Irving Boxley



1 year, 2 months ago

Basic Info


Irving Boxley






58 y.o. (DoB: 1940)


162 cm




Half French, half Japanese






Irving is a skilled lawyer who is initially mentioned in Dexter's backstory. He is attentive and responsible to his work, always notices some details and always wants to get to the bottom of the truth. Can't stand lying, even if it's for the good. 

Early years

Irving was born to a mixed couple. His mother was French and his father was Japanese. At birth, Irving was no different from other children, but over time, his peers began to notice that he was not quite European. Irving was taunted by some of his classmates for this, as well as for his glasses, which always looked ridiculous against his small, thin face. Irving tried not to pay attention to this, as he was busy with his studies. During his school years, he cannot name at least one good friend, except for the children with whom he was simply in a neutral relationship.


The decision to become a lawyer was the initiative of Irving himself, and his parents supported him in this, since they themselves also had serious professions. In this regard, Irving had to move to another city in order to get a decent education. He began living in a university dormitory and although he was lucky to be in a room alone, he had rather annoying neighbors outside the walls. This often prevented him from studying, so the guy spent time studying outside the home.

At this time, Irving began to notice that he was more attracted to men than girls. While his male peers spent time with girls, he didn't find it interesting. This became more pronounced when Irving noticed that he was in love with his professor, who was ten years older than him. He explained these feelings for a long time as respect or admiration, but he could not get rid of obsessive thoughts. 

When thoughts of confession became too intrusive, Irving decided to digress by dating his girl classmate. Irving dated her for several months and seemed to enjoy it, although their relationship was always rather dry and detached. When it seemed to him that he no longer thought about the professor, these thoughts returned again and one day, when he tried to establish more friendly relations with him, he found out that he was rather homophobic. This strongly repulsed Irving, although he guessed that in his time the environment was rather homophobic. But the words the professor said destroyed the ideal that Irving had built around him. Irving did not think about the professor anymore and continued to meet with the girl for some time, until he realized that she was uncomfortable being around him and not receiving love in return, so they broke up.

Work as a lawyer

Irving graduated as one of the best students. He managed to quickly find a job and soon got his first lawsuit. But despite the fact that it was simple, Irving was confused and the man was convicted, although there was not much evidence against him. The relatives of the convict began to scold Irving, because of which he became very ashamed and he did not take up court cases for some time, starting his studies again, because he thought that he had lost knowledge in comparison with knowledge during his studies.

Acquaintance with Dexter 

One day, when he was about 35 years old, he met Dexter. Initially, for him, it was just another person whose guilt is clear, but he still had to defend him in court. However, he saved Dexter from being accused of a murder he did not commit and he was convicted only of theft. Dexter seemed strange to Irving. He behaved so calmly in court, as if it was a common thing for him and he did not mind being in jail again. Irving was surprised when after a while he received a call from prison and it was Dexter. 

At first, Irving believed that Dexter was trying to ingratiate himself with him for future gain. He heard many times about stories where prisoners find people outside the prison, so as not to be alone and have someone to return to after imprisonment. But he soon realized that Dexter had no such goals.

They continued to communicate for several years by phone and by correspondence. Sometimes Irving sought meetings with Dexter, explaining this by business meetings with his ward. The more often he contacted Dexter, the more pronounced his feelings for him became. They started dating a few months before Dexter was released from prison.

Relationship with Dexter 

At first, Irving thought this was absurd. He blamed himself for becoming one of the girls who naively wait for a prisoner from prison in the hope of a brighter future with him. But he soon stopped thinking about it when he began to enjoy his time with Dexter. He was very happy to be with him in those moments when he was not in prison and very angry when he did another stupid thing and was punished. But Irving never stopped visiting Dexter.

Breakdown with Dexter 

One day, Irving asked Dexter not to do stupid things anymore and not go to jail, as he did not want to see him through bars anymore. Dexter swore but didn't keep his promise. Despite the fact that Irving still loved Dexter, he could no longer tolerate the fact that he could not stay out of prison for more than a few years, so he broke up with him, refusing to handle his last case.

Irving thought that breaking up with Dexter would not affect him much, but very soon he realized how hard it was for him to be alone. To fill the void in his soul, Irving very soon began a relationship with one of his colleagues. It was a man of his age, they were similar characters - both calm and balanced. Irving believed that he would be better off with someone like him, because of whom he would not get into trouble and be nervous. 

During several years of relationship with a colleague, he often caught himself thinking that he was not satisfied with the measured and boring life both at work and at home, and that he would like to return to what it was before. But he always tossed it aside as he was sure it wouldn't be better for him. And he also thought that Dexter was mad at him and didn't want to see him again.