take my breath away's Comments


I've been absolutely blown away by the popularity of this design and I'm so thankful to everyone who faved + commented, it means the world to me! I've read every kind word and comment and hope to see some of ya'll around!

I've done the number crunching and the winner is.... Ester303 !!

WOOOOOOOO!! I totally didn't expect i'll win this gorgeous design... I can't describe my happiness right now TwT 💖💖


Whoa, such a breathtaking design! Subbed and favorited, thank you for the chance and good luck everyone! <3

Faved and commented!

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Favourited and subbed thank you for the opportunity!

Faved and subbed <3 

Faved and subbed, beautiful design!

Faved & Subbed

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Faved and subbed, I love This design its so beautiful.


faved! (+1)


faved! thanks for the opportunity, this design is so cool!

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Faved and subbed, lovely work! Thanks for the opportunity :]

fav and sub

Faved and subbed!! ^^

OOO ur designs are so cool, tysm for the chance! faved + subbed :-)

faved and subbed!!

Faved and subbed

Faved and subbed!

Faved and subbed!!

faved and subbed eeeee

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this is so cool!! Faved and subbed!! 

Favourited and subscribed!! 


Faved n subbed! (The other char said unavailable?) 

Faved and subbed (couldn't fave the other character cause its unavailable)

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This user is not visible to guests.

Faved both

faved both   

faved both :)

Faved both and subbed!!

This design is just so??? Beautiful like omg?? The colours fit so well I just love everything about it 

Faved both and already subbed!

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Faved this one, faved the other one, and already subbed! :DÂ