop looking. For Fawn, though, Sweet caught  the guy and all too literally ripped him to shreds with one hand as the  other held their sweet little guy as close as possible. No one was  gonna take his kids again, god dammit.

The  agreement was made: Fawn was Sweet's. Hellman and Peya had fucked up  too hard, and Sweet was in the driver's seat, now. This was his kid, and once he found Kedrin, he'd be Sweet's too! Solely! OFFICIALLY. 

Fawn  did well being raised by Sweet. He was a calm, quiet little boy who  would barely blink, to the point that Sweet would get righteously  concerned. He was a natural athlete and hunter, but was incredibly  restless. All day long, he had to be doing something, barely  sleeping whatsoever and needing Activities to keep him relaxed. Weights  in his backpack, on his ankles, a weighted blanket to chuck over him so  he'll finally just lie down for 5 minutes and relax- anything.

They  found Kedrin when the two of them were 3. Kedrin had somehow survived  wolves mauling the man who'd kidnapped him, and was being raised by said wolves. However, with some firm insistence (throwing large  quantities of meat to the wolves in exchange for the tyke) they managed  to wrangle Kedrin away- and have a happy whole family again!

They  grew up rather healthy. Fawn was prone to colds, and probably gets the  flu once every two years, but on the whole? Healthy. Active. A menace in  public school. Kedrin was a slow bloomer, considering... he had been  feral for the first 3 years of his life. Upon arrival at kindergarten,  after 2 years of intensive restructuring of Kedrin's world and  existence, they were set into the greater public for the purpose of  learning and socialization. Beautiful.


 Septimus "Sweet" Stavros Mallory

Fawn's mother, one half of the unholy union of his parents getting freaky with a complete stranger in an alleyway after having a 'friendly wrestling match'. 

Sweet is a terrifying gal, being from an incredibly dangerous family to know. He's easily the most threatening of the lot to know, which made the combination of genes that ultimately made Fawn so buck-wild.

 Kedrin von Johannessen Blaesedrin

Fawn's technically older brother, a brick shithouse of a man. Like Fawn, he was snatched as a baby, but rather than end up with the kidnapper, the other half of that operation got mauled by wolves, resulting in Kedrin getting... raised by wolves. For the first few years of life, at least.

He's an oddball.

  Johannes Wolfgang Agnar Godtfred Magne Hellman von Johannessen XVIII

Fawn's father, one half of the unholy union of his parents getting  freaky with a complete stranger in an alleyway after having a 'friendly  wrestling match'.

 Maternal Family

Paternal Family
