


6 years, 2 months ago


6230581-8881281519-tenor.gif"Bet it all"

Necrobies owned by

Name: Faust
Age: --
Gender: Masculine
Sexuality: Poly-sexual

Animal/Plush: Jack-A-Lope
Emotion: Desperation

Multi-Eyes (R) | X Shaped Pupils (R) | Yellow Scleras (R) | Kiss Mark Tattoo (R) | Stitched Opening (UR)
Dual Insides: Goop/Eyes (UR) | Spiked Ears Bod-Mod (UR) | Multi-Limbs (UR) | Monster Arms (UR) | Jack-a-lope (M)

Mini Synopsis :
It seemed simple enough. Be a good person and good things would follow. At least that was what people would say. If only it were so easy to

 live a good life. But unfortunately, the sad truth was that bad things happened to good people all the time. And no one knew better then his sweet 
little girl, Emilia. Who parent's marriage was complicated. And her father's occupation was unmanageable. She sorted threw her own complicating
 childhood by repairing what wasn't broken. Cutting and stitching together her dolls in an effort to make them 'special'.A hobby that rewarded her in
no way other then frightening her piers into the viewing her as a 'troubled child '. But maybe they were right? She was in trouble. Her father's suffering
financial situation depleted any hope of them stabilizing their rocky house hold. And once the cops were called and her parents reported for illegal 
activities? There was nothing more to really say but good bye to the life she once knew and hello to her new place in the foster care system.(edited)

A change that she might have welcomed. But even there, monsters lurked behind ever corner. So with needle in one hand and thread in the others.
Emilia crafted her most 'special' and frightening creation yet. She created Faust. And he was to be the monster to frighten away all the others. After all,
what better way to scar off the beast then to create a bigger one. He easily became her favorite. And was with her when she went to her first few homes. 
Moving from house to house. And family to family. Slowly but surely she started to leave her younger year behind. And wondered if there would ever 
be a place for her. Faust manifested from her desperation. Promising what most monsters did “happiness in exchange for trust and devotion”. A promise 
that the tired young girl was all to willing to give. So he protected her. Manage her living until he found her the perfect forever home. But he wasn't yet
 done. He stayed with her even then. Like parachute strapped to a fliers back. He stared for high school. And found ways to work and pay for her collage. 
And when she got married? He worked and helped pay for that too. And once she was settle, happy and pregnant. The monster she summoned in her 
childhood? Left her.